Cemetary Controversy?!


Well-Known Member
"fuck authority" is meant to be nothing BUT offensive. you can't seem to grasp the whole idea behind her actions. it was meant to be "funny" BECAUSE it is offensive. she was on a company trip. and she is now unemployed. who's laughing now. http://news.yahoo.com/prank-photo-tomb-unknowns-sparks-backlash-143533783--abc-news-money.html
She's on leave pending an investigation. Not unemployed, she has not been terminated. What will most likely happen is when the heat of the situation has died down and everyone unbunches their panties, she will be back at work.


Well-Known Member
She's on leave pending an investigation. Not unemployed, she has not been terminated. What will most likely happen is when the heat of the situation has died down and everyone unbunches their panties, she will be back at work.
you're making guesses. as of today, she is NOT working. we'll have to wait to see what really happens.


King Tut
I think it's the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately. George Carlin
i, PERSONALLY, love Carlin's style and whole heartedly agree.

But said comedian better be prepared for what they are stepping into when they cross that line.

For the most part, me personally, i don't give a fuck. But some are less........open or tolerant.


Well-Known Member
This pusification of this country is getting ridiculous. Nobody can make a fucking joke anymore without some PC cry baby having an issue with something.


Well-Known Member
you're making guesses. as of today, she is NOT working. we'll have to wait to see what really happens.
Fair enough. But frankly I doubt we will even hear an update at all. At the end of the day, I think it's sad this lady may lose her job for an attempt at humor. It's all well and good that she has to "deal with the backlash", but as has been pointed out by many already, it's just odd to me that people want to judge so harshly and intentionally try to RUIN a persons life because they don't see the humor. Thats what just doesn't sit right with me. People going out of there way to create a "fire this bitch" page on facebook, taking time out of their day to spread hate around. Nice.


Well-Known Member
Fuck her she's a grown woman at work not some highschool kid on a field trip. She's no George Carlin, or Benny Goodman. Having a family member there I'm glad she got a wake up call. She admits herself to being a douchbag so I can assume those that defend her defend douchbagery everywhere? There are things you should probably use better judgment on like yelling fire or bomb in a theatre.


King Tut
Sorry that you feel that way but that's not how most people think and respect should be shown for those that care.
Most definitely agreed about the respect thing. No need to feel sorry though. It's kinda liberating having that viewpoint in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
For me personally, the dead are, well, dead. Bags of meat that used to be people.
They are just bodies, and they don't care. There's a special respect due when you go to Arlington though, especially when you go to the tomb of the Unknown Soldier. That grave represents American military members who fell in battle throughout our nation's history and were never identified. She's not disrespecting dead people, they can't get offended. She's disrespecting the sacrifice of people who gave their lives in combat and never got recognition for it, nor did their families ever get the closure of burying them. It's more than just yelling at some random grave.


Active Member
the most ironic part of this entire debacle is the fact that the soldiers buried there died supporting our freedoms, including freedom of expression. as offended as people may be... "I may disagree with what you have to say, but I shall defend to the death your right to say it." Voltaire


King Tut
the most ironic part of this entire debacle is the fact that the soldiers buried there died supporting our freedoms, including freedom of expression. as offended as people may be... "I may disagree with what you have to say, but I shall defend to the death your right to say it." Voltaire
While not a huge issue in this case, freedom of expression is not guaranteed. That would be freedom of speech. Expressions can include not letting other races do business at a store, harassing gays, etc. Expressions are most often actions, not something we are guaranteed a right to imo.


Active Member
While not a huge issue in this case, freedom of expression is not guaranteed. That would be freedom of speech. Expressions can include not letting other races do business at a store, harassing gays, etc. Expressions are most often actions, not something we are guaranteed a right to imo.
true, but they are only not guaranteed when those views may cause harm to another. and as disrespectful as i find this, she isn't harming anyone. Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted in 1948, states that: "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers."


Well-Known Member
Just to play the devils advocate here. Would you react in the same manner if she were to have taken the pic in say..... a cemetary in the middle east?


Well-Known Member
Just to play the devils advocate here. Would you react in the same manner if she were to have taken the pic in say..... a cemetary in the middle east?
Yes, so much is focused on the dead whern cemetaries are used by the living too mourn and remember.