Crazy winds in central mass

Anyone else hear about these crazy 50 mph wind gusts! Super nervous buds are huge and so heavy but need a few more weeks . Gunna stake em and hope for the best!


I'm down in the Pioner Valley and the weather reports state: " a tropicaL DEPRESSION IS COMING UP FROM THE SOUTH, expect lots of rain (mold concerns) and gusting winds for the next 24 hrs......


Active Member
Why does this happen at the worst possible time? I don't know about you guys, but Ive been worried for about a month!

Gotta go smoke one. Jeeze



same here in NY my plant split and is layin on its side ill wait till this passes to try and tie back up if it can even be done...
I dunno man but this is my first grow and it's stressful as fuck . I just get worrried about everything . Time to smoke my test bud and let the worries fade


Active Member
That's how it is with a first grow - worry worry. Mj plants are very strong. When you need to worry is when your buds are super fat and it rains for a week with humidity. Like now - in eastern MA it has been a very shitty week weatherwise. I just had to do surgery on a fat cola for rot. =(