Burnt leaves...


Pic 1 shows signs of micro nutrient deficiencies, but pic 3 looks totally healthy to me.

try adding a micro supplement like cal-mag at 1-3mL per gallon to clear up the necrosis you're seeing on the lower leaves.
The fact that the issues are starting from the bootom of the plant and moving up (as seen in pic 1) shows me its a deficiency.


New Member
bring dat ph to 5.8 if not they will be lockout just saying not sure i dont do hydro i soil br0


I think my plant is fucked because of my inconsistent lighting. this plant is pretty much a write off now... its so far gone i have switched it to flower to see if i can get a gram or so off it.. :) Lumatek contacted me and reccomended that i use a Ushio brand conversion bulb in their electronic ballast