Bubblelicious Med CFL SOG


Active Member
Day 8

The clones are still inside a humidity dome in the flowering area & have yet to be put into there own 2 liters.

One of the clones has is about 2x-3x taller than all the rest of the clones.

Stretching does not seem to be that bad with this strain, even the tallest clone still has damn short inter nodal spacing.
So far from the initial stretching stage that goes along with flowering this strain is showing that it would be a great candidate for a HID SOG grow. But this is from just the observations of the current stretching & inter nodal spacing. as you can see from the picture below inter nodal spacing is staying pretty uniform. The bottom node may try and branch but other than that this clone should be a single cola from almost dirt to top. (its the largest therefore the easiest to get a decent pic easy :p to show inter nodal spacing, and yes I do know that there will be more stretching but not enough to kill this great inter nodal spacing. Also keep in mind that these clones were all like 1/4" tall :p any growth that is not dead is growth that occurred since flowering began. there was 0 veg time)

Below is a crappy pic of one of the shorter clones (most of the clones are no more than 1" tall & have 4-5 nodes.) I know it sux but hey, you can see the nodes :p

The rest of the images are just quick snapshots of the area today. (you can see how much taller the plant in the first image is than the rest)




Active Member
I will definitely try and take better pictures from this point out when I try and show something with the plants. It can be done with this cheep ass camera but its just time consuming. But the time is definitely approaching.

I know that the area is still not full of clones, but they are almost ready.

To everyone that has commented & viewed. I appreciate it much, its always nice to know someone is looking at your stuff :p :)

Feel free to comment and toss idea's amongst each other in this thread & by all means if you see someone ask a question even if I have answered it give them your input too.


Well-Known Member
I will definitely try and take better pictures from this point out when I try and show something with the plants. It can be done with this cheep ass camera but its just time consuming. But the time is definitely approaching.

I know that the area is still not full of clones, but they are almost ready.

To everyone that has commented & viewed. I appreciate it much, its always nice to know someone is looking at your stuff :p :)

Feel free to comment and toss idea's amongst each other in this thread & by all means if you see someone ask a question even if I have answered it give them your input too.

wow man, those clones went from looking like hell to looking fucking swell:)


Active Member
:joint:Hey man, They arent looking bad now keep up the
good work. I know the struggles of CFL the force is with you:leaf:


Active Member
I have trimmed all of the larger clones leafs. Ya ya don't do that etc etc. In order to get a good yield with such a tight SOG the fan leafs will have to be trimmed to allow for more light to hit targeted locations for more bud formation, if leafs are not trimmed I will have a cluster of large fan leaf chaos. Leafs have been trimmed to basically look like...




Active Member
The below images are of the same plant that i took a pic of the nodes earlier (the tallest in the area)

side view and top view. Not very good quality but i snapped them quick since the lights will be going out shortly. just for a few extra pics for today..




Well-Known Member
yea i trim my fan leaves too, they get in the way and burn on the lights, i want to keep the lights hella close so ya gotta do what ya gotta do, if they dont like the trimming they will just make more anyways so you are good to do that during veg!:peace:


Active Member
Day 9

Day 9 pics, Electricity is in the air, a few have begun to start to pile on hairs on there tops. Heres some fast cheep pics. Nothing really worth putting the effort into but def getting very close to time to put an effort into good pics..

Below is a crappy pic of the smallest clone still in the area. It is no more than 1/2" tall and on its 4th node. This is one that will be removed later on as it will only produce a tiny nugget.



Active Member
15 mins to lights out and just a quick update.

1 clone has been added to flowering area to replace an old clone that has not done anything. Root development on the removed clone appears that it was doing ok in the rooting dept but as for any other form of growth was non existant.

Pretty much every clone that I have to replace & finish filling the area are done. One of these days they will be put into 2 liters.


Active Member
Keeping in line with a budget grow I will be purchasing some el cheepo flowering nutes from either Wally world or MJers.

Anyone have any suggestions on good el cheepo flowering nutes that can be purchased from either of these locations?

(No hydroponic solutions. This CFL SOG will be kept within a budget grows parameters!)


Well-Known Member
Keeping in line with a budget grow I will be purchasing some el cheepo flowering nutes from either Wally world or MJers.

Anyone have any suggestions on good el cheepo flowering nutes that can be purchased from either of these locations?

(No hydroponic solutions. This CFL SOG will be kept within a budget grows parameters!)

well if you want organic fish emulsion is a good one, umm thats all im using, but im sure you'd want better, theres hella cheap nutes online, you should check it out. type in flowering nutes on google. :D stop by and check my shit out! its way better than last time.


Active Member
Ok a little info, Before lights out I noticed that a few of the clones appear to be male. One of the plant's that was surely female is indeed male, luckily at most I will have to remove 8 plants from the flowering area. I almost chopped the mother the males came from but i'm giving it a few more days to produce leaf material for making honey oil.

The Loss of 8 plant's in the flowering area was to be expected. Most of the clones currently in flower were taken from the mothers before sex was even close to being apparent.

This does not matter since I have more than enough clones to replace the males & populate the remaining area.

I knew from the get go that because of the rockwool incident & age of mothers that a 56p 1 shot sog would be pushing it. It would have been more likely to have happened if i had not assumed i would have had more of a fem to male ratio. But this was not the case. Either way The area will be filled there will just be a small gap between harvest of first 4/7 and the last 3/7. But who cares right :)

on a side note: RIU OMG like 12hrs down. WTF. I found myself wandering post's at grasscity :(


Active Member
well if you want organic fish emulsion is a good one, umm thats all im using, but im sure you'd want better, theres hella cheap nutes online, you should check it out. type in flowering nutes on google. :D stop by and check my shit out! its way better than last time.
Ya i thought about getting fish emulsion but i remember having it 1 time before and it smells like well fish crap lol.

I decided to stay with shultz rofl. I grabbed the 8-14-9 african violet food. I figured that I should be able to dial in to this food fairly easy since i will be able to use the same %'s as I have used with the mother plants just with flowering nutes.

We will see in a few days, they are going to be getting a %300 dose tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
nice, ya it does smell pretty bad, but thats what makes better buds no? that sucks about the males, bummer, flipping a coin every time :D your plants are looking amazing tho. keep up the good work. 300% dose? goddamn... lol


Active Member
Ok so i have decided that i should have ran with some shultz that has a P rating of 40+ or so. But I guess since i bought what i bought I will dial it in and make it work.