Compassion Center Front Runner??????


Active Member
lol. Cool If it does end im so doing a few things to go out with a bang in tht small window of time before the planet dies. Im gonna go into toys r us and punch all those employees in the fucking face for lieing to me for all those years. I did grow up and dunkin donuts can blow me.
well i dont know the people you have talked to i guess but all the patients i have met have all the meds they need, and yes for under 200 an ounce. I charge my 2 patients $150 and that seems to be the going rate in my circle anyway.

And ya i totally believe you about the politicians being involved and profiting off this that would only make sense in RI.
Almost every other board I've been to has CG's charging $250+ RIPAC's referals have historicaly been around $300. Over the past year I have compiled a list of about 25 CG's that either charge way to much or really suck at what they are doing!!! So, Mr. Limpet, you only have 2 patients and I could use $150 an oz.......... Do I really need to ask???? lol

There are very few circle's offering such gems, you really need to grow that damn circle!!!! If it were large enough, we would've never needed a fricken compassion center to begin with now would With that being said, I'd like to help start buy kindly submitting my application to become your patient. Doing my part and all to help eliminate the need for compassion centers...hahaha

But seriously, if you have nice strains at 150 please let me know... MrRICompassion at gmail dot com


Active Member
Almost every other board I've been to has CG's charging $250+ RIPAC's referals have historicaly been around $300. Over the past year I have compiled a list of about 25 CG's that either charge way to much or really suck at what they are doing!!! So, Mr. Limpet, you only have 2 patients and I could use $150 an oz.......... Do I really need to ask???? lol

There are very few circle's offering such gems, you really need to grow that damn circle!!!! If it were large enough, we would've never needed a fricken compassion center to begin with now would With that being said, I'd like to help start buy kindly submitting my application to become your patient. Doing my part and all to help eliminate the need for compassion centers...hahaha

But seriously, if you have nice strains at 150 please let me know... MrRICompassion at gmail dot com
DITTO ied love to see this.

Mr. Limpet

Well-Known Member
hey if i took on all the people that wanted that deal id have my own cc now wouldnt I...

but seriously i see your point, and ya there are alot of cg's out there with dollar signs in thier eyes. if we could weed these people out we would all be alot better off. And i would love to help everyone out but my grow space is limited and i dont have the time to manage a grow that size.


STOP THIS BILL! In my time I've seen greedy pigs but this one is ignorant & greedy. I don't know anyone spending OR having the $400.00 per oz. Like these idiots think they're gonna get from weed. Ya your gonna be the one to get rich because the rest of us are growing to only pay the rent & heating bills and the damned taxes they put on us for GASOLINE! A damned fulltime job isn't enough to pay todays bills.STOP THIS BILL, to sell from the state run center only.CALIFORNIA has been doing fine for yrs. USE THEIR SYSTEM! The growers can turn in a crop -get a check if the quality is fine and no one at all grows where they sell. That is unheard of. If caught with weed OTHER than the HEAVILY TAXED R.I.GOV'T WEED at $400.00+ your gonna take a bust. This is the simplist project to get off the ground unless the politicians are involved. Give Catino Mobley a chance the guy ALREADY has millions -SO, he isn't gonna approach it with so much greed and deceit! STOP THIS BILL or WE'LL ALL BE BUSTED FOR TAKING MEDICATION! ! !OH & the right price in Lil RHODY is $135.00-$275.00 per oz. THESE are the numbers I've been hearing for real NOT $400.00 per. We are blue collar peeps NOT rock stars ya dirty bastards
STOP THIS BILL! In my time I've seen greedy pigs but this one is ignorant & greedy. I don't know anyone spending OR having the $400.00 per oz. Like these idiots think they're gonna get from weed. Ya your gonna be the one to get rich because the rest of us are growing to only pay the rent & heating bills and the damned taxes they put on us for GASOLINE! A damned fulltime job isn't enough to pay todays bills.STOP THIS BILL, to sell from the state run center only.CALIFORNIA has been doing fine for yrs. USE THEIR SYSTEM! The growers can turn in a crop -get a check if the quality is fine and no one at all grows where they sell. That is unheard of. If caught with weed OTHER than the HEAVILY TAXED R.I.GOV'T WEED at $400.00+ your gonna take a bust. This is the simplist project to get off the ground unless the politicians are involved. Give Catino Mobley a chance the guy ALREADY has millions -SO, he isn't gonna approach it with so much greed and deceit! STOP THIS BILL or WE'LL ALL BE BUSTED FOR TAKING MEDICATION! ! !OH & the right price in Lil RHODY is $135.00-$275.00 per oz. THESE are the numbers I've been hearing for real NOT $400.00 per. We are blue collar peeps NOT rock stars ya dirty bastards

FYI - Catino Mobley (Summi) is a $300 to $400 guy!!! Unfortunately, according to an article a friend of mine found out in CA, Mr. Mobley was allegedly caught in underage drinking scandel after a person was killed outside of his nightclub. And yes, they apparently have found the smoking gun!!! Serving alcohol to minors in order to make a profit.... So much for being ethical and not being

Summit (Mobley) was also one of applicants with the most inflated numbers and he was also the only applicant offering surgery, injections and physician services through his center via Kent (A local medi. center). Not to mention the fact that he claimed to be able to get 8000 patient in his doors by year 3....there are barely over 2000 patiens as of now??? Sorry guy, this applicant is actually one of the worst of the top 5 if you ask

NOW, ARE YOU REALLY SERIOUS ABOUT CA??? The state is unseige with punks who want to get rich, there system really sucks and they charge an average of 60 a 1/8th. My friend saw a documetry where some 25 year old gangsta wannabe punk who onwned a compassion center was drivin a new Not to mention that state turned a blind eye whe hundreds of illegal pot houses were makin so much $$$$, only to have them teamed up and shot down the Bill to leglize marijuana for recreational use because they wanted to protect there cash cow. They were apprenetly making too much money it, legalization would've killed thier margins if they let it pass.

Simply put, they would loose a lot of money by a statewide legalization....Yes, it would've passed if not for CA compassion center greed....go fig. CA is not the way to go and the state is in the process of shutting down hundred's (not a typo) of illegal pot houses.... SO, do you still think CA is the way to go....

So, for as much as I agree with you and appeciate your enthusiasm, you really need to do your homework before you start speaking passionatly about the subject. Warranted yes, but, if you read article in the thread about "Compassion Centers Getting Slammed..." on this website. You will see that there is only a couple worth mentioning and it isn't the one's with the most politician's behind it. Only one or two out of all 18 applicants were offering meds around $200-. One didn't make the final top five, the only one that did was Hope Apothecary... Most were around the 300 to 400 dollar range.

Long article, good read!!! RI is one of only a handfull of states to offer dispensaries, one of the first to offer nonprofit... No One Has It Down Right Yet, Let's Be The First!!!!