Club 600


Well-Known Member
Heres some DOG bx2 from seed. This grow was done using water only. No liquid nutes. Please excuse the thrip damage.

A dog nug - 2010 from seed.

hailstones and it's nearly June:shock:

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
DST_yo dog looks good does it bite LOL

i got a few ofdem i might try one next

DGT_ fine plant nice job

yeah the weather patterns are gona be screwed up from now on man has the ozone fucked
gona be strange shit going on floods tornados frost in places never before mud slides sink holes tsunamis had a ice tsunamie
lost a brige yesterday in washington state due to flooding poler caps melting

sad but tru man can fuck up anything you heard

revelations seems near
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Well-Known Member
It's friday and the pr0n is rollin! Sweet. Whomever is going to hempCon, have a great time and smoke something for me! I'd love to go but def couldn't have made it happen there is too much to do around here. New cam charger should be getting here today :-)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
DGT_ fine plant nice job

yeah the weather patterns are gona be screwed up from now on man has the ozone fucked
gona be strange shit going on floods tornados frost in places never before mud slides sink holes tsunamis had a ice tsunamie
lost a brige yesterday in washington state due to flooding poler caps melting
sad but tru man can fuck up anything you heard
revelations seems near
thanks man, not sure if the tip burn is fertilome or over fert either way.... meh
saw that bridge thing on the new this morning. looked fucked up 2 cars went into the river or something. our seasons are changed already in uk spring is way late and short summer practically non existent and winter seems twice as long or rather it stops being snow and ice and just cold rain and wind for double what it seems it should.

planets on a reset timer like it did the dinosaurs. probably for the best. all the bombings & be-headings about these days.


Well-Known Member
It's friday and the pr0n is rollin! Sweet. Whomever is going to hempCon, have a great time and smoke something for me! I'd love to go but def couldn't have made it happen there is too much to do around here. New cam charger should be getting here today :-)
I guess there are only two of us going. We'll have a good time though. It's good we are getting to see hempcon before the world ends. ;) Looking forward to some pics from the farm.


Active Member
We have the largest world population ever, Planet Earth is a living thing with the same need as us, survival. It's trying to survive by wiping some of us out.


Well-Known Member
Earth First!!!! we'll rape the other planets later....ha...well it wasn't flooding caused the bridge to fail, an oversize truck hit one of the support beams....and bugs outnumber AND outweigh humans.....just so people understand, I'm sure the earth is warming and it's caused by humans but I'm not too upset because the sun will use up its fuel and expand to consume the earth (our mother) in 4.5 billion years, plus I'm 61 now and as you get older fewer things upset you, especially if you can't do anything about it.


Well-Known Member
So as we age our "fuck it" levels naturally rise eh? Good to know! But seriously, the fuck it motto is what got us here in the first place. We can say fuck it no longer! Ah whatever, fuck it.


Well-Known Member
SAying fuck it is totally different than not getting upset by things.

Just because I don't get all worked up about the same things other do doesn't mean I don't care. Do you really think I don't give a fuck about anything bro? Really?

I do what I can do, and share knowledge where I think it can help. But to say that if you aren't worked up about something you are just saying "fuck it" is really off base.

EDIT: It's like you guys don't realize there is a middle ground between high blood pressure/ spreading the gospel of the demise of the world, AND not giving a shit.


Active Member
There's only so much we can do as individuals, but there's too many of us something has to happen.

when I said largest population, I did mean that the human population is at its all time highest.


Well-Known Member
I believe we are all on the same page here :-)
yes i agree, we are....HOWEVER....just kidding...I believe our mother earth is not infinite and her eventual demise is sad to contemplate given all of her beauty and wonder...I am sad about how humans mistreat her bounty and her resources. What do I think I can do? Live with dignity and respect, care for my loved ones, keep my little corner clean and healthy and share whenever I have more than I need.


Well-Known Member
the earth ending just may happen,then again,it may not mankind doing to much to the earth? how much oil is really in our earth?what will happen when its gone?what would happen if the mountain range,let all that westcoast air roll over the lands freely? I had a good heated convo,like this with my buddies,and some other went on for a good 2 hrs guy was telling me about the soul,in its whats make you,this and know what I told him?


Well-Known Member
I try to grow good buds. Sometimes I'm successful...

Other times not...

Good plants are chernobyl. :) Getting cut down in the next day or two.