Concentrated Tincture Recipe.


New Member
Here is how we make concentrate,
First we start with grape seed oil (140.$per gallon)we place the grape seed oil in a crock pot on low for twenty four hours with a half of pound of lower buds.after straining through a Bubble bag you need to add one cup of alcohol extracted oil to the grape seed oil.Now you have our famous two drop tincture.:hump:


Well-Known Member
wait... I'm highly interested, but have no idea what you mean by that.... I just mixed an O into 12 oz of veggie glycerine, but I wanna try an alcohol extraction too.. Could you retype that so I can understand it? Also, quantities of liquor and oil? Also, have you ever incorporated other oils into your tinctures, to add to the pleasant flavors? I've had really nice drops that contained essential oils of orange and cardamom. Any idea how this could be achieved?



Well-Known Member
herbologist thanks for the great recepies! I'm just starting in tintcures and have been having trouble getting the mix potent. And consumable.

I'm going to give the grape seed oil and glycerine a try, could you give figures for a smaller mix that someone mixing only for themselves might use please. For an ounce of dried mid grade sugar leaf how much grape seed oil or glycerine would you use? From there us simple minded folk could do the math for their own mix. ;)

What is your favorite solvent (correct word?) Grape Seed Oil, Glycerine, Alcohol, other?

Why do you add Alcohol tincture to the Grape Seed Oil tincture?

Two Drop Tincture sounds exactly what I'm looking for.


