best way to get the most of my vegetation period?!?!?!?


New Member
wassup, ive got someplant grwoning (they are only 4-6 cm big) and have only like 2 - 2 1/2 months until the flowering period hits in ..
so what advises can you give me to make them grow the big they can to get the biggest yield ,, i have the luck to have a super good place with looots of sun
i didnt really ferilize yet ..they are iin some earth with coco and normal earth and super minimum of them white fertilizer pearls
what else can i give them or do to them ?? what is the best ? .. the earth they are in is really minimum ..0,2-0.4 liters .. it was ment to grow them only up to see which germinate and which not .. they are regulart seeds ,, not feminised.. dont have anny information bout the strain niether .. but i think its skunk..
THE FERTILIZERS can contain chemicals aswell... !!! its only important to get the most and the best weed i can out of it ..
Ok i would be reeally happy if you guy can help me until the grow is finished .. i will post some pics in a second..
Thanks to anybody :weed::weed: :lol:


New Member
ah the plants are in very small space.. as i said 0.3 liter but soon i wil put them into bigger

and here i already found smth good i think .
its about the grwoeing period .. fertilizers for stronger roots aswell-.. and PH .. and temperatures aswell..
fertilizers are important for me ,, cause i think i could help my plants out with them ..
then next the ph .. i use normal drinking water .. the one you can buy in the super market
and the temperature is exactly perfect about 30-35 degrees in the last days but that might be a probloem in the future.. so i thought bout puttimng smth on the plants aswell cause of any pesticides insects flees whatever
so that would be smth important if you could say smth to that ,, what kind of shit i can use.. smth like moskito net --here you can see what i mean
this video is about guanofertilizing but i just want yo to see the net .. so have a look at it
ok thanks so far :)


Well-Known Member
don't know where you live, but flowering starts Mid-August in NE USA, and I don't harvest til October. You're plants very young , you gotta while to go. Bon Chance!


Well-Known Member
loosen up the soil and add some dolomite lime and maybe some perlite and you are good to go... water and fertilize a couple times and you should be good to go.


Well-Known Member
I start seedlings in 1 litre pots , they veg much faster then when I used to start them in Dixie cups,
stick to the basics mate , 1#lots of room for roots,2# nice and lite soil mix with 1/3 perlite for fast root growth,3# don't over water, don't underwater, 4#dont start fertilizer to early ,5# lots of sun and protection from cold and animals.


Well-Known Member
bottled nutrients are bulll shit for the most part so dont worry about additives or other stupidness. good nutritious soil + topping and other training is the most important thing.. other than water of course


Well-Known Member
^ what he said , roots space is underrated , and IMO yield is directly proportional to rootball size.
And I would also strongly recommend a good organic soil mix
and lord do not forget root space. plants with root space grow very fast. literally inch-es in a day
^^ Right on.
Probably the worse thing to do would be to start slamming them with nutes.
As stated above, give it the biggest pot / hole you can with a nutritious soil and it will explode.
If you feel like you must do something, buy some organism XL / beneficial microbes (any similar product will do) and water it in with diluted un-sulfured molasses. Also pour the XL all over the roots during future transplants.
Have Fun.