co2 trap

When fermenting sugar and brewers yeast (or any yeast for that matter) co2 is created as a bi-product. Does anybody think making a batch and putting it in my grow enclosure will be benificial or just a waste of effort? How much co2 is needed to boost my plants?:hump:bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
it cant hurt thats for sure.. i have no idea the specs on how much co2 is released.. i dont imagine its a huge amount.. but any additional co2 is would be beneficial to your grow room.. as long as you have the light available to the plants to utilize the co2...


Active Member
i read on a post befor that it's a good help but with that came some bad news. it won't make alot of co2
i know with LOTS of sugar and good brewers yeast (i forget the name), the fermentation trap gurgles pretty constantly showing alot of co2 being produced but I think my ventalation system will blow it out before the plants know that its there.