Chocolate Thai


Well-Known Member
Chocolate Thai, will bloom only after 70-90-120 days, trich color depending (you'd want dull-white and 5% amber coloring), whereas the Indica species are from the Hindu Kush region, where days are shorter sooner and indicas are typically done in 63-days (9-weeks) after the small tuffs of bloom have first appeared.
The ChT has many medicinal qualities and contains an abundance of ThC, CBD, ans CBN. ChT is reportedly difficult to grow, but this one looks like it's coming along. The downward leaves are typical. A landrace strain (from seed of the region) has even longer leaves and that willow look. Small buds, these were the ones tied on bamboo sticks with red twine in the 1960-70's (sold in T-land for 1¢ a stick) then hybrid with other characteristics, as I've learnedRnd5.z.JPG .