Black Rose Seed Run.


Well-Known Member
I really would like some of this seed stalk. I really dig the color and bet it tastes incredible. Running a legal grow feel free to send me some across the pond. Let me know if the Nirvana sells them?


Well-Known Member
This is a little off the topic but I would like hear what Heath thinks about LEDS. Also I replicated the tree grow from critical mass and was wondering if you could share your thoughts on 1000 watters used instead of 600's, because thats all I got. Noticed buds getting massive but also have a lot more heat in the room now that I'm runnin them naked. Hope all is well!! Keep the inspiring threads coming!


Active Member
Blackrose, this looks incredible. Heath once you get everything stable will you be releasing beans to the public or just private?


Well-Known Member
Whoa. Holy cow. Heath every grow I've seen of yours is quite amazing. I would pay quite a pretty penny for those beans. Please do tell where these beans will be available as soon as you can. Again, Great stuff, I'll be checking back often.

Heath Robinson

Well-Known Member
FLoJo, Skeksis, robert 14617, loki will kill you, iloveit, Old Frog, pinner420, floridasucks, neMMMM, japello, Persistance, dannyking and last but not least merahoon,

Sorry to you all for such a long delay and thanks for your patience, lately I sem to have less and less time for the forums.

Hi Thundercat, probably too late for your question but here goes, a good way to do some breeding with little space is to simply remove a cutting from the male plant, place stem in a bottle/jar of water and put it under 12/12 light. It will produce pollen even without roots. Another tip is to pollinate the female plant when the first Pre flowers (pistils) appear these are the two white hairs which appear early in flower. If you place pollen on these you can get a small harvest of seeds from your plant without danger of spoiling the rest of the bud.


1, the male is in a totally separate area from other flowering females. Before returning a pollinated female to a flowering area with other unpollinated females you simply need to spray the female with water. This will kill any pollen and ensure that the rest of your crop is safe from unwanted pregnancy!.

2, I am not sure I understand the question fully, do you mean how do you create a strain from bag seed?. If so I would selectively breed the plant for the traits you want, e.g. potency, appearance, yield, aroma etc when the offspring show the desired traits you require then you might. You need to know that it can be a long haul and obviously some plants may never breed successfully.

Good luck.

Hi pinner420, I have had access to some led panels to test but so far they don’t match up to HPS or MH so I don’t have a use for them at the moment they are more suited to cab type grows but I am sure things will change as time goes by.

The 1000 watters do throw out a lot of heat but it shouldn’t spoil your yield too much as long as you keep the root temps to an acceptable level (in my case I don’t let them get above 72f). Vertically hung bulbs usually cause less heat stress then those in shades because the convected heat rises and you are only left with the radiated heat. Try to keep your plants at a distance from the bare bulbs which is comfortable to the back of your hand.

Ok here is the latest update, the seeds are dried and ready to go. The seeds are not available to buy (from me or anywhere else) and due to the low number of seeds I wont be sending them as freebies to a seed bank. but over the weeks and months I am sure you will see quite a number of Black Rose grows by different growers :peace:

I hope you all like the latest set of pics.



Well-Known Member
welcome back heath.. i will definitely be getting my hands on some of that goodness when i can


Well-Known Member
My oh my that looks gorgeous. Please do inform us when they are available via PM. Thank you for keeping us updated.



Well-Known Member
Back in Black: "Rose" that is. I was about to open up a can of wup ass and try some breeding. Thanks for the input we'll have to get you a private charter to come put on a clinic. Much Success!!


Well-Known Member
Great looking plant Heath and welcome back. Whoever gets their hands on those is pretty lucky. Whats the flavor like when you smoke it? Obviously you weren't smoking the seeded crop but how did the previous females taste?