Bufo Alvarius- What Do You Do? Lick the Thing?


Well-Known Member
So i'm on KT and BBB trying to find all the good shit i can find.

Well, some summer, after i move, i might buy a Bufo alvarius Toad

I've heard of licking and extracting the poison. Any experience with this guys?


Well-Known Member
Do not lick the toad. Milk its glands onto a glass or porcelain plate let it dry then smoke it.

Jesus christ that sounds disgusting.lol.


Well-Known Member
Do not lick the toad. Milk its glands onto a glass or porcelain plate let it dry then smoke it.

Jesus christ that sounds disgusting.lol.

AHAHAHA um... i might actually pass. lol. :spew:If it's almost the same as dmt then i'll just stick to that.


Well-Known Member
Licking the toad will have no effect at all. DMT is inactive orally in the absence of an MAOI. Smoing the dried venom is the way to do it, but you will also be smoking bufotoxins and other dangerous compounds. Probably perfectly safe, but you might develop a twitch. There is a youtube video that explains the milking process in detail.


Well-Known Member
Licking the toad will have no effect at all. DMT is inactive orally in the absence of an MAOI. Smoing the dried venom is the way to do it, but you will also be smoking bufotoxins and other dangerous compounds. Probably perfectly safe, but you might develop a twitch. There is a youtube video that explains the milking process in detail.
DMT is total different compound than bufotein dude.


Well-Known Member
when you smoke it, its gonna feel like razor blades down your thoat and in your lungs
Sounds like you have been smoking dirty deemsters.

I never felt like that except for one time when I did not do such a good extract and couldnt smoke for a week. It hurt like a bitch. Needless to say now I order lab grade(%98 ) and its soooooo smooth. Hurts no more than a chalky bong hit.


Well-Known Member
DMT is total different compound than bufotein dude.

I am absolutely sick of all of you bitches thinking you know more about this than me. DMT IS a different compound than bufotein. You ARE RIGHT!!!!! but toad venom ALSO contains many MANY other compounds besides 5-meo-dmt. If you do not think so, you have no idea what you are talking about. I will take that to the bank. (And I do EVERY SINGLE DAY)


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Do not lick the toad. Milk its glands onto a glass or porcelain plate let it dry then smoke it.

Jesus christ that sounds disgusting.lol.
Top part is how it's done.

Instead of buying the fucking expensive toad, go to your local pet store (dress nice), tell them that you are in a chem class (make up a name) for college and that you need a source of 5-methoxy-dimethyltriptamine (as they will not know what in the fucking christ you are talking about) and that a frog (Bufo Alvarius) contains this chemical and you'd like to know if you can do an extraction from the frog (remind them that it is painless for the frog, as the frog naturally produces the chemical and it can easily be milked from the frog) When they comply, walk out with your 5-MeO-DMT.

And btw, I got something you can like that will make you trip.. ha ha ha jk.


Well-Known Member
Top part is how it's done.

Instead of buying the fucking expensive toad, go to your local pet store (dress nice), tell them that you are in a chem class (make up a name) for college and that you need a source of 5-methoxy-dimethyltriptamine (as they will not know what in the fucking christ you are talking about) and that a frog (Bufo Alvarius) contains this chemical and you'd like to know if you can do an extraction from the frog (remind them that it is painless for the frog, as the frog naturally produces the chemical and it can easily be milked from the frog) When they comply, walk out with your 5-MeO-DMT.

And btw, I got something you can like that will make you trip.. ha ha ha jk.
That sounds worth a try. Too bad they are not at any pet store in my city.
I know and easy and fairly inexpensive way to get 5-meo-dmt freebase.


Well-Known Member
i don't know is petsmart/co has them but i went to an exotic pet shop and couldn't find it. I didn't have to balls to ask them but, they had some that looked just like it, without the little baloons of goodness.


Well-Known Member
Why would you want to hide it? They are not illegal to own. Only to export and transport across state lines. They go to ground and come out at night to feed. In the summer months we keep them outside in a 25 by 25 foot covered pen that is 4 foot high. We have lots of 4 inch pvc pipes buried in the dirt and inside of those we have some flexible drainage tubes so we can retrieve them when we need to. They cannot jump the 4 foot walls, but they can and do scale the walls of their enclosure which is why we cover it with screen. During the winter they are stored inside, but in the garage so it is pretty cold and it forces them into hibernation which is good. They need quite a lot of room to be happy and stay healthy. They would probably not do too well in a stealth situation unless they had access to real sunlight, reliable water, dirt that was deep enough to escape the heat of the day, etc. They are also nocturnal so they need to be able to go underground to escape daylight.

They can also get really big. A Bufo Alvarius that we mailed out started out the size of your fist, was seized by customs and they took care of it for about 2 yrs while we dealt with the legal fallout. When we got her back, she was the size of a baseball cap. We donated this toad to Krystle Cole for her Youtube video showing how to safely milk the toad.

Another thing worth mentioning about these toads is that they are voracious eaters. If you do not have access to a pet store that carries food, then you need to think bulk mail order. My toad, 7 of 9 eats about a thousand mealworms every 2 weeks if that is all I give her. But they will get bored with the same old offering. I buy 10,000 crickets, and 5000 mealworms at a time, and I breed my own mice for them too just to keep up the variety. Variety is essential to their diet if you do not intend for them to stop eating.


Well-Known Member
I am not employed by BBB. I am friends with the owners and all of the employees of BBB past and present. I helped build their greenhouse, I maintain BBB's HVAC in their store, Persephone's Journey and all of the HVAC in their homes. I also Dug and installed the well for the greenhouse. I pretty much do whatever any of them need to be done that doesn't have to do with the actual business. BBB does not sell anything for human consumption except for Que She and Yerba Mate, very little else. It is for this reason that I am not legally affiliated with their operations.