do cops really think we are dumb?


Well-Known Member
they don't hold murder suspects for three days.

"am i being detained?"

they can't just hold you "for questioning".

"i would like to speak to a lawyer."

three hours and i would have believed it. :)


Well-Known Member
i agree with you 420, fuckin pigs pulled me over during my college's homecoming about november for having expired tags but i didn't someone stole my license plate for my tags and put a old one on. then the license plate doesnt match the registration "please step out of your car" "may i search it" ABSOLUTELY NOT ( car is clean except for ashes in water bottle and zig's in pocket. none the less they search it and site me for paraphenilia with zig zags and some ashes that could of been cigs no way to tell. I take that to the judge get 24 of comm service and its done but still stupid

24 hours of community service for a package of zig-zags? :shock::shock: :evil::evil:


Well-Known Member
you need to chill the fuck out buddy
Hey look......a guy who spelled all his words right! + rep for u!!

But I aint your buddy :hump:

If I wanted to point out all the stupid on these forums I would be here 8 hours a day. This one really made me LOL. Sorry if you all think I'm pissed about something but I really do enjoy getting my laughs for the day reading these threads. I could have a field day here making jokes at all the dumb ass shit I read. And I'm good at it too......almost as good as fdd :hump:

Glad fdd made an appearance cause I was wondering why he's been letting so many dumb asses off the hook lately. He must like getting his "lols" here too.


Well-Known Member
They have to book you into jail for something whether they file charges ultimately or not and give you a chance to make bail.. unless you have some kind of probation violation etc.. Most likely gist of story is being left out if true.

ps. they could actually hold you for an additional 48 if a weekend was involved and if it was a holiday 3 day weekend then add another 24 hours to that. So it's possible you could go to jail for 6 days in the USA before seeing a judge or let go pending seeing a judge or charges officially being signed off by DA.

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Active Member
july 3rd I went to the hydro store and bought soil, nutes, clone kit and a lot of other things. well on my way home I saw that I was being followed by a dam cop. I stopped and ate at buger king and he hide out of sight and waited. so when I leave I notice the bastard is following me again so now I stop at the grocery store and shop. leave there and he's following me again. so finally he got tried of playing cat and mouse and pulled me over for a reason he made they search my car found all my supplies, my grow bible and bout 10 high times. helled me 72 hours for questioning hopeing they could come up with my location. never grow anywhere that's on your license cause that would have been my ass. to all growers, always watch your surroundings
I would file a complaint and make sure this a-hole is disciplined, it's illegal to investigate a person without probable cause. Well that's just me i'm sure they would keep and eye on you if this goes any further.


Well-Known Member
I have to agree it does sound like a load of BS. My brother is a lawyer piece of shit, im mean asset to the family. So trust me im well aware of my rights. If you were detained for three days for this load of shit, he says he wants to take you on as a client. That would be one hell of a law suite! Big money for you and my BRO. LOL


Active Member
I have to agree it does sound like a load of BS. My brother is a lawyer piece of shit, im mean asset to the family. So trust me im well aware of my rights. If you were detained for three days for this load of shit, he says he wants to take you on as a client. That would be one hell of a law suite! Big money for you and my BRO. LOL

I'm not sure of winning money for being detained for three day's because because there's this stupid law that allows police to hold someone for up to 72 hours and not any further unless they have a crime to charge them with.


Well-Known Member
just to be clear, the situation was about weed and PC, not booze and PC. two different things.period.


Well-Known Member
july 3rd I went to the hydro store and bought soil, nutes, clone kit and a lot of other things. well on my way home I saw that I was being followed by a dam cop. I stopped and ate at buger king and he hide out of sight and waited. so when I leave I notice the bastard is following me again so now I stop at the grocery store and shop. leave there and he's following me again. so finally he got tried of playing cat and mouse and pulled me over for a reason he made they search my car found all my supplies, my grow bible and bout 10 high times. helled me 72 hours for questioning hopeing they could come up with my location. never grow anywhere that's on your license cause that would have been my ass. to all growers, always watch your surroundings

At least you noticed him, thats good. But once you saw him waiting on you outside of stores there is one of two things you could have done, but depends on your kahoonas. One you could have approached and confronted him. The second thing is(hopefully it was an unmarked and not a patrol car or this wont work), to get back into your car and take off, then get on your cell and call 911 and say that a car has been following you, tell them your exact location while driving and would like assistance and you afraid to pull over. That will go out to any available car in the area, and once the one that is following you hears it, he will know you see him. Play their game against them.

Not sure of the law there, but why did you let them search your car? Hopefully it was clean. The rules here are they have to ask permission, but if you are arrested for any reason, then they can search without permission. That being said, detained is not arrested. Also, before you exit your car roll up the windows and then lock the doors and close it. Now they cant get in, unless they get your keys from you, but hopefully you put them in your pocket. Its real nice if you have keyless entry, and then you can just lock your keys in the car, they are not getting that code out of your head. They will be forced to do something drastic to get in which will hopefully make them second guess their present actions towards you.
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Active Member
What is with all the punishment for papers? Next thing you know they'll charge you on your way home with paraphernalia for a bong you just bought and haven't used.

I wanna have a hand rolled tobacco cigarette on my dash all the time so when the pigs try to search my car using that as probable cause, I'll rip it open and show them what's inside, pigs hate it when they're led on like that.


Well-Known Member
ok i left out the lighter in my pocket...but ya, it wasn't that bad i did it at a catholic church on my college campus and watched girls walk by all day for 4 days


New Member
The second thing is(hopefully it was an unmarked and not a patrol car or this wont work), to get back into your car and take off, then get on your cell and call 911 and say that a car has been following you, tell them your exact location while driving and would like assistance and you afraid to pull over. That will go out to any available car in the area, and once the one that is following you hears it, he will know you see him. Play their game against them.

he would be the car in the area :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
its easier said then done,
Half the time cops dont even ask if they can search your car, and if they do and you say no
then thyell just find any probable cause to do it anyways. like "i smell weed"

However if they don't find the weed that they so-called smelled then they are up shit's creek if you take it thru the proper channels like talking to commander on duty and filing a complaint...

Either a complete waste of money and a Police office begging for a lawsuit or that was a chapter out of your upcoming book....hopefully.. this is just B.S.
I took this exact stance Notorious, cause I dont know about ya'll but I live in a major city that had so so much more to do than follow me about a perhaps a personal use possession case...

acutally pigs smelling weed IS a probable cause

See above post

WRONG, know your rights, it won't stand up in court, I go by the advice of my lawyer. I am MM and know the FACTS :mrgreen:

Yeah exactly Caddy, the problem is most of us (people in general) dont know our right thus you just accept whatever the hell your told by them and something to remember fellas the cops don not care if the charges stick they have a certain quota to meet for the day/month/to move in rank etc... So those assholes only want to arrest you regardless of what the DA does after that...


Active Member
if a cop follows you to two locations waits for you to come out and follows you again then you should ask him what the fuck he is doing because that is stalking and if there was a reason to stop you he should have at first sight. .... BUT THAT STORY WAS BULLSHIT ANYWAYS. so that guy should quit lying. and just so everyone knows IT DOES NOT MATTER WHAT YOUR RIGHTS ARE OR WHAT THE LAW SAYS, COPS CAN DO WHATEVER THEY WANT TO YOU EVEN IF IT IS NOT JUSTIFIED AS LONG AS IT IS NOT CAUGHT ON CAMERA AND HIS COP BUDDIES BACK HIM UP. trust they did it to me