Corded light socket

Where can I get one of these doohicky's?

The link above has pretty much exactly what I want, but they don't ship. (And I'm not driving hours to try and find an Ikea store.)

Basically, where can I get one of these that:

A) Is cheap (they're typically only ~$3 or so)
B) Sells online
C) Isn't a blatant headshop or some other website just begging to let Uncle Sam get his hands on my name and address being associated with a "suspicious" purchase. (Not that this is one, but hey... )
D) Has the appropriate UL or whatever it is stamp indicating that it isn't gonna burn my house down under normal use.

Ideally, I'm looking for a reasonably "big name" kinda company. Something that the average person would have heard of.


Well-Known Member
Go to lowe's or home depot you can find the same thing and it comes with a reflector for the same price
Go to lowe's or home depot you can find the same thing and it comes with a reflector for the same price
I'll be looking online for what you said, but I've been to Lowes and all I could find in the lighting section was... well, the usual lamps and crap.

In the meantime, if anybody has a link to Lowes for this product, I'd much appreciate it.

Oh... What are they actually called? I've seen them called "pendant lighting" in various places, but googling that only seems to bring up the fancy shmancy upside down glass flower shaped fixtures that would be appropriate for a kitchen, but not a (tomatoes and spinach of course) grow room. The problem is, I'm looking for a plug and play solution, not something that needs to be hardwired. If I knew how to wire shit, I wouldn't need this. LOL

PS - I <3 u ppl. Seriously.
Just go back into Lowes and tell one of the people what you are looking for, and describe it. They should know what you are talking about. I put my own together, just buying one of their plain cords with a plug on one end, and a plain heavy duty light socket to wire on. I paid more like 7 or 8 dollars, but I know I have equipment that can handle a load if i need...which is handy, since I also run socket Y splitters from those types of lamps.


Well-Known Member
or you just buy socket put on any cord with plug

thats what i did used an old extension cord