death metal!


Active Member
job for a cowboy, as blood runs black, bring me the horizon, carnifex, salt the wound, the faceless, winds of plague, suicide silence, whitechapel, the black dahlia murder, despiced icon, and a bunch of badass shit like that.

thats the best stuff to listen to as ur ripped out. bongsmilie

Lord Bluntmasta

Well-Known Member
Thats all metalcore/deathcore, not death metal...maybe with an exception of the faceless.

Real Death Metal: Immolation, Gorguts, Suffocation, Cryptopsy, Incantation, etc.

Lord Bluntmasta

Well-Known Member
I'm just saying...they're completely different. Metalcore has a totally different vocal style and both metalcore and deathcore have all of those annoying ass hardcore breakdowns that all sound the same, and the only leads are a a bunch of simple 5 string sweeps played sloppy as fuck

the only decent Deathcore/metalcore around are probably despised icon and beneath the massacre (first ep)

Lord Bluntmasta

Well-Known Member
Beneath the massacre and despised icon are technical as fuck, that's what makes them good...but if you looks at a band like Winds of Plague and Suicide Silence, then compare them to some Technical Death Metal like Origin, Spawn of Possession, or Atheist....not even close to the level of skill and musicianship.


Active Member
Uhm yeah... i agree with some of the stuff you say blunt, but not every breakdown sounds the same... also a good genre to get blasted to is nintendocore... i.e. as the world fades, GO with fourteen O, etc....

Brutal death metal is good and talented yes.. but after a while (3 years) it all sounds the same with exceptions of course*:blsmoke::blsmoke::blsmoke::blsmoke:

Lord Bluntmasta

Well-Known Member
Yeah, there are a lot of bland bands in brutal death, as in any genre. For example, Disgorge (us), all the musicians in this band are ridiculously good, but their songs get pretty boring...

a lot of death metal can be hard to listen to at first, it's not as accessible as metalcore.


Active Member
Good Nintendocore bands: As the world Fades, GO with fourteen O, I set my friends on fire, Attack! Attack!, Horse the band, WECAMEWITHBROKENTEETH, IAMERROR, 100DEADRABBITS, Antitainment all i can think of right now...

also I agree DM is harder to get ahold of I had to use an underground HUB to download most of my underground black metal,brutal death metal, grindcore, gore grind etc..:bigjoint::bigjoint:

Lord Bluntmasta

Well-Known Member
most underground brual DM / grind can be bought cheap from very very good distros.

I dunno about black metal since most the black metal I listen to is pretty popular (Immortal, Emperor, OMC), I don't really listen to a lot of black metal.


Well-Known Member
Yeah man, I used to love JFAC, but a lot of bands like that sound the same now. The only real ones I like are BtBAM and The Dillinger Escape Plan. Check out Cattle Decapitation, Origin, Necrophagist, Cannibal Corpse, Deicide.

Also, grindcore ain't what it used to be. Suicide Silence is considered grindcore, boo. Good grindcore is Nasum and Napalm Death. Goregrind like Carcass and The County Medical Examiners is the shit too.

Lord Bluntmasta

Well-Known Member
I think suicide silence are deathcore...
what I hate about deathcore bands is they are always sort of thrown in with death metal bands
like when suicide silence toured with Nile

No one has mentioned Death in this thread. It's pretty safe to say that Death is the greatest band that ever existed.


Active Member
i think its better to have death metal bands tour with grindcore and ne other types of metal...

mixes shit up a little bit.