Can somone help guide me on what to do???


Well-Known Member
We have 8 peat pellets 6 of them just sprouted up yesterday and we put them under 4 26 wt cfl daylight 6500k with a small 4 inch fan on has been 4 days since we put all 8 under there so i was wondering about how long do you think it will take for the rest to pop up or are they no good??? The ones that have sprouted are still very small and a couple are bent looking towards the ground any advice would be greatly appreciated ...don't be to harsh its mine and my boyfriends first grow...:confused::cry:


Well-Known Member
Here are some pics of our first babies...notice in the 2nd pic the sprout in the top left...pic 3 is a that o.k.? It looks like the seed sprouted in the soil before it was ready?? Pic 4 is it's sibling which to me looks typical...pic 1 is the cfls' that we are using (26W=100W Daylight 6500K) and the 4" fan just for circulation.



Well-Known Member
Keep looks a little bent. You can rotate the plant a couple of times a day to get the stem to point up. Put a little fan on them, helps make stem strong
Good luck


Well-Known Member
thanx for the reply I was getting a little nervous wondering if I was doing something wrong I thought they were taking longer then expected I thought the Light set up had something to do with it , does that look like enough lights to you??? what routine with the lights would you suggest at this time i have heard a couple different things???


Active Member
There are two regimes to use during veg state, 24/7 or 18/6 I personally leave the lights on all day when bringing seedlings and cuttings on, the 18/6 comes into effect when I stick them under the 400 watter.
But I am sure other growers use different light regimes.


Well-Known Member
So heres a couple more the first you can see the same batch ive been posting about, five days after planting. After cfls' being on 24-0 for the last 3 days, you can see hardly any difference....In the second pic there is a new batch that we planted 2 days after the first. it is obvious that the second batch is doing much better. My question is should I pull my first batch, or let them grow? They are from two different bags, therefore could they be worse seeds...?



Active Member
I shouldn't pull them, patience is a virtue as they say. You have nothing to lose by letting them develop more.


Well-Known Member
would anyone know if it is ok to wash clay pellets in well water???
someone told me that the ph would have to be dropped down to 4.0 and i tested my well water and it shows 5.0 would that be ok??? any suggestions would be great thanx...


Well-Known Member
ok, so it's day 6 and i've got a few more pics...pic 1 is a shot of all our seedlings. you can see that on the bottom and very top sprout the leaves are dying. What can I do about this?...pic 2 is a closeup of our three strongest looking seedlings...and pic 3 is an even closer look at the dying leaf to the right. they have small roots coming out from underneath and through the sides of the peat pellets. I was going to put them in some homemade net pots with hyrdoton clay as the medium.



Well-Known Member
the plants closest to the lights seem to be doing the best, is there a way you could even the lights out to incorporate all the seeds?

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
Hi catmandoob have you though of useing some kind of reflector for those lamps your using this will help direct more of the light at the plants i use 2 18watt floresant tubes less than 1" away for seedligs and clones with great resaults :mrgreen:
the big one looks ready for a small pot cheak to see if the root has pushed out the bottom of the bag this is a good indication if it needs to go into a pot



Well-Known Member
2nd batch looks alot better, if you have enough plants for what you are planning then I say ditch the first batch.


Well-Known Member
It is time for us to plant our babies, the roots are busting out of the peat pellets. But first we need to know if it matters what size net pot you put your seedling in for an ebb and flow setup? I was thinking that it wouldn't since the roots grow through anyway...