dirt from the woods

Hello all I was bored the other day and took a walk in the woods behind my house I noticed the dirt was really dark black kind of on the sandy side ok really on the sandy side no clay at all so I dug about a foot and a half deep and still cold black dirt do you think if I mixed up some compost and humus and pea gravel in it it would be pretty good for growing in in the spring the reason I mention pea gravel instead of perlite is because the only perlite I can get is mg perlite and I don't wanna mess with that what do u guys think........peace


Well-Known Member
It's not dirt.. it's bugs from woods, or mold from woods. It's never dirt from woods.. just a heads up.


Well-Known Member
That's good soil. I would use it. I do use it sometimes.

The only ones saying not to use are city boys. Any soil you buy can and probably does have bugs and stuff.


Well-Known Member
Hello all I was bored the other day and took a walk in the woods behind my house I noticed the dirt was really dark black kind of on the sandy side ok really on the sandy side no clay at all so I dug about a foot and a half deep and still cold black dirt do you think if I mixed up some compost and humus and pea gravel in it it would be pretty good for growing in in the spring the reason I mention pea gravel instead of perlite is because the only perlite I can get is mg perlite and I don't wanna mess with that what do u guys think........peace
Fine if your using it outside, if you plan on growing with it inside I would suggest cooking it to kill any bugs or unwanted visitors. Bugs in a grow room suck so being proactive is ideal. Also just order perlite online.. Not even a shady purchase


Well-Known Member
Lol. To everyone that says don't use it, where does the dirt you use indoors come from? Treat any soil as the same. It all is unknown when it comes to bugs and whatnot.

Really? Lol.