ChemIndeuced's Short Rider Closet Grow (Soil, 400W HPS)

I went out to HTG Supply again today and picked up some Fox Farm Ocean Forest potting soil and three pack of fertilizers. I don't want to have to deal with Miracle Grow issues all through my grow. It served its purpose. I have enough money to upgrade though and I think it will be worth the money. I also bought a gallon of Odor Killer gel. It was expensive, but I'm pretty sure if I keep the odor from getting out of hand I won't get caught. I'm not using much electricity and my spot is out of sight, so the odor that should come with flowering is my main concern at this point. I am transplanting my seedlings to 1L pots tomorrow and I'll take pics for future reference of when to transplant.

I am going to fill in a few things that I think are missing from my journal.

Watering: I have been watering my seedlings in the solo cups just about every day with no nutes. Those little cups don't hold much water and with the heat of the HPS, it evaporates a lot and dries up the soil. I will water twice a week for my plants in larger pots. I am watering on Saturday nights and Wednesday around noon. The Wednesday waterings will have nutes.

Nutes: From here on out, all my feedings will be on Wednesday according to the instructions that came with my Fox Farm Trio feeding chart in case I lose it or it gets destroyed as well as for anyone else's use. They are listed in number of tsp/gal by week for Grow Big and Tiger Bloom and Tbl/gal for Big Bloom

weeks | lights | liquids/concentrates |
| Grow Big | Tiger Bloom| Big Bloom |
1 | 18hr | 0 | 0 | 2 |
2 | 18hr | 0 | 0 | 2 |
3 | 18hr | 3 | 0 | 2 |
4 | 18hr | 3 | 0 | 0 |
5 | 12hr | 0 | 2 | 1 |
6 | 12hr | 0 | 2 | 1 |
7 | 12hr | 2 | 2 | 1 |
8 | 12hr | 2 | 2 | 1 |
9 | 12hr | 0 | 2 | 1 |
10 | 12hr | 0 | 2 | 1 |
11 | 12hr | 0 | 2 | 1 |
12 | 12hr | 0 | 2 | 1 |


Well-Known Member
Here are my short riders at the two week mark from when I planted the seeds. They are healthy and doing well, although they are growing a lot slower than I anticipated. I am not really worried about it b/c as I have seen with my Lemonhead the vegetative growth is pretty slow at first and the plant can only grow as fast as the size and number of the leaves allow it to. I just have to sit back and wait until they are ready to transplant.

I am going to abandon my original plan of staying 18/6 through the grow for two reasons.
1) I think I can get quite a bit of bud from the Lemonhead (bagseed) if it turns out to be a female and don't want to herm it by keeping it in 18/6 too long or lose out on the benefits of the HPS by putting it outside or using another light.
2) From what I have read the Short Riders might not be fully autoflowering because of the breeding and I want to stay on schedule.
I will switch to 12/12 two weeks from today
18/6 never caused a plant to herm cheif
18/6 never caused a plant to herm cheif
I was under the impression that a mature plant could be hermed if it wasn't allowed to start flowering. I guess I'm wrong on that one, but there's no need to be condescending to me in my thread. If you weren't doing it on purpose my bad, but let me just say that nobody I know calls someone chief without trying to be a condescending dick. That is, unless of course you meant chef or something else. Your spelling was a little off. If you want to post in someone's journal be informative and explain the advice you give.
So I transplanted my short riders to one liter pots the other day, I thought it went pretty horribly b/c they weren't quite ready to make a smooth transition (no solid root ball) but they are doing well since I moved them and are obviously not shocked by the transplant. They should do much better in the bigger pot with the better soil, my bagseed plant took off after I transplanted it, so I hope the same happens with my Short Riders. I'll post pics tomorrow of my girls at the three week mark. I want them to get a lot bigger before I switch the lights, and I'm hoping for a lot of growth in the next week or so. I fed them yesterday for the first time, so it wouldn't surprise me.

I 've had insomnia real bad so I was up all night and switched up some stuff in my grow room to reduce temps during the dog days of summer and clean it up a bit. Pictures tomorrow


Well-Known Member
No offence was intended, I was looking forward to seeing the short ryder auto flower and thought the info i provided will come in handy. You can get plants to hermi if you over flower them by several weeks but you can veg for years. Handy if you want fem seeds . I am a very experienced grower in all departments and if you want my advice just ask. I was looking forward to your thread as i have some Short Ryder too now as well and wanted to see if they were full auto, All right chief to me is like saying you ok boss its just a figure off speech.


Well-Known Member
Some useful advice would be transplant into 1-2 gallon pots if you have the space as this would avoid transplant shock as auto's need to be treated slightly different to other plants where potting up advice is normally recommended, You should read the joint doctors Low ryder guide as the plants are the same type and will provide loads off useful information.

Also top the bag seed as this will buy you time for the ryders to catch up and give you two cola's as well. Then you could employ some LST training for big yields.
I wouldn't feel right cutting one of my plants at my level of growing experience. I might try it if I had more plants. I understand it's not all that complicated, but if I somehow managed to ruin my biggest plant it would reduce my crop way too much.
I'll post the pics now and comment later, It's friday and I need to get a haircut and get fucked up. But yeah here they are in order of weakest to strongest.
I said I'd come back and comment so here it is. My Short Riders aren't all that big for 3 weeks, but I'm not worried at all b/c I just started adding nutes, which by the way they are responding beautifully to, and they are just starting to hit that stage of really fast growth where they pop out a new node every 2-3 days like my other plant did. Plus autoflowering strains are typically pretty short from what I have read and seen in other journals. All of them have made significant amounts of growth in just the day and a half since I took these pictures.


Well-Known Member
Well done mate. LST training stands for low stress training all you do is tie down the main stem/top 90 degrees so you have an L shape and leave it, and all the side branch's become the tops in around 7 days and this will help you provide an even canopy as your bag seed is way larger than the ryders. Other wise your bag seed will be massive by the time you put it into flower. also i recommend 20/4 light regime for auto's.

Topping or pinching as its known is just nipping off the very tip off the top off the node letting the top 2 tiny branch's become tops. Yielding alot more in general.

hope these diagrams help.

But do not do this to your ryders as there veg cycle is far too short
My stems are a little too thick for LST at this point, and I have known about these techniques and will probably experiment with them on another grow... My bagseed plant has an obvious nitrogen deficiency, which is killing off the very lower leaves. I'm not going to go out of my schedule to correct the problem knowing that I am going to feed once more on Wednesday and then go into flowering on Friday. I know you want to start weening the plant off of nitrogen for flowering anyways. I think it's also about to show its sex, so I have my fingers crossed that she's a lady. If not I'll probably save some of the pollen and cross it with something next summer.


Well-Known Member
Nitrogen deficiency is quite rare as I know MG compost you’re using is quite hot. Plants do require nitrogen during flower just not as much and general potting up normally provides most off it. Around 2 weeks into bloom you may require a little MG and bloom ferts but the first week off bloom you should still be using veg nutrients anyway. Also if you have big pots I would not feed the Ryders/Bag seed for the first 4 weeks as there’s loads in the compost already and easy to overdo it. Check for rams horning and burnt leaf tips.

p.s just for future ref if youre stems are to thick lst can be done over a couple off days but i can bend mine ok and my mother plant is around 2 months old, Also not all plants (non auto's) will show sex in veg you may have to take a cutting then flower it to avoid stress but if they do they will show very small signs at the nodes off the branch's.

Making your own auto seeds is a very good cost effective idea.


Well-Known Member
How long did it take your SR to pop up from the soil, mine seem to be taken the mick.
I just decided that doing a little LST on the bagseed can't hurt even if it won't bend nearly 90 degrees quite yet. I'll probably tighten the tie every couple days until it's pretty close.


Well-Known Member
Mine have been 3 days but not one has popped up. i cracked them in the papper towel before putting them in. Strange. planted 1/4 deep in the jiffy's pellets but ive never used jiffy's before.
Good luck man I hope they work out for you, but to tell you the truth I'm starting to believe what I read on another thread after I bought them: they rushed to get this hybrid to the market without stabilizing it first. One of mine is growing FAST one average and one not so well. The fourth didn't sprout. People don't want to pay $40 for those kinds of results. I can't hate too much b/c they got here and they're growing, but unless they really take off I'll probably buy from attitude next time.


Well-Known Member
To be honest I’ve seen lots off auto diary’s with beans costing double that with massive difference in pheno types and I know Dutch passion have had reports off there’s not auto flowering at all and there a good breeder.
You’re doing alright you just lack a little confidence and that will come with experience.
your bag seed height is your issue and your sorting it, this should buy you a week or 2 . I bet the rest will pick up as well ;-)