Club 600


Well-Known Member
Is this you trying to motivate yourself to get up and do something? haha....get it done and tonight you can chill in the thought you don't need to get up and do owt tomorrow!


Well-Known Member
haha i na i will be just waiting grow shop open and shit and few other little bits running about to do, weather back to normal... think im gona take 3 cuts from my p killer lemon and 3 from the dog and put in rockwool in prop as 9 of 9 rooted last time tieing the cubes up tight with thread... take a couple off each p kush to try in my cloner....


Well-Known Member
Good morning to all you rasta-doodle-doos, what with your crazy morning shenanigans!
About to fix me up a (very) late dinner over here.
Thinking about a cheeseburger, and some home fries.
I've got some free-range grass-grazed, no antibiotics or hormones humburger meat, some Tillamook Medium Cheddar, and a 3/4-lb Idaho Russet baker potatoe to slice up into chips and then nuke them until they're hot, then pan-fry them in some hot peanut oil until golden brown and crisp on the outside.
And I'll have a tall, cold glass of Darigold "Old Fashioned Chocolate Milk" (made with half & half instead of just milk) to wash it all down and add the finishing touches to fully clogging my arteries once and for all!
Will post pics of my weapons of self-destruction when they are done and plated, and ready to gut-bomb me from here to Meragtroyd!!!


Well-Known Member
I'm not a handyman at all. Recently moved into my first home. Has a basement sump pump. Sump reservoir had filled up with all the recent rain - and it wasn't draining. Watched a couple of YouTube videos, figured it out. Drained in like 15 seconds. Feel like a king!


Well-Known Member
well starting my day at 9 will be back later with pics of the new 3 in the flower room and the cuts i have taken off them


Well-Known Member
I feel like this everytime I pop in to the 600...

... but all in a groovy way!



Well-Known Member
Had pics from the morning but the battery died as I plugged in the camera (I hope), either that or I had destroyed the camera somehow, lol.

Doob's, hope you enjoyed the burger you crazy cat:)


Well-Known Member
A bit orangey from the hps, but it was only the top one that was on so not too bad.


DOG bx2


Deep Blue f4

Upper right, more Deep Blues.

more deep blues, a few have had some curled leaf after putting them into hps from outside, I think the vertival was a bit of a shocker.

DOG downstairs

Peace and happy Saturday.


Well-Known Member
I got caught up with downloading music on youtube (stuff from the 60's & 70's) and have yet to eat.
Finished with that (for now) and am going to shmoke a bolla and relax, then cook me boiga & chipz.
Pics still to come.


Well-Known Member
Actually, I think I'll save it for later today and just have a nice bowl of cereal before heading off to bed.
So, pics still to come, but much later.


Well-Known Member
Hey COF I also use the lady bug fert. Well I did till my local HEB(grocery store) stopped carring it. Pretty good stuff I think. I was wondering about the rest of thier products, but if it is good enough for you then it should work. This is why i like this site. People like you and DST,westly, doobie, and all the rest of old timers willing to share your knowledge. (Oh I mean old timers as in growers not age, ok some of you cats are up there i guess) LOL


Well-Known Member
DST better the batteries dead than loss of a cable. I still cant find that sob. The last time i seen it it was in my camera bag. I let my ex borrow the camera a while back because the pits and paroeles was in town. She does a lot of volenteering for one of the local Pit groups. I hope she didnt loose it. Maybe i just put it somewhere to be safe and forgot where i put it.....thats never happened to a stoner befor right?


Well-Known Member
Here's what I've got for a mix:

Mixed with FFOF that has already been used once and:

with perlite added too.

Room looks full of great plants, as usual D!