Could use a little advice..


Well-Known Member
Alright, so here's my situation. I haven't smoked in 18 days. Before that I was off, and on pretty much every other day. The last time I did smoke I was dabbing and got ridiculously stoned. For the first 7-9 days or so, I was going hard in the gym on cardio... I am constantly in the gym lifting weights anyways so i just added cardio. I have a pre-employment drug and alcohol test tomorrow with a very good company. I have been drinking a ton of water (3L+)and today have only eaten things such as fresh fruit, cereal, and other small things, no big meals. I also haven't consumed any alcohol or any other "toxins" in the past 4 days. I bought a detox drink called " Pure Detox"

I have a fairly high metabolism, I'm 5'10, and weigh 160lbs.. Do you think I can pass? I know I should have just bought an at-home test kit, but I couldn't find one today and dropped the ball earlier... Anyways, thanks for reading, and appreciate any advice.
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Well-Known Member
Hey OP. I hate to say this, but I think it's doubtful you'll pass a piss test, let alone a hair or blood test. Did you only know about the testing starting 18 days ago? If so, that sucks. I lost a fantastic job over just such an incident. A certain local large bank needed more arbitration clerks as they were rapidly gaining customers for off floor stocks and commodities trading. I got the job through a third party, and technically worked for them, not the bank. I had a lot of prior experience. I did really well and blew people away with my speed and accuracy, so the bank offered me a job directly with them with a 40% pay increase. Then, the horror: my manager let me know about the piss test - "it's okay" he said, "you just need to take it by the end of the week." 4 fucking days. I let my then fiance know that I had to lay off the weed, and I drank gallons of this tea concoction that guaranteed to have me test clean within 24 hours. I took the test on Friday, and went in Monday fingers crossed. At the end of the day, they called me into the president's office. I remember the stunned, sad look on my manager's face when he let me know I failed the test. I acted indignant, and asked to be retested, and that I never smoked MJ and I don't even take aspirin! I almost laughed when he said, "Tyler, it's not that you just tested positive, but you tested SO positive..." I guess there was no doubt, and my dream job went up in smoke. Fuck it. Life. Whudayagonndo? GOOD LUCK! Let us know how it turns out...

Edit - I called the company about their guarantee, and they offered to give me back my $40. So, there's that...


Well-Known Member
haha thanks bro, I'm stressin over it. Haven't slept and its almost 4am, test is at 930... oh well. Means im just drinking more water. And yeah I know I wouldn't pass it normally... I'm just hoping I can get to below that 50ng/ml level they test for in a piss test. I only got the job offer 10 days ago, so I was 8 clean when I had agreed to the test.


Well-Known Member
I pass tests for my po all the time on 14 or less days. I'm 5'10 155 with a really high metabolism. Lots of cranberry juice and cucumbers for a diet. Piss alot before the test to get rid of as much toxins as possible. Good luck buddy.


Well-Known Member
haha thanks bro, I'm stressin over it. Haven't slept and its almost 4am, test is at 930... oh well. Means im just drinking more water. And yeah I know I wouldn't pass it normally... I'm just hoping I can get to below that 50ng/ml level they test for in a piss test. I only got the job offer 10 days ago, so I was 8 clean when I had agreed to the test.
Walk the dog... gather a sample... use that sample. The dog will probably pass.


Well-Known Member
If it's legal, I don't think they can make it a condition of employment. They can't use other lifestyle choices as conditions.
It's a murky area from what I know. Companies can claim that it is a risk to the buisness or health and safety. Lots of jobs do random drug tests on safety grounds. I don't think that would change tbh.


Well-Known Member
But think about all the people you might be working beside right now that are spaced out on narcs, or benzos.....if it's legal, they will have to test everyone for everything or the lawsuits will be flying. What a person does on their own time, and I am referring to rec users, is their business...just like who you sleep with and how freaky you wanna be is nobody's business. Until an "incident" occurs at work, there is no need to test anyone.


Well-Known Member
Stoner air traffic controllers are probably not a good thing. This would be valid use of testing IMHO.
Ok...I can see maybe screening for certain types of jobs, but, if you test negtive on your screen that doesn't mean you're not a user, as the op is proving. Where does the line get drawn? Do surgeons need to be tested? Cops? Social workers? How about politicians? Alcohol is a far bigger problem in both our countries. I would rather have a stoned on Mj air traffic controller landing my plane than the guy tht's been tipping Jack for a few hours.


Well-Known Member
It's 100% up to the employer. If they hire you, and they pay you, you have to abide by their rules, which in turn have to fit legally with the state and federal laws. Only if the state says they can't test will they not test. Testing will be a common occurrence whether it's legal or not- most tests test for all kinds of substances, not just MJ anyways.


Well-Known Member
I pass tests for my po all the time on 14 or less days. I'm 5'10 155 with a really high metabolism. Lots of cranberry juice and cucumbers for a diet. Piss alot before the test to get rid of as much toxins as possible. Good luck buddy.
That, is exactly what I wanted to hear. I just drank my 600ml detox, and about 1.4L of water.. Wish me luck, am taking the test in 30 mins or so.


Well-Known Member
If it's legal, I don't think they can make it a condition of employment. They can't use other lifestyle choices as conditions.
Maybe not technically. But will the employer hire the stoner who may be qualified or one of the 100 sober applicants. It would take federally regulated protections or some big lawsuits.