Club 600


Well-Known Member
Baby dro man great to see you about and hear you are well, well enough to be smoking your own outta an apple at least!

Doobs, great to see you too, I was thinking the giant pipe almost did you in!

COF,,, big surprise here the feds saying one thing and doing another. You wont see them locking up any state politicians though! Im just so sick of it all.

Looking delish Jeff :-) dont mind if I call you jeff do you? BTW fuck that guy!
Edit: I am curious about it though lol What am I missing here?



Well-Known Member
Bump anyone? "dont mind if I do"

guys! I feel like I haven't seen yall in years! ... wait.. anyways im still alive you now I have to come by and check in everynow n then.. couldent share at all this year! that sucks. but im smokein some good pine that I grew this year. out of an apple!... and jamming to matisyahu [youtube]x5y4_iDPGlw[/youtube]
Happy page #1701 to all my nerdy Trekkie homeslices...
... live long, and prosper like a muthafucka.

"NCC 1701. No bloody "A", "B", "C'" or "D"!"

Feds raid Colorado medical marijuana operations

By Valerie Richardson


The Washington Times

Thursday, November 21, 2013

DENVER — Federal authorities descended without warning Thursday morning on multiple Colorado medical marijuana operations, seizing plants and executing search warrants at shops as part of what was described as an ongoing investigation.

Jeff Dorschner, spokesman for the U.S. Attorney's Office in Colorado, issued a statement Thursday on the raids.

“The Drug Enforcement Administration, Internal Revenue Service Criminal Investigations, the Denver Police Department and state and local law enforcement are today executing lawfully obtained search warrants and seizure warrants,” said Mr. Dorschner in an email.

“One important note: Although we cannot at this time discuss the substance of this pending investigation, the operation under way today comports with the department’s recent guidance regarding marijuana enforcement matters,” he said. “As this is an ongoing investigation, no additional information will be made available.”

Agents carried out the raids in Denver and Boulder in spite of snow and below-freezing temperatures. The Boulder Daily Camera posted a photo online of a large pile of green plants sprinkled with snow outside a north Boulder grow operation.

The sale and possession of marijuana remains illegal under federal law, but the Justice Department has given states like Colorado leeway to operate medical marijuana facilities as long as they comport with federal guidelines.

In addition, Deputy Attorney General James Cole issued an Aug. 29 memo allowing Colorado and Washington to launch legalized recreational marijuana after voters approved ballot measures in November 2012 decriminalizing pot for adults 21 and over.

At the same time, the memo states that federal officials may intervene if the Justice Department’s enforcement priorities are failing to be met by state and local authorities.

Those priorities include preventing the sale and distribution of marijuana to minors; preventing revenue from sales from being diverted to criminal enterprises, and preventing the diversion of marijuana to neighboring states where the drug is banned.

“If state enforcement efforts are not sufficiently robust to protect against the harms set forth above, the federal government may seek to challenge the regulatory structure itself in addition to continuing to bring individual enforcement actions, including criminal prosecutions, focused on those harms,” said Mr. Cole in the memo.

Agents with the Drug Enforcement Administration conducted raids on Washington medical-marijuana outlets in July, while California and Montana dispensaries have also been the targets of federal crackdowns in recent years

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Hey guys and gals, Day40 of 12/12 ...more info in journal link... be well!

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Well-Known Member
lol I dont think im ever guna buy glass again.. apples are perfect pipes.. all my bongs broke and threw away my pipes when I sighned for papers to help me stop smokeing.. but todays a free day HAH bite my ass legal SYSTEM!


Well-Known Member
well just had them out for a good old mist with a bi carb mix as im seeing pm on my caramel an now a little bit on the afghan, i plan on leaving them in about another 20 days taking them upto 60 days of 12/12........

how often can i be sparying with this mix before it will effect my harvest if it will?

and any reasons as to why i cant start flushing them now or is it to early as they will be having less then 10 waterings of say 4-5 liters each every 2 to 3 days

1st 2 afghan kush
2nd 2 blue rhino
3rd 2 caramel ice
4th 2 critical 47


Well-Known Member
Write your local politicians expressing your distaste with the war on people, ahem I mean drugs... I don't politic too much though so idk.

Operation cold beer underway :-)
On the NORML website they have prewritten letters and addresses for your local and federal governments. All you do is fill in a couple of blanks and press enter, you can even personalize it if you want.

Looking real good budman.

I'm off to finish the shell to the shed today.


Well-Known Member
It wasn't suppose to rain today but it has been raining since 830. No sheds getting done but a lot of bud is getting smoked.


Well-Known Member
if you ever have a spare 90 minutes jig it will make you laugh a few times, self indulgent pothead flick pineapple express.



Well-Known Member
LOL thanks ghb for posting....

I get the question so much, I had to put that video in my journal lol

...funny pothead flick like ghb says, i still laugh out loud everytime i see it lol especially the above we all have an inside joke lol!



Well-Known Member
Hey bud looks good, but I dont know anything about PM so cant help you there sorry.

And pineapple express lol Iv seen it a few times :-) Im slow lately, I'll catch up eventually.



Well-Known Member
A good Friday afternoon puffing song.


Well-Known Member
Been busy prepping for the cup. They have doubled the size of the expo this year. Sensi have got a huge shiney booth and loud are also doing a large "thing"....Big BUHDDA ARE SEEMINGLY SELLING NUTES, OOPSCAPS, BABY IN arm , lol/ i'll get some pics as thing progress. slainte


Well-Known Member
Exhibits are crazy DST. I imagine the cup is run the same? big convention hall and all the vendors have booths setup?

I used to do some REALLY big exhibits. You would not believe the lighting and staging we would bring in... and not just for one booth but TONS of them. At the vegas convention center I once designed the rigging and lighting setups for about 20 different clients.