Craziest Things You've Found In Weed.


Well-Known Member
Once i found some nasty looking thing that looked like a piece of beef jerky... it was nasty we all looked but we never figured it out.
found a bug in a bud..big thing about a cm long...still got it in a baggie i was gonna show the guy i got the weed from..that thai with red thread....
last was still alive when i found it
anyone want to look?


Well-Known Member
a cockaroach in my bag. i as breaking up some of that compressed mexican bud, and lo and behold and cockaroach. not adime lenghtwise. big water bug but a small german cockaroach about as big as a dime lengthwise. needless to say i did what any selfrespecting stoner would do and discarded the roach and continued rolling my bud. ...... idgaf.


Well-Known Member
back in the day my friend and i found out that another friends dad had a lot of weed, like pay 5 bucks and itd be a handful of shake in a brown paper bag, it was weed, all the seeds were broken clean in half, until we discovered there were mice turds throughout the bags, so the weed had been sitting there for sometime..and it took like a fat blunt to ourselves to get us high, when i look back on it now,it was still a deal for 5 bucks.but yeah. mouse poop.


Active Member
Back in the day when I didn't know good weed from bad, I got a bag and the weed was like dirt brown and smelled like old woman perfume, I smoked a bit of a joint and nearly passed the fuck out, got all dizzy and my heart developed an irregular beat, as if it was about to stop. it was horrible and really put me off weed for a while, I reckon it was sprayed with fucking raid or something, sprayed stuff is common around here, specially with glass and stuff like that to make it look frosty and weight it. I know a few people that actually spray weed as a job, which is horrid.


Well-Known Member
I bought a oz of some Reggie bush and it had fresh cotton compressed with some of the buds...ive seen hair, dead spider, a leaf and half a ripped dollar..
LOL , this made me laugh. I havent heard that term in a long time, it brought me back.


Active Member
so this one time i went over to my dealers house and asked for a oz.5 she said sure got it and threw it to me. i went home to find a couple friends that i was meeting to smoke with and i reach into this nice looking bag and what do i pull out? a shed snake skin!!!! which is like my biggest fear (snakes in any sort)!! i was freaked out but eh what do you do..thought it very odd and overlooked though..


Active Member
Over hear "soap bar" used to be huge. Basically shit resin.

Used to pull massive sheets of plastic out of the stuff, cause they mix the stuff with anything.

No on the outside , actually inside threw out the bars.