CFL LIGHTING, Wattage Housing and wiring.


Active Member
Hey Guys,

Im doing my first time grow and planning on using CFL's 4x42w Cool White and 4x42 Warm White

I am having some difficulty in figuring out how to cable this and would really love it if you guys could help me out.

The above CFL's are GE Biax Energy Saving CFL TE 4 PIN 42W with the GX24q base.

This may seem like a stupid question but I need to know where I can find the cheapest possible houses (fixtures) for this bulb. I've looked all over the net and either im doing something stupidly wrong or am too high to operate my keyboard because I cant find them anywhere. (If anyone can point me to a uk site that sells them I shall make sweet love to them)

I'm new to growing and really need a helping hand, I plan to find some tutorials on wiring and setup so I can begin growing asap any input from anyone would be great.

I have another thread showing my planned setup if anyone has any input suggestions or critism I would really appreciate hearing it.

Thanks :) :weed:


Active Member

Couldnt find any GX24q mounts anywhere found loads of GX24 mounts but unsure if they are the same :S They look the same (anyone know)

Anyway I've instead decided to get a Ballast for 2 T5 80w tubes & add 2 CFL's later on anyone tried this before?


Well-Known Member
They're bloomin' cheap bulbs compared to the 2-pin CFLs I'm using. On the other hand, the fixtures for mine are 99p each and they're easy peasy to wire :p. What's there to know? Wire the lives to the lives and the neutrals to the neutrals, and use the earth if it's there. I use ceiling roses as junction boxes for all my lights, and try to limit each rose to 80-100w each just for peace of mind (which means 3 bulbs per rose).

Once you have all the stuff in front of you I doubt you'll have any problems wiring it.

As for your ballast idea, from what I've heard the tubes seem to be 'better' than the small CFLs. I don't use them though because I like the control I have with lots of individual lights (can move them anywhere in the room) and I don't have to pay for ballasts. Conversely, the built-in ballasts on the CFLs are rubbish and you better not drop or knock them as they break very easily indeed.

O, and if you do decide to go for some CFLs then in my experience the screw-in type are better (pendants are slightly more expensive); the points on the bayonet-style bulbs can get quite weak after a while, and then the bugger won't stay in its pendant.


Active Member
Ah thanks guys, I've been looking at this ballast with either 2 80w Tubes or 2 55 Tubes. I intend to buy one today/tomorrow start my buds off then buy another ballast with the same tubes adding further CFL's on the side for further lighting later on. Take a look at my thread on my cupboard build. What you think about this lighting setup.. As its my first time its all going a bit over my head and am struggling to make a confirmed purchase.