CFL - First Grow - Closet


Well-Known Member
Finally looks like it should.. ;) I am really excited. Seems to be growing without any problems. Once this one is grown I plan to do a 5 plant setup. I will let you guys know my first yeild amount. If anyone here can identify what kind this plant is at any time please do let me know.




Well-Known Member
Day # 14

Finally got finished building te light setup. Weights a ton. Looks decent and works beautifully. 19,200 Lumens.. woohoo.. how many plants could I grow under a light like this? And how far should I place it above plants? I have it like 5 or 7 inches away from the actual plant itself (because its still in the planted) i ran out of soil filling it so yeah.. im germinating 2 more seeds.. 1 looks dark and the other looks pale.. but ill try it anyways.. hate to wast a seed because i think its bad and its not..



Well-Known Member
Day 17:

IT is growing amazingly fine. At day 17 no flaws. Almost 4 inches tall right now. This is something I can be proud of when I look back at my first attempt to grow. The first pic is from this morning or the night before. And the second is from just a half an hour ago.

Day 18:
I went to check on my plants. They look fine. Soil a bit dry so I wattered them. I noticed my temperature is up to 100.9F. Really bad I think. But the plants do not show any signs of burning. So I took them out of my closet and opened the door and im airing it out and trying to cool it down. I need to get an A/C but ill work on that when I get the money for one and a new breaker since it will trip it for sure (already tested). Is it a problem that my plant was exposed to so much heat?

Day ?:
Not sure what day it is but I decided to start growing another seed to improve y chances of getting a male. Any suggestions on checkign sex? Should I just clone it and flower the clone to determine? But yeah my plants look awsome consideing this is my first time growing and all.



Well-Known Member
Just like to add to this that my other seeds i was germinating one finally cracked and sprouted just today. So I am looking forward to planting it. It actually shows signs of being the fastest ive seen for both germination (less then a day) to sprouting 1 day. So in justover a day and a half I have a plant growing. Using just water and seed starter soil. xD

I will keep you guys posted on how it turns out tho not many people reply to this. Any and all input. Again I will repeat ANY AND ALL INPUT is welcome.

Oh and my above post. I was a wee-bit high. I ment to increase my chances of getting a female.. lol


Well-Known Member
Thanks man. I also looked today and another seed germinated. What I am doing is the towel method. Also soaking the seeds for about a day or so. Then I use an icecube tray with some seed starter in it. Once the seed grows above the soil I transplant it to a actual pot to grow it a small one at that, but still. Seems to work nicely. Will post more pics once my second plant grows a bit and the third aswell.

So to all those beginners out there growing. This is a great journal to save. I have never grown before but my progress looks nicely.

Make that 2 seeds germinated today.


Well-Known Member
I will be watching this journal also. We are both in the same boat almost. I have about 2 27w CFL's, 3 23w CFL's, and 250w HPS over about 8-9 plants.....I think your plants are looking healthier than mine


Well-Known Member
u still using that seedling soil? whats the NPK of that stuff? and are U checking ur pH? your leaves are doing that twisting/curling thing.


Well-Known Member
Yes its actually in a mix of the seed starter and some other cheaper soil (at the bottom) the bag itself does not actually list the npk on it.. I have looked the whole bag over and its not listed. Im sure of this. I have no way to actually check the ph right now to any accuracy. I have one of those pool ph things. The strips u dip in water. But it was really unclear to use. The very tips of 2 leaves turnedvery light green and crunch but the rest seems alright. I have a fan blowing on them and some of them are kinda pointing back down to the soil a bit.

The seed starter soil I have is "Hoffman". And its called "Seed Starter". I could google it for you and see if I can find a npk for you? But it looks like this soil is doing rather good to start the seeds. I also have mirical grow (havent used yet) which has a 12-4-8.. Should I be using this or not? I know that the plants like Nitrogen but I don't know if there actually needing it yet. Any clue?


Well-Known Member
u still using that seedling soil? whats the NPK of that stuff? and are U checking ur pH? your leaves are doing that twisting/curling thing.
I've been using the same soil since day 1 its been about almost a month, and yes the 2 oldest ones started curling up under the 250w HPS...I know i need to transfer them into bigger pots and better soil which i will do ASAP...& no i havent been checking my pH....

EDIT: Ooops he wasn't talking to me......o


Well-Known Member
lol.. nice to know mine arn't the only ones curling up tho.. tho mine have been doing it a while now....


Well-Known Member
I would like to show my new grow setup now that my one plant is officially dead.. =/ grr ill learn from that mistake tho..

anti-graal was designed by me but belongs to a friend.. he founded it but i made the site.. lol and i made the /iwir3d/ site too.. xD not the 2 pics u see on the main page tho =/ those are placeholders.. but this video is a good veiw of my grow closet.. i have a 8,000 BTU a/c outside of camera veiw tho.. ;)


Well-Known Member
Well posting update on my grow. I have 10 plants now and heres a video.. R.I.P First Grow Attempt.. lol oh well I have ALOT of seeds.. all random..

ImageShack - Hosting :: mvi0371rl4.flv

Enjoy the video. My first plant the one labeled #1 is looking nicely.
if any of them look bad to you then let me know.. I wouldn't be able to notice right away anyways..


Well-Known Member
I'm guess its something to do with watering/drainage/roots.

It looks like the roots arent being allowed to stretch out, this could be because the soil is packed too tight and the roots cant move, possible over watering, I can't be definate but it looks to me like the roots are being restricted in some way


Well-Known Member
Time to put them in bigger pots? The pots im using suck a bit... and they fix maybe the size of a baseball with some extra room in it.. but not much

bush basher

Well-Known Member
my leaves are curling at the sides too any help please there in really large pots and the soils not to tight. bin feeding them phostegen, stopped that due too a few specks on the leaves. just pure rain water now.