DIY Honey Oil/Honey Oil Extractor A.K.A. BHO


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Big P, what the fuck do they make the "Bee Extractor" out of that is so goddamned special that no one else in the world could possibly buy and make at their own house? Please, lemme kno, I would like to get in on the "Space Age" plastics and such myself.


Well-Known Member
First and foremost, in reference to your first paragraph of immature pure utter stupidity; I could beat your ass on a whim without having to breathe in and out more than twice.

Secondly, as this actually partains to this forum and not your gossip two-year old bullshit. You want to talk about "oxidising", this is where you lost my trust. You talk about such a simple theory of oxidation but you fail to spell the word correctly, Oxidizing. Also, would you like to talk about oxidation? Have you ever heard the word plumbing? Or Plumber? They come from the word plumbum, meaning lead in latin. What are the pipes in your house made out of that you get your tap water from? Oh yeah, that's right, lead. Now if you'd understand that the oxidation of many metals is what gives them a protective coating from releasing toxing into what you'd normally be consuming, then you might get that copper isn't too dangerous when it releases "microscopic particles". Now, if you would please, fuck off.
First and foremost, you would beat my ass on a whim?? Well arent you the hard man :lol:

With regards to oxidzing, does it really fucking matter how i spell it, but thank you for the correction, about the only thing youve been correct about thus far.

Have i heard of the word plumb and plumbing, yes i am familiar with those terms, as i told you before, i work on the building trade therefore do plumbing and use plumbing materials on a daily basis, and as i have experience with lead moulding for roof flashings and rain gulleys i know some stuff about lead mate.

With regards to what the pipes are made from that supply my house with drinking water, they are not lead at all, the mains service pipe to my property is 2 1/4" cast iron pipe, and the pipe work after that is all run in copper, with brass compression fittings or soldered joints using lead free solder, lead pipework is being phased out in this country due to contaminants leaching into the drinking water.

When copper tube is cleaned using wire wool and an acid (like that used when soldering copper joints) it will start to tarnish or oxidize within minits, the surface of the copper darkens in color, when liquid butane is run over the tarnish it is stripped away and left behind in the oil in a concentrated form, i can see it in chuckbanes oil, it looks coppery for crying out loud, now i never said this is dangerous like you say i did, did i? i said it leaves an unpleasant coppery taste to the oil which i have experienced myself!

ok ive been doing research on the honey bee extractor.from what i found some people said it doesent seal well,or seals break after the 4th time.also how safe is butane extracted honey oil to smoke?

I dont know where you got that from, my honey bee extractor is fine, it seals fine, i dont know how you can say the seals break because there are no seals to break, the end cap has a tapered thread which seals it fine, and everyone else i know who has one has no complaints with them, and they all wish they had bought one in the first place instead of making their own.

Big P, what the fuck do they make the "Bee Extractor" out of that is so goddamned special that no one else in the world could possibly buy and make at their own house? Please, lemme kno, I would like to get in on the "Space Age" plastics and such myself.
We dont know exactly what the plastic is that the honey bee extractor is made from but it is not affected by the butane in any way shape or form, and it shows in the oil that is made from it.

Besides as mentioned its such a small price i dont see why anybody would wanna make their own, especially a first time oil maker, whats £20 or $40 for kick ass oil? how much does oil cost if you can get it? costs lots round ere matey, how much money do you save by growing your own for fuck sake??


Oracle of Hallucinogens
We dont know exactly what the plastic is that the honey bee extractor is made from but it is not affected by the butane in any way shape or form, and it shows in the oil that is made from it.

Besides as mentioned its such a small price i dont see why anybody would wanna make their own, especially a first time oil maker, whats £20 or $40 for kick ass oil? how much does oil cost if you can get it? costs lots round ere matey, how much money do you save by growing your own for fuck sake??
I mean, I can see what you're saying for like $40 you'll probably get some dank honey oil everytime, but I just think that there are more cost effecient ways to do the same thing but to each his own. :joint:


New Member
Also, next person to leave me -rep (as it's the same person) writing "fuck you" and "cock", how about you leave me your username bitch.
Yep. It's great when a "herd" of children take over your thread. I have similar rep from "multiple users" too shepj. Seems like the mods aint keepin up on taking mafacka's down.

And they ask me why I have no hope for the youth!!!


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Yep. It's great when a "herd" of children take over your thread. I have similar rep from "multiple users" too shepj. Seems like the mods aint keepin up on taking mafacka's down.

And they ask me why I have no hope for the youth!!!
I hear ya man.. atleast we have someone else who sees this shit is goin down tho.


New Member
Check this out

My Ghetto ScroG, 1... 12-21-2008 07:56 AM Gimp.
DIY Honey Oil/Honey Oil... 12-21-2008 07:43 AM Retarded douche
DIY Honey Oil/Honey Oil... 12-13-2008 04:23 PM very nice.....nickfury510
DIY Honey Oil/Honey Oil... 12-07-2008 07:49 PM pussy
DIY Honey Oil/Honey Oil... 11-28-2008 09:28 PM Nice DiY I'ma try it : ) - RJ
DIY Honey Oil/Honey Oil... 11-25-2008 08:18 AM fug u :finger:
DIY Honey Oil/Honey Oil... 11-25-2008 06:49 AM cock
DIY Honey Oil/Honey Oil... 11-22-2008 03:53 AM your a asswipe mate


this fyfe/londoner character is even creeping my other threads leaving nasty posts and creating new accounts to leave some more rep 4 me.

Pathetic. Don't you think this boy has something better to do?? By the sounds of it he could use some extra time studying instead of making new accounts to childishly curse people out and leave neg rep. He doesn't seem to be the brightest boy, thats for sure.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Can we get a mod to check the accounts that this fuck is logged into the same IP addy on and being a cunt? I mean jesus christ man that is fucking bullshit!


Well-Known Member
Check this out

My Ghetto ScroG, 1... 12-21-2008 07:56 AM Gimp.
DIY Honey Oil/Honey Oil... 12-21-2008 07:43 AM Retarded douche
DIY Honey Oil/Honey Oil... 12-13-2008 04:23 PM very nice.....nickfury510
DIY Honey Oil/Honey Oil... 12-07-2008 07:49 PM pussy
DIY Honey Oil/Honey Oil... 11-28-2008 09:28 PM Nice DiY I'ma try it : ) - RJ
DIY Honey Oil/Honey Oil... 11-25-2008 08:18 AM fug u :finger:
DIY Honey Oil/Honey Oil... 11-25-2008 06:49 AM cock
DIY Honey Oil/Honey Oil... 11-22-2008 03:53 AM your a asswipe mate


this fyfe/londoner character is even creeping my other threads leaving nasty posts and creating new accounts to leave some more rep 4 me.

Pathetic. Don't you think this boy has something better to do?? By the sounds of it he could use some extra time studying instead of making new accounts to childishly curse people out and leave neg rep. He doesn't seem to be the brightest boy, thats for sure.
Can we get a mod to check the accounts that this fuck is logged into the same IP addy on and being a cunt? I mean jesus christ man that is fucking bullshit!

You fuckin do that you mongrel, i have one account and one account only, Chuckbane you got just the one neg rep from me and i left my name, and that was only in response to the pathetic childish neg rep that you left me in the first place, funny how you didnt post that one up isnt it? so, i add, the rest of those neg reps i guess must be the people speaking and saying what they truely think about you with regards to this thread.

You carry on, get your mods envolved, i dont give a fuck, im ready to leave this fuckin shit site anyway, but, however, leave me the fuck out of it because i un-sub'd from this gay thread a long time ago and your barking up the wrong fuckin tree mate.


New Member
You fuckin do that you mongrel, i have one account and one account only, Chuckbane you got just the one neg rep from me and i left my name, and that was only in response to the pathetic childish neg rep that you left me in the first place, funny how you didnt post that one up isnt it? so, i add, the rest of those neg reps i guess must be the people speaking and saying what they truely think about you with regards to this thread.

You carry on, get your mods envolved, i dont give a fuck, im ready to leave this fuckin shit site anyway, but, however, leave me the fuck out of it because i un-sub'd from this gay thread a long time ago and your barking up the wrong fuckin tree mate.
Speaking of punk bitches,, Hi londoner/crackerjax/fyfe and all the other accounts you have. You must have some mighty spare time to be making all of those accounts:spew:


Well-Known Member
the cj from my sig is in wake n bake @ 7am central time talking about wakin up. londoner talks like a straight UKer. dont make sense to me.

chill dog, its xmas:joint:


Oracle of Hallucinogens
yeh.. tis the season to smoke all the good green you can get your hands on. So I don't feel like raising hell with anyone.


Well-Known Member
Speaking of punk bitches,, Hi londoner/crackerjax/fyfe and all the other accounts you have. You must have some mighty spare time to be making all of those accounts:spew:
FFS is that what you really think??

For crying out loud man, PM Rollitup himself and ask him how many accounts i have??

Fyfe is someone else, i speak to him by email etc, and so do others, just ask around and youl soon found out for yourself how wrong you are, as for crackerjacks?? lmao i havnt even heard of that name lol