Do People Not Like Texans?


Well-Known Member
Everyone that talks to me to my face is nice and even long term seem not to have an problem, but I definitely have noticed that in America (It's different in Mexico) people that DON'T talk to a Texan (Sometimes I wear a Texas Rangers hat, so I'm guessing people notice I'm Texan when I have that on) or talk to them through a keyboard (I know Buck openly has a problem with Texans), almost act like they got some kind of problem with us... What's the deal?? I just want to know, why? What did Texas do to you? (Question Directed at anyone who can answer it)


Well-Known Member
I really want to know. And if people don't like Texans, that sucks. Because I have been to Florida, California and I am in Colorado right now, and like 5% of the cars plates are Texan in all those states...


Well-Known Member
They love guns, bourbon and have big bass, what's not to love!!
Agreed. Have you ever tried Jim Beam and Mountain Dew? I used to drink that when I was like 15, :lol: I don't drink much any more. Texas also has a HUGE population of habitual stoners. LARGEST/DENSEST population of habitual stoners according to a map I could find if you want :)


Well-Known Member
Everyone that talks to me to my face is nice and even long term seem not to have an problem, but I definitely have noticed that in America (It's different in Mexico) people that DON'T talk to a Texan (Sometimes I wear a Texas Rangers hat, so I'm guessing people notice I'm Texan when I have that on) or talk to them through a keyboard (I know Buck openly has a problem with Texans), almost act like they got some kind of problem with us... What's the deal?? I just want to know, why? What did Texas do to you? (Question Directed at anyone who can answer it)
i think you have pretty much ruined any chance of having a decent answer because of your forum history, no offense but you made your bed :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
i think you have pretty much ruined any chance of having a decent answer because of your forum history, no offense but you made your bed :eyesmoke:
:lol: :lol: You mean you are all going to lie and say that you don't have a problem with Texans, and that your problem is with me, when your problem is either with Texans, or that you have to be talking shit to someone while you jack off. :lol:


Well-Known Member
:lol: :lol: You mean you are all going to lie and say that you don't have a problem with Texans, and that your problem is with me, when your problem is either with Texans, or that you have to be talking shit to someone while you jack off. :lol:
I MEAN I HAVE NEVER BEEN TO TEXAS AND I DON'T GIVE A FUCK. i was trying to be polite and give you a tip. idk wtf i was thinking, i should have known you were gonna go this way with it.
i don't "jack off" i have mrs sunnyboy for that :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
George Bush 1 and 2
Tony Romo
Jerry Jones
Mathew MaConaughey
Lance Armstrong
you arrested Ozzy
the whole "Don't mess with Texas" saying...

Austin is awesome
Stevie Ray Vaughn
Willie Nelson
Don Henley
Buddy Holly
Roy Orbison

It's a push...


Well-Known Member
I MEAN I HAVE NEVER BEEN TO TEXAS AND I DON'T GIVE A FUCK. i was trying to be polite and give you a tip. idk wtf i was thinking, i should have known you were gonna go this way with it.
i don't "jack off" i have mrs sunnyboy for that :eyesmoke:
You could have just lied and said people don't like me because I'm a spammer (but I'm sure there are a few people that actually think that) But I'm not a spammer, when I got here I was told by mods to not post links to my blog in comments, to put it in my sig. Then I found out YouTube was easy, so I started using that, and people started going insane on my calling me a spammer, because Buck wouldn't stop stalking me because he was mad about a Book I posted. Then they took away my blog and YouTube sigs, then took my PM and repping privileges, then stopped modding my threads.


Well-Known Member
George Bush 1 and 2
Tony Romo
Jerry Jones
Mathew MaConaughey
Lance Armstrong
you arrested Ozzy
the whole "Don't mess with Texas" saying...

Austin is awesome
Stevie Ray Vaughn
Willie Nelson
Don Henley
Buddy Holly
Roy Orbison

It's a push...
You missed a lot of stuff...


Well-Known Member
Don't forget Rick Perry, he's a racist asshole, and their prison system is a death/execution machine. Oh yeah it's easy to create jobs when your state is full of oil wells and military bases. Lotta pissed off losers down there cause Obama won a second term too. The only good thing about Texas is it's music and cuisine.


Active Member
Texas blows just like the rest of the middle of america, IMO it would be nice if we just somehow magically got rid of all those states in the middle and then connected the east and west coasts together! (call it trimming the FAT...literally!)


Active Member
It's the media hun...
The biggest, rudest, most ignorant "lets Secede from the Union" Asshats are the ones who people see on TV day after day screaming about how they hate the USA and Love their guns and how they believe big masses of armed troops are coming to take their guns away..... Texas, Arizona, Michigan etc... they've all been in the news alot and we all get the bad rap from the Ignoramouses that they feature...

don't take it personal-- I am from Michigan-- everyone assumes I'm from Detroit and agree with Governor Schneider (jackass)on everything... or do not care about my Constitutional rights/freedom...