Do you actually NEED bubblers in a DWC??? I don't see why you would...


Active Member
The roots are half in water and half out of water. the half out of the water gets all the oxygen...

i'm thinking this because when one has a bubbler inside the tub not all the roots are getting hit with the oxygen yet they are still living and doing fine...


Active Member
i just read another thread that said it has more to do with the surface water moving? and not staying stagnant?


I've rooted cuttings before in tap water/superthrive in a shot glass so technically No you don't NEED any extra oxygen but it helps speed growth and prevents algea from forming.


Well-Known Member
The air bubbles pop when they hit the surface of the water and splash upwards wetting the visible roots. The more air the better.
The bubbles help keep your soup mixed up, and keep humidity levels up in the area above your water level.

I have used drip buckets before and when you add an air stone the roots are much healthier.


Well-Known Member
The roots need oxygen and the more the better, but if you don't want to have any then be my guest and try it out. Let us know how it turns out, maybe you'll find something new out.


Active Member
The roots need oxygen and the more the better, but if you don't want to have any then be my guest and try it out. Let us know how it turns out, maybe you'll find something new out.
i agree that they do (or maybe they don't). however, i BELIEVE they can get it ANYWHERE in the root system. I.E. you can put your body in water and hell even your mouth under water but as long as your nose is above the water you will get OXYGEN everywhere in your system. Same for plants no?