Cali OG Kush / Sour Cream / Sour Diesel / Canadian OG Kush - Lets Grow:-)


Cali OG Kush & Sour Cream are a week into grow. Sour Diesel & Canadian OG Kush are full grown mothers that I cloned two days ago. The clones are in my home made EZ clone machine. The clones are in jiffy cubes and rockwool cubes under a T5 light. The Mothers are growing nicely in 5 gallon buckets under 1000w MH along with a few of there offspring taken about 5 weeks ago in 3 gal pots. I will be uploading pictures once I figure out how to get them out of my Iphone. I have been using the Humbolt Suite for nuts and CO2 from a 20lb tank. Keeping this journal will help me keep up with the maintenance and growth rate of these new strains. I have been growing SD for about a year now, so I know all about her. any feed back is greatly appreciated.


Ok so i have been locked out the internet since last week. my att modem died and att wouldnt replace it. ugh. just got a new one. I will upload pics tonight. I topped the OG kush and sour cream two days ago. they are expoding now. SD growing great. I cloned the SD and Can OG Kush. They dont look to great but still standing tall and green. I am gonna take some more clones just to be safe. two are rooted already but now enough to transplant. I read some where about going str8 into 5 gallon buckets but I am not sure if thats the move. I usually BOG my plants. from clone to 1 gal after two weeks I transplant to 3 gal and from there I bloom in 5 gal. I havent mastered the art of getting BIG yields yet so I am not sure if str8 to 5 gal would be better. My best yield has been 80gr. I average about 60-80 gr per plant using my method. Plants are about 2 1/2 feet tall when I start bloom. Any feedback is greatly appreciated........ ps still taking pic with my iphone. gotta figure out how to get the pics out of the ph without having to email them to myself. Did I mention I have a male OG Kush growing hydro in a 5 gal bucket. its growing great, just have no idea what I am going to do with it. Not very knowledgeable about breeding yet. I dropped some beans from attitude of White Desiel, LSD, and Sharks Breath. The WD and LSD came up a few days ago. No luck on the sharks breath yet. It was the freebie. gonna keep my fingers crossed. I need suggestions on good uppy trippy strain.


OK I got the pics out of my Iphone. The power of the internet is great. I had no idea what to do, but google i phone apps and vuahla winscp ssh software was all i needed. photos coming right up. please feel free to give good advice to a veteran (Grower & US Marine). I dont claim to know it all even with all my years of experience.


ok so here are the pics. these are last weeks pics. new ones tomorrow. The one in the 2 gal black grow bag is Sour Cream, The one in the one gal pot is the Cal OG Kush. THe BIG mother in the 5gal bucket in soil is the Can OG Kush. The one in the 5gal Hydro Bucket is the male Can OG Kush and behind it is the SD Mother in a 5 gal. In my home made clone maker I have SD and Can OG Kush. new pics and update coming soon. so what do you think? what do you suggest? I have two in there last week of flowering 1 SD 1 Can OG Kush. will post there picks too. For those that are wondering I have two different OG Kush. 1 I got from a grower in Cali the other from Toronto. Just so you know. :leaf:



Who am I? well for those that care I am a retired US Marine. I am a legal MM patient and caregiver. I have 3 patients and two grow partners. I am the primary gardener. I reside on the East Coast of the United States. OK enough about me..... Back to the topic!!!


Ok here are some pics of a few problems I am encountering. not 100% sure what the cause is. they are 3 weeks into veg & getting the week 3 humboldt suite, watering them twice a week. feeding once a week. My new bean start is white Desiel, blue himalayan desiel, and blue cheese. all from attitude seed bank. I recently saw the recycle store bags and had a idea. the bags breath so they air prune the roots and help with the root growth (or so I heard) So I am testing it out. Bags hold about 4-5 gal so I am using it for a Sour Diesel mother. any suggestions or comments about my current problems?



Well-Known Member
ok man im gonna try to help you but im high and drunk from excitement watching the giants woop texas again...
so this might have to be a 2 day discussion...

first tell me alittle about your grow, first with your water quality and ph, also what nutes, ppm and soil, temp and humidity...
and finally what are you doing to control your co2...

to start i would flush your plants with plain water with "lots" of run off check the ppm of water befor and of the runoff... what is it?
also with your large plant in pic 3 and 5 it looks like some heat stress but could be mostly caused by salt build up..

i will try to check back tomorrow... <<<GO GIANTS>>>


thanks regg for your input. I am just getting in from work so I will update with new pics and info you asked. I really got into this site and forum after reading your recent journal. Really enjoyed watching your grow it inspired me to go hydro. I have tried it with only marginal results. I have the same table you have in your 2x4 or 2x6 i cant remember. But anyway update after dinner and some fresh Sour D.(yum yum) Fresh off the assembly line bout a week ago.. Hey any recommendations for a 8 week sativa? looking for something with a shorter flowering time then the SD and the OG and I need a good heady/giggly upper type. been looking or Attitude all day. After looking at so much gets kinda confusing. thanks again for feedback. the pics i am loading are compareables from last week and this week. the growth of the Sour Cream is doing great. The cali OG Kush is growing a lil slower but good still. I topped them both and they seem to like it (i think) these are mothers to be so I need them to really bush out. Next stop for them is 5 gal Like the Big OGK. OK going to eat. Ill be back with an info update in a few.



Well-Known Member
well right on man im always happy to here i can inspire... i hope your gorw goes well for you, it looks and sounds like you have alot going on...
im always here to help man and now that the giants won i should have more time on my hands...

peace bro


You know as I am journaling now I said the same thing yesterday. Damn it seems like I am doing to much right now. But thats because I am working on my grow and my friends. He doesnt really have the time right now cause its his travel season. I am mainly journaling my own grow in this one tho. I should probably start a new one for my friend. to keep things organinzed. So the postings here will focus on the SD, SC and the OGK. OK as for your questions.

first tell me alittle about your grow, first with your water quality and ph, also what nutes, ppm and soil, temp and humidity...
and finally what are you doing to control your co2...

My waters out the tap is 6.9ph. I use GH ph down to bring it down to 5.8 I have been using the Humboldt Grow, Micro, Bloom, Prozyme on the 10week schedule. right now I am on the week 3 formula which is around 750ppm. My temps is consistent around 78-82. I have fans on both sides of the room on 24hr. humidity I need to get a new temp gauge cause that reads humidity. going to grab that friday. My co2 is a 2olb tank that I run with the regulator that on 15min every hour. The grow room is 6x6 lights are 1000w MH with the parabol hood and a t5 for my clones and new starters. I have been working on building up my strains. for a while all i had was SD. lot of fake clones going around here. So now I have some good strains from reliable sources.

My Clones didnt do so well they all are doing very bad right now. gotta make some major changes. Gong to start over today. I had them all in rock wool cubes in a dome for about 3 days. I got my homemade cloner completed and took them out the dome and put them on the cloner....... well the t5 i guess was to much for them cause the leaves all wilted and turned yellow / brown. gong to start over and try them both see who gets it done. I have the ez clone machine but the lid cracked really bad so it leaks like crazy. tried to repair it but it cracked again to the point that it is not repairable now. wish I could find another lid cause that thing works miracles for my all last year. success rate was like 90% or better. Well hope I put enough info in there to get a good assesment. If I forgot anything please ask.



Well-Known Member
alright man so from what you tell me my only concernes would be
1: are you letting your water sit so the clorine can evaporate?
2: deffinetly find out what your humidity is.. and..
3: have you ever checked the ppm of your co2? to give me an idea how huch co2 you are using how long does that 20lb bottle last b4 you refill??
also is your room completily sealed and exhaust fans off when co2 is on...


Sup everyone.... Todays update is brought to by Sour Desiel - where our motto is "We'll have you so high you'll vomit on a comet" lol after dinner and a bowl lastnight all I remember is waking up with chin on my chest, my laptop on my lap, lighter in my hand and reruns of "first 48" on the idiot box. Man that SH!t had my feelin like I took a hit of heroin. Never did heroin b4 but I can imagine what its like after that. This batch smokes sooooo much better then the last. They finished in 75 days. they only been curing for about a week now. frost is very nice I want to post some pics but my i phone takes shitty pics up close. I did however get 3 zips out of one of the girls in a 3gal pot. cant wait to get the hydro back going. I am tired of giant plants and only moderate yields. Im not complaining but I think I can get the same plus better rersults in hydro in less veg time . gonna make a full blown conversion soon.

@Regg I let my water sit most days but I do forget sometimes to run a new batch before I leave them on watering days. I always let the water sit a day b4 feeding. as for CO2... I am not sure about the ppm on that. I did the calculations for my size room and the regulator and based on that the info I have read says 15min on per hr at 1 on the regulator that puts my room at about 1500ppm the room is 6x6. 20lb tank only last 7-10 days at most. Room is completely sealed. I havent been exausting out only fresh air in from another room. My grow is in a commercial building so I keep everything contained inside as to not bring attention from other business owners in the building. I have an air filter in the room that I run a couple times a day to scrub the air smell but I keep it inside the room. I am a big reader and I try a lot of the tips and tricks i read about but I have not found anything that helps with air quality of my type of grow room. basicly i have an old insurance office with one large room in front and 3 small offices in back. 1 is for grow the other 2 are for bloom. No outside air source so all fresh air comes from front office space. second bloom room not in operation now but will be when I get enough clones for a perpetual grow. sometime next month with any luck. Well bout to go cloning. gotta get some new ones going fast. going for 20 OGK 20 SD until I can get some of that LSD my good buddy has at his spot. I think I am going to order some new beans too. got any suggestion on a 50+ day sativa? everything growing now is 10+ weeks. Great smoke but ugh.... the wait. I check back in after dinner and survivor


Ok so I have been away for a minute. Well not really. I have been reading a lot on RIU. and doing some trimming of the SD and OGK that just completed its life cycle. Still got a bit to do but its looking good. gonna post some pics of the harvest. I want to take a minute to give a BIG PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT about HERB I.Q grow tracker software.

this is a great free program to help keep track of your grow. I have been using it for about 2 weeks not and it is very user friendly and worth your time of downloading. its a small program that only takes seconds to download but I BET YOU A Oz to a Donut you will spend hours on it updating and charting your progress. I know I have. and new updates are always being added. check it out and see for yourself.

updates to my grow coming soon.