Disney - are disney movies good for your kids?


No. Disney is not good for your kids. It messes with their innocent sexuality, and teaches them satanism to make evil seem good. thats why we have the most jails in US The maker of disny mr walt, was a perverted freemason
also, the guy who wrote alice in wonderland, use to molest little girls.

make sure you puff some erb while you watch this
and let me kno what you think


Well-Known Member
yeah your right disney movies are sending all kinds of weird messages and setting bad examples


Well-Known Member
My sister has The Little Mermaid movie with the penis on the cover, lol. There's all kinds of messed up shit in Disney movies.



Well-Known Member
Leave it up to some whack job religious freak nut to spout all these random things about Disney movies. It's fucking scary the amount of bullshit content their minds conjure up to try and come across as if they're making a point.

Oh yeah and if you play Led Zeplin backwards in slow mo the devil himself is speaking... stupid ass religious freaks.

Abolish religion if you want your children to really be safe.

THAT'S freal.


New Member
Leave it up to some whack job religious freak nut to spout all these random things about Disney movies. It's fucking scary the amount of bullshit content their minds conjure up to try and come across as if they're making a point.

Oh yeah and if you play Led Zeplin backwards in slow mo the devil himself is speaking... stupid ass religious freaks.

Abolish religion if you want your children to really be safe.

THAT'S freal.
Thats said perfect! Abolish religion. Fucking wing nut freaks!


Active Member
ROFL, I don't think I have laughed that hard since I watch Natural Born Killers at the movies tripping and the old Indian told the story bout the snake.


I Glad there are people who are skeptical,so I can have an opportunity to offer some more insight on this subject.
I love getting blown while informing my brothers and sisters about this kind of shit. this is good practice for me.
For all you who don't believe in this shit, the reason is becuase all this shit has been right in front of your face your whole life and the system has been specifically designed for you to attack anything trying to break the system, but the truth will always presevere

what I mean by this shits been in front of you this whole time, I mean that its not just Disney, but everything, Nickalodean cartoon network, and all mainstream children cartoons. Adult shows get it automatically,and its in everyday advertisments, you cannot see them, becuase they are meant for your sub-concious mind to pick up. who will ever look at a coke bottle and see a girl sucking a dick on it? only your sub-consious

check this out:

here is an example of innocent child cartoons made from porn

this is aimed for you to lose your sexual morality, and lose your knowing of difference between good or bad.

all the the media on TV is contolled by only 4 companies

For all of you who deny this, you have to know who runs the country, and the world. I don't believe in the devil, and you may or may not, but it dosn't make a difference becuase they do. All of our leaders are involved with doing "satanic" AKA pagan shit or worshipping a statue, and in the process, they molest little kids, video tape it, and exchange the tapes to each other so they can blackmail eachother if one of them tries to betray the order.
this is real shit, please open your eyes and realise how the system you live in works.
there is never-ending, abundant evidence of the truth, and its all there. you just got to at least attempt to look for it.


Well-Known Member
yaaaaaaaaaa maaaaaaaaaaaaaan the guvment mind control scheeeeme maaaaaaaaaaaaan

totaaaaaaaaaaally brooooooooooooooo liiiike whoah, the government maaaaan ya know... they control your minds with stuff maaaaaaaaaaaaaan


Well-Known Member
1) there is some fucked up things in disney movies, but most of those slipped past productions and were pranks by the artist. Do you know how many artist disney had working on those?!

2) Disney movies, and full length children movies were actually found to be good for a kids development, especially when watched with a parent. Was a report on yahoo news on it, google it, I'm sure you'll find something if your interested, if not, then don't bother ;)


Well-Known Member
I Glad there are people who are skeptical,so I can have an opportunity to offer some more insight on this subject.
I love getting blown while informing my brothers and sisters about this kind of shit. this is good practice for me.
For all you who don't believe in this shit, the reason is becuase all this shit has been right in front of your face your whole life and the system has been specifically designed for you to attack anything trying to break the system, but the truth will always presevere

what I mean by this shits been in front of you this whole time, I mean that its not just Disney, but everything, Nickalodean cartoon network, and all mainstream children cartoons. Adult shows get it automatically,and its in everyday advertisments, you cannot see them, becuase they are meant for your sub-concious mind to pick up. who will ever look at a coke bottle and see a girl sucking a dick on it? only your sub-consious

check this out:

here is an example of innocent child cartoons made from porn

this is aimed for you to lose your sexual morality, and lose your knowing of difference between good or bad.

all the the media on TV is contolled by only 4 companies

For all of you who deny this, you have to know who runs the country, and the world. I don't believe in the devil, and you may or may not, but it dosn't make a difference becuase they do. All of our leaders are involved with doing "satanic" AKA pagan shit or worshipping a statue, and in the process, they molest little kids, video tape it, and exchange the tapes to each other so they can blackmail eachother if one of them tries to betray the order.
this is real shit, please open your eyes and realise how the system you live in works.
there is never-ending, abundant evidence of the truth, and its all there. you just got to at least attempt to look for it.
First off, welcome to america, here SEX SALES, it has nothing to do with trying to corrupt the kiddies early, kids are going to see sexual content of some kind in america, unless they are blind, in which case they won't see the disney movies anyways... ;)