Can A Guy Really Suck His Own....? Pic


New Member
If I were, I wouldn't do it. I'd think it was gay.

Well, if I were a guy. If I somehow had a penis but was still myself, still female...maybe I would do it. I mean, I love giving head, so why not give it to myself? Yeah most of giving head is about giving pleasure to the other person. I like giving it better than receiving it.

lmao, that was wrong and made no sense
sense, does any thing in this thread make sense....

I thought it was understandable....
Thats the part I love the most about this thread.

Its totally rediculous so I can relate:hump:even if I'm on the short bus ;)


Well-Known Member
I dont think a guy could do even do that.

So you wanna trade for supermans dick only...

I can understand that, superman probally has a pretty super dick...
OMG, I'm laughing so hard right now, YOU deserve some rep for that one, but I can't give it to you cuz I already got you recently.

I wish I had more space in my sig.....


Well-Known Member
OK you guys, it's been highly entertaining, but I still have to get up for work tomorrow, er....later today. So I must be off for bed.

Night you guys.


New Member
super dick ....serious threads.....

takes serious consideration.:roll:

Ummm.....Ok now I am getting horny thinking about dicks and I am gonna get in trouble soon.:cry:


Active Member
Okay I Just Started Germinating My Seeds That I Got From Some Really Good Bud I Smoked. I'm Just Trying These Seeds Out To See If They Work But I'm Going To Try And Grow My Plant Outside In Miracle-gro..but I Heard That Isn't The Best Then Wah Is ???


Well-Known Member
^^ Wow he was desperate ^^

No, 99% of guy's cant suck there own dick and 99.9% dont want to either ^^


Well-Known Member
Okay I Just Started Germinating My Seeds That I Got From Some Really Good Bud I Smoked. I'm Just Trying These Seeds Out To See If They Work But I'm Going To Try And Grow My Plant Outside In Miracle-gro..but I Heard That Isn't The Best Then Wah Is ???
go to the newbie section and repost this, I will meet ya there.


New Member
Ok I bet my grow that I am way more messed up than you:hump:

and I have a lot of grow right now.

We could do a vote thread. :lol::clap:

I honestly feel more comfotable knowing that there are some more crazy assed chicks here besides me:mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:

Thanks Ganjagoddess. You just cheered me up big time. Someone else did tonight along the same lines. thats so cool. I'm in good company then ;)
Oh no hun, No one here has a more messed up brain than I do...

Id put my grow on that one....

Night Lacy.


Well-Known Member
ive slept with people i didnt like.i mean really didnt like them.
Hell nail a roast beef to a tree and a guy will boink it..:hump:

So we're getting too sexual on a thread called "Can a guy really suck his own...."?

in the something & SEXUALITY & something forum? we are all adults here - whether we act like it or not is certainly debatable.

But so we don't step out of line again - where are the forum rules regarding sex talk?
Oppps...I'm in the wrong thread....what am I thinking ????:confused:

I dunno, would you enjoy it if a woman got on her knees for you and just had a conversation with your dick?
I knew a girl who was a tube steak the jizm right out of you....problem was standing next to her in public....Perma - Woody:mrgreen:

I already know how to fish.
Show me.....

but can you net your own trout? :mrgreen:
Le gros maudit a fait frappe dans tete avec un christ du gros poisson.
bien grave...:blsmoke: (the big dummy got hit in the head by a God Damn big fish...very serious) Ya I habla :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
you'll know when you try to log on and your ass is banned. hehehehhehe
What if you don't log off ?.....
yes exactly :twisted: wasn't sure if that was allowed or not;)

and I'm not from the short bus. ;)
I found 1 :mrgreen:

I saw a stripper doing that once...I turned around to do a line...I look back and see a face right below her patch....staring at me...almost threw a stroke...... :o:o:o

That's sorta the beauty and downfall of the internet. There isn't a complete set of rules yet... fdd2blk and the rest of the admins are trying their best to keep things in order.
Like the court-porno thing
"I'll know it when I see it":twisted:

You don't like them AT all? That's...not a good sign for your husband.
Hence all that "fishing".............:roll:

VAGatarian... I so get that Holy Shit that's funny