delicious seeds cotton candy


Well-Known Member
iv looked and looked, anyone here ever grew and smoked this? howed it do you..... got one going just wanted to know

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
No, but I've smoked lavender, which is one of the parents of this strain -- it's awesome. The other is power plant, which is a huge producer, so it should be great. However, for me personally it's a little too long of a flowering time. I like 50 to 60 day flowering times.
Im growing this strain currently. Ive got 1 under a 400w. I scoured the internet for info and found very little tbh, not sure if thats because its an old possibly largely forgotten strain.

I agree its a long/very long flowering strain, i let my friend veg 3 seedlings for a month then i picked the best one of the three to flower. It will be interesting to see how our results differ, im pretty sure mine will be superior :)

The plant was growing too tall for my tent so i topped it twice and i now have 6/8 huge fox tails/colas its a gorgeous plant, smells amazing i cant wait till its ready.

If there is enough interest i'll report back on how it smokes. Otherwise just assume its above average high with a gorgeous cotton candy taste.
I love opening my tent and being hit by a dense cotton candy smell. Im intrigued as to how this will translate into taste? its been a long time since ive had a really good tasting weed.


Well-Known Member
yes it does have a very good smell. mine is just now showing sighns of flowering, my lights suck, 1 150w hps with 10 cfl's. and yes it tends to stretch a bit, i have to raise my lights once every 2 days somtimes 3
I've got one that's only about a week old, freebie from Attitude. I agree about not being able to find much info about it. Long flower huh? About how long? I'll have to go back and look at the description again, don't recall the specifics on it. Is it sativa dom then? If there's any interest I might log the grow.
Def sativa dominant as far as i can see 95%+ skinny leaves. I wouldnt take my grow as the norm (for various reasons (possible nute lock slowing flowering)) but i started flowering in Feb and my plant looks like it will go another 2-3 weeks i may have a slow pheno maybe opening my tent too many times has slowed flowering. Im not fussed as long as the results are good :)

Its not a strain for quick turn around thats for sure but my plant is looking like its going to give me what i would consider alot of bud. My last grow was 10 autos and i really got pissed off with so much watering so ive gone the other way and put all my effort into one plant, i think two plants under 400w would be perfect as the weight on the lower branches wasnt something i had expected but you live and learn.

I planted this plant from free seeds and didnt expect much due too lack of info online but its turned out to be my most promising grow yet!! well chuffed tbh.

Good luck with your grows fellow Cotton Candy growers :)


Well-Known Member
hahaha mine was a freeby to lol. that fucker is out growing my hawaian snow by far, the hs has a sweet smell, tho totally different then the ck bad spelling there

Mister Sister

Active Member
I am interested too as I just recieved a free seed from the Attitude. Sorry I have no info to add, but I wanted to express my interest so maybe you could post later with some updates! Thanks much!

The Growery

Active Member
looks like they have a bunch to give out for free, I got mine as a UFO too, 1 month from germination over here... really excited to harvest it but not till early august :(


Well-Known Member
well the way it looks all of ours is gonna be done bout the same time, we all shall share our thoughts on finished plants lol


Well-Known Member
Add me in, got a free seed and my woman begged me to grow it this round, its outgrown all 5 others started together under a 400w dual arc, they are all between 4-8 nodes tall while this beast is at about 12 nodes already, have now bent it over to explode some growth (topping is safer but what the heck this can give you unique looking plants)


Active Member
I've got a cotton candy about 32 days old now (600w hps), she's definitely the best looking in my grow. Subbed to this thread, I'd like to see pics of everyone else's CC too!
I'll stick a pic of my plant up tomorrow. Great to hear there is interest in this strain, we may even be able to shed light on what pheno's future growers can expect. Straight of the bat I can say if you have a plant in early veg that looks like its a runt, by the 4th week of veg it will look as strong as the plants that appeared to be out growing it to start with.

I would class the strain as tall I struggled to keep it within the limitations of my tent but It's the first photoperiod strain I've grown so it may not be huge in the grand scheme of things.