Can you OD with H2o2 (hydrogen peroxide)?


Well-Known Member
Just for my own knowledge, how do you use h2o2 with soil grows? flushes and etc. how much do you use? i know nothing about it but constantly read about people using it for various things. thanks guys!


Well-Known Member
im sure like anything you can overdo it, alot of people use it as a foliar spray and water it into thier soil. i would just do the recomended amount as it is the recomended amount for a reason :)


Well-Known Member
Do not use h2o2 on soil grows. Soil has beneficial bacteria that is needed to breakdown nutrients that the plant can intake. h2o2 is used more widely in hydro as a reservoir cleaner. You can also use h202 to sanitize equipment, used pots, etc. The 3% that you can buy at the store is sufficient.


Well-Known Member
I mix in a 32oz bottle of 3% H2O2 with a gallon of distilled H2o all the time for oxygenation of my roots. It seems to really help them stay healthy and thriving, and be able to take up more nutes quicker. I do it about once every two weeks for the whole grow... I would recommend it to anyone...


Well-Known Member
If u want to use a foliar spray to boost growth, try some sodium-free seltzer water, and your plant can take up CO2 up top, or use a fermentation method with H20, yeast, and sugar to release approw 4.35 cubic feet of CO2 every four days, although it still releases at night when the plants arent able to use it, it still works wonders. And yes, even though I keep a living soil, and the H202 waterings DO kill other beneficial microherds in there, they come back with proper coil upkeep, and itz never an issue for me... Now, if u DO NOT dilute the hydrogen peroxide and just pour it str8 into your pots, it will likely kill alot of your microherds in the ryzosphere(area around your roots)... So, definately use with water in at least a 50/50 ratio, and even using 1 part H2O2 per 3 parts water is ok, too...


Well-Known Member
Hydrogen peroxide is oxygen-rich, with no CO2, and does nothing for the plant when used as a foliar spray. Only the roots use oxygen, as the plant itself uses CO2, as found in sodium-free, or low-sodium seltzer water... That mixed with some diluted liquid seaweed makes for a nice protective and nutritious foliar spray...


Well-Known Member
Don't use H2O2 in soil. Like stated, it will kill your bennies as well has damage your roots. Plants uptake 02 through their leaves when/if they need it. Your roots need no extra O2 and H2O2 would NOT be a good way of providing it even if they did.

and don't spray it on your leaves either... You know how to 'bleach' your hair/teeth? H2O2... Don't 'bleach' your plant.


Active Member
Farmers world wide use h2o2 to enrich their water with oxygen, to give to their crops in soil. I always add a few drops of 35percent food grade h2o2 to my water. It is great for roots.


Well-Known Member
Farmers world wide use h2o2 to enrich their water with oxygen, to give to their crops in soil. I always add a few drops of 35percent food grade h2o2 to my water. It is great for roots.
Farmers where? I know several that add it to water supplies to keep the algae out... none that use it to help roots. Crazy expense for something that's never been proven in the Ag industry to help.


Well-Known Member
If u want to use a foliar spray to boost growth, try some sodium-free seltzer water, and your plant can take up CO2 up top, or use a fermentation method with H20, yeast, and sugar to release approw 4.35 cubic feet of CO2 every four days, although it still releases at night when the plants arent able to use it, it still works wonders. And yes, even though I keep a living soil, and the H202 waterings DO kill other beneficial microherds in there, they come back with proper coil upkeep, and itz never an issue for me... Now, if u DO NOT dilute the hydrogen peroxide and just pour it str8 into your pots, it will likely kill alot of your microherds in the ryzosphere(area around your roots)... So, definately use with water in at least a 50/50 ratio, and even using 1 part H2O2 per 3 parts water is ok, too...
"or use a fermentation method with H20, yeast, and sugar to release approw 4.35 cubic feet of CO2 every four days"

Do you spray this yeast/sugar/water solution or just let it sit in the tent?

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Do not use h2o2 on soil grows. Soil has beneficial bacteria that is needed to breakdown nutrients that the plant can intake. h2o2 is used more widely in hydro as a reservoir cleaner. You can also use h202 to sanitize equipment, used pots, etc. The 3% that you can buy at the store is sufficient.
3% is NOT effective enough! It would have to remain in contact directly for 15 min to work.

You have to use a 35 or 40% H2o2 and mix that down with water 3:1 water to H2o2.....You want a 10 or 11% solution to be really effective.

I mix in a 32oz bottle of 3% H2O2 with a gallon of distilled H2o all the time for oxygenation of my roots. It seems to really help them stay healthy and thriving, and be able to take up more nutes quicker. I do it about once every two weeks for the whole grow... I would recommend it to anyone...
I would not! Simply for how it restricts organic action of the soil!
I suggest you learn how to water a metered amount everyday at lights on. The more often you water/The more O2 to the roots!
I have been doing it daily for all 46 years I've been growing...