DK's 400w tent grow! Starring Goo, Mango and Purple Nepal!


Well-Known Member
Hey bro how's the Kannabia Special doing? I have Kannabia Mataro Blue, La Blanca, BCN Diesel, Big Band, and Kannabia Special I got as freebies. Thinking about trying out the Special. Attitude has been giving out Kannabia freebie on and off for over a year now and still haven't heard much about any of their strains yet.


Well-Known Member
From my experience so far, the Special is excellent. It's already outgrown the SBR seed which sprouted two days before the Special. It's too early to make any definitive comments about the strain, but it's doing growing very fast on a 12/12 from seed schedule. Keep up with this journal and I'll have more to say as the plant continues to grow, but right now I'm very optimistic about Kannabia Special.

David Fonseca

Active Member
Looks good mate nicely green and shiny ;) they were making me want to give them a bite too see how they taste :)
As to the v shaped leafs that is heat stress you done by raising the lights a bit maybe a fan to help her cool of and put the lights closer!!
you can have the leafs touching a cfl as long as you give them god wind so they dont get to hot
thanks for the pics
cheers, god luck


Well-Known Member
Yup. The Big Widow is still looking shrimpy as hell. I'm pretty sure the initial trauma of sprouting with only one cotyledon has stunted it, but I'm really hoping it starts kickin into high gear soon. I've started germing another one, but I still want this one to live.


Well-Known Member
Mango - Day 20 - 12/12

It's looking good for 44 days from seed. Especially considering the early N deficiency. For whatever reason, the leaves started cupping again when I got home and checked on it. I decided to cut my risks and flush with pure water just to be safe, but I hope it's just the heat. I moved the light WAY up to try and giver her some breathing room and I'll be opening up the vents on the sides of the tent during the day from now on.

Otherwise she's still nice and big with lots of new growth. I was toying around with my camera's macro zoom, but it's not very high quality, but you can see the little sparkles of new resin on the leaves with the flash. You can see the cupping in the last few photos.


..And the rest

The Sugar Black Rose is doing very well. It finished it's 14 day from seed today, but I still give them all at least a week before they start to show gender. The Kannabia Special has pretty much moved ahead of the SBR. If it flowers this quickly I'm gonna have to buy a whole pack of these someday.

The White Rhino is starting to pick up speed, too, but it's already showing tight node spacing and fat indica leaves. Not much to say about the BB x WW. It's been transplanted and seems to be doing better. It's leaves have gotten a darker shade of green and it's starting to show at least some difference in size every day.

Here they are in ascending order:

Kannabia, White Rhino, Big Widow, Sugar Black Rose



Active Member

Hey Keeper, yeah those mango leave are 'rowing' for sure, thats something i must learn to control, as one on my mates clones look like its starting to show traits of upward curling, (prob those 2days without my cooltube) other than that she is looking sweet and the lst is really starting to show off! tis hard to see in the pics but yeah sugar will be served very shortly!!

and the race is one for the little ones, poor little single coly WW hey? kanna and WR are doing well but i think the SBR is in it for the win!


Active Member
good stuff...

hey if ya interested in the mango grow, a bloke by the name of legallyflying, is doing a thread with frogster, its called the ScrOG off--new school vs old school or something similar, well LF has just posted pics of the mango bud......


Well-Known Member
hey DK! took me a while, but i'm all subbed up now for the rest of the ride! congrats on the lady mango, the lst work looks great on her. hope you figure out the cupping situation, and the other babies looking very nice as well. can't wait to see that mango flower up for you! peace


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the link, that Mango looked SICK! I can only hope mine does as well.

hey DK! took me a while, but i'm all subbed up now for the rest of the ride! congrats on the lady mango, the lst work looks great on her. hope you figure out the cupping situation, and the other babies looking very nice as well. can't wait to see that mango flower up for you! peace
I figure the cupping is probably heat-related, but it's not really severe, so I'll just deal with it.

Mango - Day 22 - Flower

I'm starting to have my doubts as to whether this is a Mango plant at all. It's not really looking all that similar to any mango grows I've seen, but it's a good specimen nonetheless. Lots of new pistil every day and her vertical growth is slowing down, so I think it's safe to say I'll be harvesting 7 main colas. She's already started visible resin production and I can see more every day.


Babies - ~15 days from seed at 12/12

No definitive signs of gender yet, but since they're all feminized seeds that doesn't really matter.

The Kannabia Special is really exceeding my expectations. Lots of healthy, green growth and plenty of side branches have pushed their way onto the scene. I'm very excited to watch this one bud.


The Sugar Black Rose has fallen behind the Special a bit, but there's more sativa in there, so it's to be expected. One of the reasons I'm an indica fanboy is because they grow fast and cured my insomnia. Nonetheless, she's also exhibiting nice side growth and perfectly formed, strong leaves and branches.


The White Rhino is looking great. Super fat indica leaves = couch lock for DK in a few months. The Big Widow is still tiny, but at least she's not stuck on one set of leaves anymore. I germed another big widow seed a couple days ago, but I'm thinking it might be a dud because it hasn't even cracked yet.


I start my new job on monday, so it'll be easier to not obsess over my girls and just let them do their thing. By the time my 8 weeks of training is complete the mango should be cured and the rest should be ready to come down if they haven't already.


Well-Known Member
Things are starting to get exciting in the tent.

Mango - Day 25 - Flower

Tons of new pistils are showing up every day. She's starting to put out a pretty pungent aroma for such a young plant. I get a strong waft of it just from stepping into the room where the tent is located. Plenty of resin is already developing all over the plant. Here's some early bud porn. The next few weeks will have her looking unbelievably good. I've been doing a little defoliation to give more light to the canopy and I think the smaller buds are thanking me for it.


The seeds - 18 days from 12/12

They're all looking awesome. The SBR and Kannabia are both confirmed females, but as I suspected, the Kannabia is already showing more pistils than the SBR. Big Widow is still shrimpy as fuck, but at least she's starting to show a little progress. The White Rhino is super bushy and is showing what appear to be the beginning of calyxes, but no pistils yet. The SBR and Kannabia are both showing excellent side growth, as is demonstrated in the pictures. I'm very optimistic about this 12/12 from seed experiment, considering they're probably still gonna stretch for another week or two.



Active Member
:shock:Holy shit DK, they have exploded with growth ay'

The mango is sure looking healthy!
As for the youngens, wel well well I was interested to see a grow 12/12 from seed and you are doing sweet and putting on a good show, great job mate.:clap:

Are they nute pigs or you still havnt feed them yet?


Well-Known Member
They're total nute pigs. They're getting nutes according to fox farm's schedule, so right now they're receiving 2 tablespoons of big bloom and 1 teaspoon of grow big per gallon. I'm gonna skip to the flower schedule on the next feeding since pistils have shown. All signs are pointing to an excellent harvest for now.


Active Member
great news mate, keep it up!!

i here that running ya veg nutes one week into flower 12/12 will eliminate any major N deficiancy in the long rung ;)


Well-Known Member
I'm none too worried about a late N deficiency, the schedule still calls for veg nutes from time to time. Plus Tiger Bloom has enough N to sustain it through flower. I'm really suprised with the growth rate at 12/12 from seed. These are turning into full bushes when I expected bonsai trees.


Well-Known Member
those have some nice frost on them already... i was hoping that watching your grow would give me the yay or nay on mango. from what i've already seen so far i'm gonna buy some mango seeds!

Keep up the great work!!