Compassion Center Front Runner??????

So as we all know the deadline is coming up; who is the front runner to get the go ahead? Are there any "Slam Dunks"? What's your opinion?


Active Member
everybody is keeping their cards close, we'll have to wait and see whenn they select the winners. in the meantime, call your state reps. we need are right to grow.


Active Member
Thats some.bullshit trying to to go to the dispensaries only. Talk about rhode island politics for ya.theu give us something and before we even get it the are forcing us to go to the dispensary only fucking assholes. As much as spending four hundred dollars a OUNCE sound fun to me i dont have that kind of money. Everybodys got to fight that bill, i wont even be in the program anymore because of my felony pot conviction. In rhode.island if u get caught with pot 2 times in your LIFE its a felony. Ah fuckem if they get there bill passes ill be moving jan 1 2013.


Active Member
Thats some.bullshit trying to to go to the dispensaries only. Talk about rhode island politics for ya.theu give us something and before we even get it the are forcing us to go to the dispensary only fucking assholes. As much as spending four hundred dollars a OUNCE sound fun to me i dont have that kind of money. Everybodys got to fight that bill, i wont even be in the program anymore because of my felony pot conviction. In rhode.island if u get caught with pot 2 times in your LIFE its a felony. Ah fuckem if they get there bill passes ill be moving jan 1 2013.
That felony thing is only for caregivers,Better get your patient card ASAP.I dont see this going anywhere right now.
I whole heartedly agree that the bill is crap. I think we all know that the "state legal" marijuana ride is going to be a wild one, especially in this state. I'm surprised that no one has any insight into the compassion center though, it's a small state thought someone would be in the know. Any takers?


Active Member
I whole heartedly agree that the bill is crap. I think we all know that the "state legal" marijuana ride is going to be a wild one, especially in this state. I'm surprised that no one has any insight into the compassion center though, it's a small state thought someone would be in the know. Any takers?
There is another thread about this basically.."Fight for our right to grow."


Active Member
I have my patient card i thought i read that they want to keep any felon from having it no exceptions, but i hope it just caregivers.


Well-Known Member
you know , its first in commitee - to see if it is worth discussion- for a bill proposal/ maybe . It might die in session .
I whole heartedly agree that the bill is crap. I think we all know that the "state legal" marijuana ride is going to be a wild one, especially in this state. I'm surprised that no one has any insight into the compassion center though, it's a small state thought someone would be in the know. Any takers?

I've read all the applicants and can pretty much verify that the article is very accurate with it's number and Compassion Center analysis. Unfortunately, the conclussion is not good for us considering the best one seemed to not even get a RIPAC node (which is probably a good and may not get selected unless the public makes it known that they know who is the best CC out of the bunch.

Like the article says, "Most Come Up Short"... One looks awsome with great prices and I looks like they are cutting edge, but, if we don't voice our opinions to our state rep's, it will never get a shot. Here's a link and let me know what you think...,55874


Active Member
I've read all the applicants and can pretty much verify that the article is very accurate with it's number and Compassion Center analysis. Unfortunately, the conclussion is not good for us considering the best one seemed to not even get a RIPAC node (which is probably a good and may not get selected unless the public makes it known that they know who is the best CC out of the bunch.

Like the article says, "Most Come Up Short"... One looks awsome with great prices and I looks like they are cutting edge, but, if we don't voice our opinions to our state rep's, it will never get a shot. Here's a link and let me know what you think...,55874
Im NOT voteing in FAVOR of ANY CC until im sure my rights to GROW as a patient WILL NOT be taken from me.So I dont care which is the front runner.Ied like to see lower cost and quality meds, clones etc,BUT WONT BE IN FAVOR OF THESE CC IF THEY TAKE AWAY OUR RIGHT TO GROW.WE as a community DO NOT NEED these centers.

Mr. Limpet

Well-Known Member
i agree. there is not any need for a compasion center in ri. As an RI patient i can say that i have no need for it and i dont know of any other patients who would not rather grow there own. Especially seeing as how you have to designate the CC as your caregiver. why would you want to pay cc prices when you can get a much sweeter deal from a caregiver
i agree. there is not any need for a compasion center in ri. As an RI patient i can say that i have no need for it and i dont know of any other patients who would not rather grow there own. Especially seeing as how you have to designate the CC as your caregiver. why would you want to pay cc prices when you can get a much sweeter deal from a caregiver
Can you hook me up with a CG that charges $200 an ounce??? That's what one or two CC's

The reality is, some people can't grow no matter what you may think. They either can't affod the lights and certainly can't even afford current CG average prices of around $300+ an oz. I have contact over 50+ patients/CG's who pay/charge around $300 an oz., I know of 150 more...who would say your kinda full of it who have been looking longer than I and I've only been a patient for about a year so, IF YOU SITTIN ON THE FRICKEN GOLDEN GOOSE, SHARE IT FOR CRYIN OUT LOUD!!!!!:idea:

The right CC's will drive the prices that most CG's charge or get whiped out. As far as repealing the new Bill, as long as we keep doing what we've been doing, we will knock another lame attempt at local politicians looking to profit from us patients.:clap:

That is why we have to make sure the right CC's get selected and the bill gets shut down!!!!! Some of the politicians are heavily invested in the CC... THE BILL IS A SMOKE SCREEN TO GET YOU RAMPED UP AT THE WRONG TARGET!!!!!!!

They are trying to distract you and slip a couple CC's through that will only make politicias richer while giving some CG's the green light to raise their own prices......


Mr. Limpet

Well-Known Member
well i dont know the people you have talked to i guess but all the patients i have met have all the meds they need, and yes for under 200 an ounce. I charge my 2 patients $150 and that seems to be the going rate in my circle anyway.

And ya i totally believe you about the politicians being involved and profiting off this that would only make sense in RI.


Active Member
There are not many caregivers offering anything under 250.NOT MANY.The fact is i rather give my 250-300 to a personal grower then these cons for politicians and ex police chiefs etc banking in on the program.Im all set.Let me grow, i can feel comfortable with what i ingest.