Cuppling leaves, now drooping?


Well-Known Member
I have two strains growing right now, but the one im havin problems with is my ww. First her leaves where cuppling upwards and then i found her the other day with the majority of the leaves drooping, especially the new growth. Im concerned the most because these affects are happening the most to the new growth. I watered her and still the drooping leaves. Its in FFOF soil and i havent fed her nutes yet, although i fed her some Super plant tonic/molasses/lime/water tea at a low dosage. Its also became light sensative since this problem started. I dont know whats the deal, but its continuing at a good rate. Any advice would be helpful, thanks


Active Member
You might be watering too much, let soil get dry then water, or you they might need to be transplanted into bigger pots if your using small ones now.


Well-Known Member
It wasnt watered for almost a week right before it drooped dramatically. It could be root bound i guess but iv seen plants fully grow in one gallon pots.


New Member
If it wasn't watered for a week and then the leaves drooped.... it's gotta be under-watered, right. As far as the up-turned curling dealy.... I get that problem with high temps and high humidity at the same time.


Well-Known Member
No i water them on week intervals, and my humidity is 20-25% with temps 71-77. They probably wouldnt have drooped so much in one night from lack of water, and i watered that next day and it only improved a lil bit. I'm thinkin it could be from the snow in a open container for humidity. i usually use tap water to fill up the containers but i figured melting snow would release more moisture. So i cleaned that out so hopefully it was that, and im feeding them their first grow tea so this shit should be done in a couple of days.


Well-Known Member
Fed them and im still seeing discoloration in the leaves. a couple of the lower leaves are drying up and cracking. Brown spots are starting to show about on a leaf or two. The newest leaf sets that are cuppling look like the are too dry, unhealthy looking. I dont know what it is. Their 1st feeding was on schedule and by the looks of the bottom leaves, they were ready for it. But when i fed them they didnt improve. I flushed the week earlier too to ensure that they weren't locked out at all. But now im seeing lighter green through out the leaves. growth seemed to slow also