Dabumps mental handicap thread!


Well-Known Member
hmmm.i dont know what i would do in this situtation...i would tear down....good luck homie

:::Serious vibes headin your way:::


Well-Known Member
No news is good news... Kinda, as long as I'm on here telling you that no news is good news! How long would they usually take if there was a threat of shit goin down?


Well-Known Member
I say try to stop worrying. He couldnt no for sure. And the cops most likley are not going to be interested in someone telling them, "i think i saw someone growing pot... maybe... it was in a box... " and thats if he even gave a shit, which i doubt. To me, the more energy you put into worry and negativity, the more of that you get back. Same gos with the positive!

Live Love


Well-Known Member
Culled a herm today. She pollinated pretty much the whole box. I guess I'm gonna have seedy bud. This angers me but meh. It's for me anyway.


Well-Known Member
it happens...must be as thorough as possible when inspecting plants. but they will get away from you occasionally...lets hope its not as bad as you think


Well-Known Member
Yea I'm never growing as many as I am now again. I'm gonna start my tga after this run and I'm gonna pick one of the JB, one Vortex, and one Spacebomb and just keep my fave one of those running on clones until I need some variety!

I'll probably get an indica to run with em. This Sweet Deep Grapefruit I got goin now is lookin mad yummy!


Well-Known Member
SOOOooooOOOOoooo I killed a herm. (way too late btw I'm going to be the seediest man alive) I saved the soil. It has root parts in it. So I wanted a way that I could get those out and still reuse the soil if for nothing else I could use it for veg just amend it a bit. So I got 85 worms and put em in there. I had a bunch of leaves so I took them, put em in a blender with some water and made a green drank. Then I poured the green drank in the dirt. Does anyone have any sort of faith in this? I also have been throwing leaves in there. I read they eath their body weight in a day. So I expected ravenous beasts. They don't seem to be eating anything! I THINK I GOT BAD WORMS. they are picky eaters. maybe they are just baked.


Well-Known Member
Took mine down today. So far the yeild on all of them looks weak, one is absolutely chock full of seeds... Almost to the point where I want to throw it out due to the fact that it's going to yield next to no smokeable buds. The frostiness and the stinkiness is "meh" All in all this has been a very disappointing run. I've let myself down. I feel shame.


Well-Known Member
haha, dont feel shame brother. a successful harvest is just that. next time you will not make the same mistakes. good work


Well-Known Member
Gotta love California!!!

Back when I was still living in Oakland, my house got broken into. We called the cops because we literally got home while the fucks were still tearing through our house. They ran out the back before the cops showed up... When they showed up, I showed them my documents and told them I had a small 6-plant grow going... After they checked through the house to make sure the coast was clear, the cop came out and said these words, which I will never forget: "They tore your house up pretty good, but don't worry, your plants are OK". And that was that.


Well-Known Member
Seriously. Every time I check on my drying plants I get angry. They are totally full of seeds. Just loaded there are going to be 300+ seeds in there. the one that hermied was right by my fan so it was just perfect for germinating! fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck there goes 4 months of my life with little to no payoff! RAGE! Sorry guys just expressing some rage. Because I'm angry!


Well-Known Member
Positive note: The SS made one of my plants taste like fucking tootie fruity shit it was crazy. Never had shit like that. It was really wild.


Well-Known Member
So my wife let the ac guy into the room with my box...

I had all kinds of people coming to my house for whatever reason with stuff laying around or things that happened (including strong smell...) that really made it obvious that I was growing pot (party cups kicking around the yard with the word Kush is a good one too...) I have the woman at the post office that has seen many box delivered to my address saying things like Hydroponic ... indoor gardening, ... led lighting ... haha name it! Not that I am proud of this at all by the way it's a good remainder for people to be more careful but really as long as it's not the wrong person you don't really have to worry. Most people I know around here even if they dont enjoy smoking the ganja they really dont seem to mind it ...( I am in BC, canada...)

Just to tell you wherever you are, I would hate having to worry about a 4x4 space and I think you are good ... a lot of guys doing trade job are potheads too.

I hate to hear your grow went to shit. I am currently using my 3x3 tent to try to make some seeds of my own and I will use the seeded buds to make tinctures ... (after removing the seeds) Nothing wrong with seeded weed for your personal stash, make it last and sell everything you will harvest on your next grow.

Anyway Dabumps I enjoy reading your thread/posts, the shit you write is fkin funny sometimes.

Cheers better luck on your next grow.


Active Member
keep your head held high brother, some failures are all part of getting things dialed in. just try and keep your glass half full instead of half empty and learn from your mistakes.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the positive words! I'm smokin on that scissor hash right now! It's fun! But I've already moved on over to the Glass half full! I'm gonna get a tent and run a scrog. I don't grow Indica so I don't think ML will be for me too much. I am going to do a sort of 4 head ML though for my scrog so It's 50/50. I'm stoked about it and I'm ready to get movin foreward! I'm getting a real tent a ballast and a new bulb! I'll be able to do a perpetual a little bit I hope. Does anyone have any suggestions for finding a pheno of my JB next grow and just keeping it until I want to grow a Spacebomb or a Vortex?