Boulder: Medical Marijuana Industry Reaching 'Saturation Point'


Well-Known Member
There are for now. Right now everybody and their brother is getting into the act in the places where it's legal, but sooner or later the laws of supply and demand are going to start hitting people in the faces, as will the stark realities of running a profitable business. I'm going to make a prophecy right now, and that is that assuming the government doesn't move to seriously limit the number of dispensaries and growers that prices will fall by at least 35% in the next 12-18 months, and by at least 50% within 2 years. I also expect the number of dispensaries and growers to continue to rise, and then taper off and start to decline as prices (and profit margins) start to seriously drop. It will stabilize when dispensary prices are low enough that people will chose selection and convenience over saving money by growing their own(My guess is that price will be less then $100/oz).