ChemIndeuced's Short Rider Closet Grow (Soil, 400W HPS)

To be honest I’ve seen lots off auto diary’s with beans costing double that with massive difference in pheno types and I know Dutch passion have had reports off there’s not auto flowering at all and there a good breeder.
You’re doing alright you just lack a little confidence and that will come with experience.
your bag seed height is your issue and your sorting it, this should buy you a week or 2 . I bet the rest will pick up as well ;-)
I'm fairly confident really, I just expected amazing quality from a breeder seed's genes, ya know clone like precision. I guess that was a little naive. All my short riders are perfectly healthy in the sense that they are looking green and perky, etc. Just not the rapid growth I expected from a strain that's supposed to finish super early...and one of them has much narrower fans and is growing slowly.
Did yours sprout?
I'm going into 12/12 tonight. I know autoflowers like more, but my bagseed plant is too big to leave out of the harvest and I don't have a second room or are some pictures of my plants, they appear in the same order as last time, but I took more pics now that they're bigger. You can really see how strangely thin that smallest plant in the first few pictures is. I included up close pics of my tie down, which I've been adjusting to gradually hld down my bagseed. I'd appreciate tips if I'm doing something wrong or could do it a little better.

Off topic, but cool nonetheless:
I bought a jeweler's 30x magnifying glass online for 5 bucks and I highly recommend them to any grower. you can REALLY see everything happening with your plant and I'm sure it'll come in handy when I'm trying to decide when to harvest.



Well-Known Member
id wouldn’t recommend you go 12/12 you will lose loads off yield off the auto's, In lst you tie the tip off the plant and force it down into a n shape, here's my mother plant 5 mins ago just bent it straight over no problem and nowhere near breaking it and that one is twice the size of yours.
if the bag seed male your stuffed as you have lost the veg time on the auto's and you will yield a couple off grams


My stem is probably twice as thick as that for such a short plant it would snap quickly if I tied down from the top. I'm familiar with what LST and many other techniques for growing. I chose not to do them before my first grow so I would have a reference point to see for myself the difference that topping or fimming and things like that make...If it turns out to be a male.. and I should find out very soon, then I'll just start giving them more light and take him away.

My room overheated a bit this morning for like 2 hours and I could tell that even just a couple hours really starts to bother them, they're fine now but if that happened for an entire day, they could be irreparably stressed out so I'm going to start waking up when my light comes on to open the closet door. I'll keep it closed the rest of the time to stop light leaks while it's in flowering.


Well-Known Member
the first 4 weeks are the auto veg time you should at least wait until you have passed that point or you will get no height.
the first 4 weeks are the auto veg time you should at least wait until you have passed that point or you will get no height.
they got a full 4 weeks before the switch

I even had to tie down the tall one so my heights could stay within 8 or so inches of eachother. It's younger so the LST is working much better
Evidence that Short Rider wasn't ready for sale is out there now for sure, they took it off their website... any suggestions for good and reasonably priced seeds for my next grow. Maybe something that responds well to scrog?
Like I said earlier, they are all doing fine, but I don't think they were full autos like they claimed and one of mine has the thinnest leaves I've seen on a plant on this site and it's purely a preoblem of genetics. I can buy nutes to make buds denser, ,more trichs, etc. but I can't make the leaves bigger. I have looked around and it seems like my 75 % germ rate is better than most people have gotten from this strain. The ones I have, I'm grateful for and I'm excited to see them to the end. I just wouldn't buy this strain again... plus, they didn't just say they were unavailable they removed them from the site completely, I'd say that means they aren't going to sell it again until they perfect it a little more.


Well-Known Member
never transplant in bloom, roots stop growing after a week and will not fill pot and could sour compost also auto's in 1-2 gallon max but your bag seed in a 3 gallon would be good.
I'm really getting sick of the bossy and nonconstructive advice, it's already been done man.... I'll check at the end of the grow to see if the roots filled the pot, I feel like the roots will keep growing into the new pot
Ok, so the scraggly SR i got from growing a 100% guaranteed feminized plant is a male, not's a little too early to tell with the bagseed. The large SR that I've been doing LST has already started forming colas, it's definitely a female. The mid-sized SR has shown no signs of sex yet. Here are some pictures of the progress. My camera didn't take very good close up pics, so I won't post them. The plants in the pictures are in the order described in thispost

i am thinking about using molasses in the last 4 weeks of flowering if anyone has any advice on using it, I'd appreciate it.

oops...can't show the pic of my bagseed plant b/c my time sheet from work was in the background and would have revealed my identity. It's looking pretty much like it did last week, but is still growing.



Well-Known Member
Just trying to save your money on compost and time as I’ve seen growers (also myself) transplant in bloom and pull the plant with no extra root ball formed. Watering compost which is not fully rooted out can cause anaerobic bacteria and also fungus to multiply and lead to root rot which in turn is dead plants, also spending money on bigger pots and extra soil which will yield you nothing extra and cause more problems. Nonconstructive? For a beginner with vey little experience you do not take advice at all and have a very stubborn attitude with a "my way or the high way" opinion off your grow. I’ve designed and built hydro systems done grow with chemicals and organic ferts plus boosters also experimented with dual spectrum techniques and lots lots more. Also for the record I’ve used molasses plenty off times molasses as a booster only works in soil based media's with organic nutrients as it acts like carbo booster to feed the micro heard which brake down the nutrient to soluble forms for plant uptake. Does not work in hydroponics or with chemical based fertilisers such as miracle grow as chemical nutrient is in a free form already. I water my plant with a qtr tsp per litre (boiled in water) once a week in bloom and add Epsom salts in the third week in my organic grows.
Wont be leaving any more advice on this one crack on son and make your own mistakes and learn like i did. Not a cheap way off doing it mind you.
Th bagseed plant is male, really bummed about this...I have two healthy plants left, but that thing is getting pretty big...haven't had the heart to cut it up yet, but I took it away from the other ones. Damn

For the record, I do appreciate the advice, just not so much how you delivered it Agito. I have read that as long as it's early in flowering it's fine to transplant and the roots keep growing until the plant is fully into bud production, which they aren't quite yet. I'll find out at the end of the grow.
So besides being really disappointed about the males, my plant's are doing VERY well. They look really healthy and they are spouting a lot of solid looking bud sites. The LST has worked really well with SR so far and the plant I used it on has about a dozen buds that are already at least dime sized. It's only made the circle about half way around the pot but is still growing a little. It looks like a tiara of little buds haha. Sorry I missed pictures this week, but the holiday kind of got in the way of that.


Well-Known Member
Hey man, nice grow.
I'm growing 4 shorts as well all 10 germinate and sprouted fine but 6 got eating. Started them on the 21st of May inside moved outside on the 5th of June ..There all fems but still have not started flowering Boo . Don't think there a true AF but i guess one of yours has started to yay! Good luck on your grow man hope everything goes well.
Thanks for the well wishes chromer, good luck with the 4 you have left....

The two girls are looking pretty effing good If I say so myself, I haven't really had any problems so there's really not much to talk about. The nutrient schedule has been working very well for every other watering. I'm watering about every 3 or 4 days. It looks like there will be plenty of buds from these ladies, but not much of an odor at all unless you put your nose right up to them....I cleaned the grow area and fans out today so it won't be too dusty in there while they're starting to get sticky... about 5 weeks to lease is up on Aug. 15th so hopefully they'll be ripe enough to cut down by then. That would make for exactly 8 weeks of flowering.

enjoy the pics and sorry I've been bad about putting up weekly pics

