Commercial weed

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Well-Known Member
i know he only wants to sell it. thats not my point. im just saying why does everyone have to hate on regs so much.

the guy only asked a question and everyone jumps on him because its regs. im just tryin to help him out because ive grown a plant from a brick of this.

and i dont know where you got that he wants to put mexico out of the drug buisness thats just plain stupid.


Well-Known Member
They are looking for more of a Sativa high - they are used to smoking all day long.
Indica slows you down more than Sativa.


Well-Known Member
I smoke chronic indo buds all day long they just sound like noobs to me, such as yourself. There is no point in growing a shittier quality product to make more cash, find some real stoners who know what they're doing other than those clowns.



Active Member
i know he only wants to sell it. thats not my point. im just saying why does everyone have to hate on regs so much.

the guy only asked a question and everyone jumps on him because its regs. im just tryin to help him out because ive grown a plant from a brick of this.

and i dont know where you got that he wants to put mexico out of the drug buisness thats just plain stupid.
Everyone hates on regs so much because regs is garbage and the only reason its grown it for mass quantities. and not just pounds but thousands of pounds. for someone growing at home its pointless. lol and everyones jumping on him because hes asking us how to make already shitty weed brown and compacted into a brick or in lamence terms shittier weed. Its the human nature to give a stupid question a stupid answer. And the mexico thing was a joke (not surprised you didnt understand that either) because this shit is shipped in everyday and sold for extremely low prices. Why try and compete with that business when you can grow dank bud and make more of a profit.


Well-Known Member
I think most people have smoked dirt weed at some point in their life. The problem is most of the time you really have no clue what your getting. IMO Dirt weed is what gives weed a bad name. Its smuggled into the US (no one grows that shit here) and it is sometimes laced with whatever people can put their hands on. There is NO medical uses for this shit.

Seriously, if people would stop circulating that crap, it would cut down on a bunch of the bad images that have been drilled into the minds of people about weed. Just go to any major city in the US and see a person dealing a dime or nickle bag to some kid.... DO you think its gonna be good shit? Hell no.

But If people would only sell good shit then IMO you would not find some dumb ass slinging brown bag weed to kids.
If your gonna grow it, grow good shit. If your gonna sell it, sell it at a reasonable price so reasonable people buy it.

If you want to legalize pot, then you have to make it safe. Keep it local, and keep it away from people who are not mature enough to use it.


Active Member
thank you......

and bonzo your jokes suck....
....are you kidding? i was hoping for a nice debate. I write out a a paragraph with valid points and all you blurt out is my jokes suck? when i wasnt even making a joke in that post. Perhaps my jokes suck to you because you dont have the proper brain functions to interpret them. Thats why i have to explain them to you, you cant decide if a joke is bad or not if you cant understand it in the first place. Just like you couldnt understand the sarcasm in estesj post. Maybe your smoking to much of that "fire" weed and all the raid is eating away at your frontal lobe.


New Member
honestly, I have a prob w/ ppl coming on here asking for advice on selling weed period..Much less on how to sell shitty weed that he dont even care how good it is as he just wants money.. It does this site way more harm than good.
My advice to the OP is get a fucking job.


Active Member
honestly, I have a prob w/ ppl coming on here asking for advice on selling weed period..Much less on how to sell shitty weed that he dont even care how good it is as he just wants money.. It does this site way more harm than good.
My advice to the OP is get a fucking job.
Ill second that


Well-Known Member
man were i live you can drive down the road and pick that from your car its all over here from WWII we have tons of it all over!! this is in the U.S. we call it rope dope here bro. pick 100 plants and BAYBE one is good!! full of seeds,alot of its brown, here you get $50.00 to $100.00 a pound for it hell you can buy a map to all the places it grows here YES THEY SELL MAPS TO IT!! just dont let the C.O.s bust your ass grabbing it. we do find some killer singles growing in the corn all by its self here and there. five years ago i found a 15footer with a pound on it no seeds looked like the dank shit all white you could smoke an ounce and not get a buzz!!


New Member
man were i live you can drive down the road and pick that from your car its all over here from WWII we have tons of it all over!! this is in the U.S. we call it rope dope here bro. pick 100 plants and BAYBE one is good!! full of seeds,alot of its brown, here you get $50.00 to $100.00 a pound for it hell you can buy a map to all the places it grows here YES THEY SELL MAPS TO IT!! just dont let the C.O.s bust your ass grabbing it. we do find some killer singles growing in the corn all by its self here and there. five years ago i found a 15footer with a pound on it no seeds looked like the dank shit all white you could smoke an ounce and not get a buzz!!

wth are you talking about? maybe just maybe your talking about hemp.. But the WWII shit through me comepletely.. sell maps to it? wtf? Im almost positive you are talking about hemp and not weed.


This is the stupidest thread i have ever read in my entire life!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
yep its hemp your right on well some of it is people have been throwing good seeds in the patches and some of its getting better every year.;)


Well-Known Member
it is dumb him asking for shit weed!! he wants shit weed he can come here and pick all he want!! hemp all over!! it is nice to just drive around and look at it all. dont smoke worth a shit but funn to look at.
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