can all mites be treated the same?


Well-Known Member
almost always 2 spot spider mites from my exp with cannabis. u need a product like floromite or tetrasan that kills the eggs. find a mite tho, lots of bugs lay eggs like those and most miticide will only work on certain mites.gotta find one to know what u need to kill.


Well-Known Member
Ive been having some issues lately with curling/twisting and yellowing/browning of leaves. Checked under the leaves with 100x microscope and found little clear/milky eggs. I don't see any webbing nor can I find anything moving around but lots of what looks to be eggs scattered around. I started adding aspirin as recommended. Ive got some doctor doom bombs/spray and no pest strips on the way but I'm wondering how I can be sure what it is or does it even matter would I treat cyclamen/broad/spider mites the same way?
Here's the best photo I could get under the scope if anyone could diagnose based on that. Need some advice before things get any worse
Those aren't eggs. They are resin. When I was a newer grower I had similar symptoms and saw the same thing and thought I must have broad mites or something. Spider mites will be clearly visible, usually even without a scope.


Well-Known Member
Did anyone actually look at the op's pictures, lol? I don't think you even have mites. Take regualr pictures of the leaves. Spider mites create tiny dots all over them, when your talking about using harsh pesticides better make sure you actually have pests first.


Well-Known Member
I thought I had broad mites once for a long time, but never found any evidence other than those exact 'dots' you photographed. Turns out the problems with my leaves being splotchy and weird looking (some of them with a mosaic pattern that kinda looks like broad mite damage or TMV on goggle-even though tmv doesn't effect cannabis) were from underfeeding and underwatering when I got kidna lazy in veg, working a perpetual garden can be alot of work :) I'm not saying that is your problem, just that I drove myself nuts thinking those dots must be eggs-but now I know they are not.

Post some pictures of your plants, tops and bottoms of leaves.

big Boo

Ohh yeh, the GREAT part about Azamax if you use it as a "Drench", it won't kill the beneficial bugs that eat mites. If you spray, it might not be beneficial to the beneficials... LOL!

I like the idea of having an "anti-feedant" in my plants "system" that when bugs eat it, they die.


Well-Known Member
How do you mix Azamax to drench? I'm trying to calculate how much I would need is it one ounce per gallon? And would I just need to water once with azamax or continuously over a week for it to be effective?

The directions are right on the package, the bottle even has an easy measuring device. It's like "add a tablespoon per gallon".

I go even lighter than this, I run a tablespoon per 5 gallons. Since is it essentially "Neem oil", even the smallest amount will kill them off.(smallest amount within reason, I've found a tablespoon per 5 gallons to be the smallest you'd want to go.)


I thought I had broad mites once for a long time, but never found any evidence other than those exact 'dots' you photographed. Turns out the problems with my leaves being splotchy and weird looking (some of them with a mosaic pattern that kinda looks like broad mite damage or TMV on goggle-even though tmv doesn't effect cannabis) were from underfeeding and underwatering when I got kidna lazy in veg, working a perpetual garden can be alot of work :) I'm not saying that is your problem, just that I drove myself nuts thinking those dots must be eggs-but now I know they are not.

Post some pictures of your plants, tops and bottoms of leaves.
I've been dealing with this issue for awhile and I know what you mean running perpetual is a lot of work especially when I keep running into so many problems. I don't think its broad mites because those "eggs" are perfectly round they look oval with dots all over when I Google broad mite eggs. I haven't ruled out spider mites but I haven't seen any webbing and can't find any. as a bit of a precaution I grabbed a can of doctor doom and sprayed everything in the veg room. Next day I found a dead bug on top of one of the leaves this was the best photo I could get
Any ideas what I'm fighting?

Here afew pictures of the leaves. The leaf tips seem to be dying off it looks like the tips are just cut off.. Overall most of them look good but I'm obviously having some problems I need to sort out



Well-Known Member
I've been dealing with this issue for awhile and I know what you mean running perpetual is a lot of work especially when I keep running into so many problems. I don't think its broad mites because those "eggs" are perfectly round they look oval with dots all over when I Google broad mite eggs. I haven't ruled out spider mites but I haven't seen any webbing and can't find any. as a bit of a precaution I grabbed a can of doctor doom and sprayed everything in the veg room. Next day I found a dead bug on top of one of the leaves this was the best photo I could get
Any ideas what I'm fighting?

Here afew pictures of the leaves. The leaf tips seem to be dying off it looks like the tips are just cut off.. Overall most of them look good but I'm obviously having some problems I need to sort out

That's why you use drenches.... Think about it.... a bug eats the plant and dies. Not the plant...

I've used sprays when I first started out, first time, I killed the plants, because the spray even though it was organic, didn't like to be under the lights and the plants all melted. Sprays are a pain in the ass.. mixing them, spraying them, have to get the ENTIRE plant and if you grow trees like I do, this is near impossible, so you're ALWAYS having to struggle with mites left over.

Not with a drench, it's fuss no muss. you can have millions of bugs, but as long as they aren't eating your plants that's all that matters.


That's why you use drenches.... Think about it.... a bug eats the plant and dies. Not the plant...

I've used sprays when I first started out, first time, I killed the plants, because the spray even though it was organic, didn't like to be under the lights and the plants all melted. Sprays are a pain in the ass.. mixing them, spraying them, have to get the ENTIRE plant and if you grow trees like I do, this is near impossible, so you're ALWAYS having to struggle with mites left over.

Not with a drench, it's fuss no muss. you can have millions of bugs, but as long as they aren't eating your plants that's all that matters.
That's a good point, I guess I'm just wanting to be 100% sure before I invest anything else. I can't find azamax locally and I'm leary about ordering online and having stuff like that shipped across the border. But azamax is what I was leaning towards for a good soil drench


So I can't get azamax in Canada. Disclaimers on most sites saying not permitted in canada. Any other suggestions ? Even neem oil is hard to source out here.. Isn't this stuff made from plants ?