DIY Honey Oil/Honey Oil Extractor A.K.A. BHO


Well-Known Member
lol you gotta buy the PVC or the copper pipe from somewhere... as well as the drill and other stuff..... ;)


Well-Known Member
oh!!! and by the way... see the butane I gots there.... it's Near Zero impurities.... look for something that is really refined... cause your going to get rid of alot of mass so your % of impurities goes up... and it all goes up in smoke and in you.... I'd recommend Nibo or Calbri butanes...


Oracle of Hallucinogens
oh!!! and by the way... see the butane I gots there.... it's Near Zero impurities.... look for something that is really refined... cause your going to get rid of alot of mass so your % of impurities goes up... and it all goes up in smoke and in you.... I'd recommend Nibo or Calbri butanes...
Thanks for the butane advice, always nice to have someone who knows their shit. :joint:


Well-Known Member
still luv ya shepj, the last one was form me =)
And what the hell, i thought the retards killed themselves off long ago. Who the hell does this in an enclosed area?? Especially over and over. probably fried his head after a while doing this indoors......
-Mister Nice GUY


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Wait we don't use the butane in an enclosed area? Oh damn my bad. lol..
you can use isoproyl alcohol? I will try that one, I think I have some 99% shit and that's definately cheaper.


Well-Known Member
Haha i hope you know well enough not to do it inside lol
Yea i have made it with that too, just make sure it is as close to 99% as you can find. Just not using the same method of pvc pipe and stuff and takes longer and a little more dangerous seeing how it is on a stove and all.


New Member
2 of my friends almost died from making butane oil, they spent 2 months in the hospital getting skin graftsand blew the top floor of their house up. I dont like oil, the only oil i buy is from this hippie guy i know thats been doing it for 50 years and he makes it from kiff or pressed hash and its fucking amazing makes you lose time, it looks like gold with some reddish color in it fucking crazy. Btw alcohol and butane are heavier then air so the fumes stay low to the ground and dont get exhausted easily, turn off anything that has a pilot light when making it. Plus i do believe that copper and pvc could contaminate the oil, wether its life threatning i doubt it.


Well-Known Member
yes copper and pvc leave either a color or some plastic crap... use glass or stainless...... I'll take a pic of my stuff lol most of it's gone..... but yeah I'll shoot a pic and post it later


Well-Known Member
lol I keep doing this! argh, ok Iso is an alright way to do it.... except you end up burning alot of the good stuff off when you have to get rid of the iso, I've let my iso oil sit outside in the sun until it all evaporated off but honestly that took like 2 or 3 weeks...Cooking off the iso on an element is so retarted, your more likely to burn yourself...

as long as you take precautions like, no flames in the area, I use a leather glove to hold my turkey baster, cause it's dam cold.... wouldn't ever do this inside...... if you use a small dish like I said then one a bit bigger with some hot water, it doesn't matter what the temp is outside you'll have smokable oil in like 10 min.



Well-Known Member
thts a good coler maney filters u use and what kind ....ive seen diffrent ways and diffrent product,green, brown, going for the gold and thinking the oll white filter you buy at the doller store wont get me there thoughts.. also seen a dude on utube just spay it right on top some hot water said right when its almost finished he just skimmes the top layer off and hardly any scapping just what gathers on the edges..any thoughts on that .


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't use water... when I make it I make it so I can hoot it every few days and leave it for a while... if you get water in there it'll mold..... I try to keep mine as dry as possible.... I use a small square of filter, just enough to cover the end.... the more paper you have there the more the oil will soak into it, giving you less product at the end..... I go for an all natural brown paper #4 coffee filter.

don't use metal screens on the end they tend to oxidize, and turn it a darker brown. Also try not to use any platics when making it as they tend to give off pollutants.

Big P

Well-Known Member

I didnt have time to read the whole thread but 2 things to be very cargful of

#1) never ever ever us metel pipe with metal screw on caps on it screwed on cuz if u ever have a flame get near while extracting and that thing explodes you will DIE

#2) fact remains copper pipe cant be good. I wouldnt even trust stainless steel however i think that would not create any residue

only prob with that is you cant use metal end caps less you wanna risk death for a little hash oil

spend the $40 bucks and get the bee extractor you cheap ass broke ass mothafuckas

if you can afford to make hash oil you can afford the extractor

i have a problem with you guys telling others to do stupid shit, if you wanna fuck yourselves I care not but dont go around telling others this is safe cuz its not.


Well-Known Member
wouldnt have thought about mold,i guess u could evape the water of after gathered but that just be another step,thanks for the info on the filter..


Well-Known Member
:clap: good job man, reps for u. I'm waitin out the last little bit left on my grow, then i'm gonna try it. Ive been readin up a bit on the honey oil processes, and many ideas that i read, well, all of them, noted that the butane must be the purest, highest quality. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Hey Chuckbane, Shepj..................................


I didnt have time to read the whole thread but 2 things to be very cargful of

#1) never ever ever us metel pipe with metal screw on caps on it screwed on cuz if u ever have a flame get near while extracting and that thing explodes you will DIE

#2) fact remains copper pipe cant be good. I wouldnt even trust stainless steel however i think that would not create any residue

only prob with that is you cant use metal end caps less you wanna risk death for a little hash oil

spend the $40 bucks and get the bee extractor you cheap ass broke ass mothafuckas

if you can afford to make hash oil you can afford the extractor

i have a problem with you guys telling others to do stupid shit, if you wanna fuck yourselves I care not but dont go around telling others this is safe cuz its not.
+rep for you mate.