Craziest Things You've Found In Weed.


Well-Known Member
Hair(cat?), pebbles, bugs, a thumb tack, a whole lizard. Bought a used car once from a old lady. The center consul had a glove box that wouldn't open. I pried the cover open. Found what appeared to be about 1/4 pound inside. Was so dry it turned to dust when handled. Tried to smoke it, but couldn't keep it lit. Tasted horrible. Tossed it.


Active Member
all this shit about bugs<spiders scorpions and glass, cigarette butts---whatever! and HAIR (cat yeah right tell me why No one here has found a fuckin Pube in their shit>>>>!!!!!!!lol......seems to me there are always fuckin pubes? like their trimming buds naked : ( WTF! thats why i grow my own shit!!!!!


Well-Known Member
i found some gold in buds once. asshole tried to make it weigh more. needless to say, i threw the gold away and smoked that shit


Well-Known Member

Man, what is in this shit, man?

Mostly Maui Waui man, but it's got some Labrador in it. What's Labrador? It's dog shit. What?
Yeah, my dog ate my stash, man.
Yeah? I had it on the table and the little motherfucker ate it, man. Then I had to follow him around with a little baggie for three days, man, before I got it back. Really blew the dog's mind, ya know?
You mean we're smokin' dog shit, man? Gets ya high, don't it?
Up in Smoke 1978 lolz


Active Member
human finger!! my friend got the sack for me in San Antonio, finger right in the middle, called the guy back and he thought we were mad about the weight and tried to offer more weed to compensate. still smoked the sac tho


Well-Known Member
Nothing. Absolutely nothing ever. The weirdest thing is that one of my old dealers used to give me the weed in a receipt.


Well-Known Member
LOL my friend had a grass hopper somehow get into his indoor tent lol!! he said he was pruning a bit and out of the corner of his eye he saw a leaf move. He turned his head, it jumped and his face and he flew back. hahahaha epic.


Active Member
what about stuff you would LIKE to find in your weed. Like maybe if you bought a pound and you got a random box of cracker jacks, which ALSO has a prize in it. lol

I also really think it would be awesome to rent out a plant to the keebler elves. They could pay rent by making cookies. Imagine how badass that would be.


Active Member
what about stuff you would LIKE to find in your weed. Like maybe if you bought a pound and you got a random box of cracker jacks, which ALSO has a prize in it. lol

I also really think it would be awesome to rent out a plant to the keebler elves. They could pay rent by making cookies. Imagine how badass that would be.
that is a true stoner quote! hahah


Well-Known Member
Ive never found anything strange in my weed D:

I read something though once on how a strategy people use in drug smuggling is hiding their heroin inside of shitt weed to get it shipped or soemthing.. Thatd be great finding some heroin or soem other drug in your weed after you buy it!


Active Member
speakin of weed inside weed lol This guy I know had 3 bundles of bud supposedly from cali, It was sum what commpressed and vacum sealed in plastic, pretty decent compressed shit. Anyway in one of the bundles there was a small plastic bag of some blue/teal colored bud, amazing stuff, smelled like fruity pine trees. I guess where ever the bundles came from somebody decided 2 throw in a freebee lol