best song to listen to when stoned high buzzed


Well-Known Member
I also love SoD. Holy Mountains is a good one, they are, in my humble opinion, a talented group.
I just followed a link to YouTube from another thread with Spongebob doing Death metal. There's also a heap of him doing SoD songs. Mildly funny if you're in the mood.

Spongbob is my hero. I'll hunt down one of my slightly modded pics of him if I can. He likes a smoke or two



Well-Known Member
Doesn't he live under the sea? If so, SpongeBob and I, we be mates. One of my nephews adores the spongee one.


Well-Known Member
what is your favorite song to listen to when you get high???? mines, :leaf: mary jane by mr. abe wake :leaf: gotta check it out leave your fav song looking to make a killa cd
i like to jam to some bathoven, bach or mozartmaby some ramm stein ther is always metalica.


Well-Known Member
At the above posts system of a down is amazing I agree even more so when you learn about the members.
I don't know much about them at all. I listened to an interview many years ago on KROQ's Loveline show I think it was, I know at least some are Armenian and that's about it. Care to edumacate?

I would like to add Muse to the list, just listened to Stockholm Syndrome, and now we're on to Queens of the Stoneage -- First it Giveth.


Well-Known Member
Our nephew visited and gave us some medicine. He also passed on some Nick Cave albums. About eight or so. Nick Cave has some trippy music that you can really sink into.

All you wanted to know about Nick Cave, but were too cool to ask:

Nick is in Wikipedia!

Nick Cave has a website!

So does Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds!

Would you believe it? So does Grinderman.

Below is a shameless plug for one of my latest blog posts (and my clever leet Photoshopper skillz). Nice medicine...;-)bongsmilie:mrgreen:bongsmilie:sleep:




Well-Known Member
I love Muse!!! Map of the Problematique is my favorite stoned song I must say ... all the sounds man, all the sounds!!

I also really like SOAD too ... yea, Serj Tankian is the singer, he just put out his solo cd, which is really better than I thought it would be. I just have to be in the mood for system, but when I am it's really good imo...

and yea, queens of the stone age is good. well, the songs for the deaf album is anyway. not so much a fan of their other stuff.



Well-Known Member
Any song/s that you have (or know of) that refers to smoking, or growing, or mentions weed in some way.
This is Toke N Talk, so I thought I'd yarn on for a bit (finished a 1 month drought without medication on Sunday arvo...:weed:bongsmilie:mrgreen:)

But first, some trivia that I knew (and didn't even have to ask Google).

in 1910, during the Revolution in Mexico, the song 'La Cucaracha' was being sung by refugees heading North. The chorus is about a cockroach who just can't walk any further because it's got no weed left to smoke (now I'll have to Google the lyrics). This song goes back to the early 1800's, but up until 1910, the lyrics didn't reference pot. La Cucaracha had meant literally 'cockroach'. The term roach stems from way back to 1910 when La Cucaracha morphed into the first stoner song.
You have to remember that this is Spanish and doesn't have the rhythm that the original language has.

The cucaracha, the cucaracha,
Doesn't want to travel on
Because she hasn't,
Oh no, she hasn't
Marihuana for to smoke.

In Spanish:

La cucaracha, la cucaracha,
Ya no quieres caminar,
Porque no tienes,
Porque le falta,
Marihuana que fumar.

Thanks to Pam Rotilla dot com for the lyrics.

I'll start with some other really old ones that I found at Online's site.

Sweet Weed. Sung by Bea Foote in 1938.
At the start of the song, she sings

"Sweet sweet weed, all day long"
Then says to her back up singer:
"Hey (Gabe?), I think I'm gonna send myself..."
"What you gonna do buuud?"
"...I'm gonna light up, Jive?"
The sound of someone toking up can be heard in the background...
She says ...
" Say I'm the Queen of all Vipers...
I mean I smoke my weeed.
You know it makes me feel kinda happy,
when I'm in need."

...and sings
"Dreams come from my weed,
all day long.
Puts my heart at ease,
in sweet dreams.

Fragrance from maui and ????
Oh how that tea sends me,
All vipers love their mauro,
love it good and strong.

etc etc..."
She tokes up again at the end of the song.

Remember Cab Calloway in 'The Blues Brothers'?
He sang Minnie The Moocher, in 1933.
It was originally known as Willy the Weeper in 1927.
Cab Calloway was a big time stoner, as were most jazz players of the twenties, thirties and onwards. Actually, if it wasn't for jazz, weed might not have exploded on the world scene, and especially the United States as fast as it did. Jazz players knew a good thing when they smoked it. One of the many theories as to why cannabis was criminalized was because the US Govt of the time were trying to further oppress the rising popular culture of Black America. One way to do that would be to restrict availability of their drug of choice.

There is a video clip of Cab Calloway singing 'Reefer Man' circa 1939 available at Online's website ("The Best Marijuana, Cannabis, & Pot Songs Of All Times,"). Or search Youtube. I think the address for the clip is:

"Have you ever met that funny reefer man?/ Have you ever met that funny reefer man?/ If he says he walks the ocean/ Every time he takes the notion/ Then you know you're talking to that reefer man."

There other old school jazz tracks on the site, like 'Save The Roach For Me' and 'When I Get Low I Get High' by Ella Fitzgerald.

Anyway, back to the future. This is taking ages because my month long drought came to an end on Sunday arvo:weed: (I think already said that). I'm back on the meds that work for *all* my ailments...bongsmilie:mrgreen:
Enough emoticons...

How about 'Growing Marijuana In My Yard' by Ben Scales. It's a country tune, but read ben's reason for writing it below the lyrics:

"I'm growing marijuana in my yard

I'm growing marijuana in my yard.
I've got little pots of pot -

Spread out all over the lot

Cuz I'm growing marijuana in my yard.

I got the seed from Mexico
Stuck it in some dirt and let it grow
Put it in my garden with my peppers and my peas

And I get all the smoke I need for free.

I'm growing marijuana in my yard,

I'm growing marijuana in my yard.

We keep it where no one can see -

So let's keep this 'tween you and me,

But I'm growing marijuana in my yard.

Yes, I'm growing marijuana in my yard,

But I can't tell my boss or I'll get fired.

I don't grow much just what I use -

I work all day and when I'm through

I smoke some marijuana from my yard.

Now the policeman wants to talk to me He says,

How you gonna smoke up all that weed?

He says, Money's what you're in it for -

Don't you know we're in a war?

Now I'm gonna haul your ass downtown with me.

And I said, Hey, man, what is it to you?
How do I infringe on what you do?
I beg your pardon,

if you're offended by my garden

But I just can't grow Prozac in my yard.

So I grow my own medicine in my yard.

I give some to my neighbor for his heart.

I share it with my grandma,

who keeps it from her son,

Cuz we all know that stuff's against the law.

Now there's nothing growing in my yard

Cuz the cops took all my land and both my cars.

Now I have to buy my pot -

From a teen-ager in a parking lot

Who's growing marijuana in his yard.

Anyone can grow it in their yard

I could show you how, it ain't hard.

Never mind the president,

Let's overgrow the government.

And all grow marijuana in our yards.

Ben Scales says on his website:

I attended the annual NORML conference in San Francisco in April 2002.

I was sitting in my hotel room, deeply inspired from all of the presentations I'd heard, and asking myself, "What can I do to help?" Then, I remembered the little chorus I used to sing to myself when I was growing my own in Saipan, and these lyrics came out.

Although the song is intended to be funny, the underlying theme is not at all funny.

Over 700,000 Americans are arrested for marijuana every year, although no one has ever died or even been seriously or permanently harmed from the plant itself.

This song is about equal rights: beer drinkers and tobacco users have more rights than a pot smoker, and that's not fair.
Alcohol and tobacco kill people and pot does not.

Responsible adults should be allowed to choose to use marijuana,

and should be able to buy it in stores, just like alcohol and tobacco users can buy their poisons just about anywhere.

As a parent, I am distraught that our government lies to our children about marijuana.

When the White House declares that marijuana is the most dangerous drug in America, and more addictive than "alcohol, cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, ecstasy, and all other illegal drugs combined," it destroys any credibility it may have once had regarding truly dangerous drugs.

Being a parent is hard enough without having to protect your children from the government itself.

More importantly, no one, especially law enforcement, should come between a doctor and her/his patient.

Marijuana has been found by the DEA's own administrative judge to be one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man, yet it remains listed as a Schedule I drug - considered too dangerous to be of any medical use - more dangerous than cocaine or heroin - despite the fact that it has never killed anyone. Ever. Aspirin is more dangerous than marijuana, yet our federal government refuses to allow sick and dying patients access to this medicine that has been recommended by their doctors.

What are they so scared of?

That maybe people could grow their own medicine instead of having to rely on the corporate pharmaceutical companies' over-priced products?

The prohibition of pot causes far more harm than pot itself every could, and it's high time to end the hypocrisy.



Growin' Marijuana In My Yard can be downloaded at Ben Scales' website. It's a freebie.

Ben Scales Music

Well, now that I've chewed your virtual ears for a bit, I'm going to have another cone...bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie ...or three. I've got a heap of pot related music on my 'puter, so I'll see what I can find from the sixties and seventies maybe. Dave Peel and the Lower East Side in 1968 comes to mind. Dave Peel revived this song in 1995 for NORML's Hempilation album. He got together with the 360's and 'I Like Marijuana' came to life again.

I'll see if I can upload a sample or something.

dr. green thumb

Active Member
i think i repped you for that dont remember doing it but it says i did. so good job that must of taking some serious time to do that post


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reps Dr. Green Thumb. The last post was mainly stuff I found on the web a few years back and added to my collection. I had to find all the links again. I transcribed the 'Weed' lyrics from the track though. It's a little scratchy in places.

[UPDATE: Found an excellent Music and Marijuana History article in a back issue of Cannabis Cullture

A snippet:

According to cannabis historian Ernest Abel, "It was in these bordellos, where music provided the background and not the primary focus of attention, that marihuana became an integral part of the jazz era. Unlike booze, which dulled and incapacitated, marihuana enabled musicians whose job required them to play long into the night to forget their exhaustion. Moreover, the drug seemed to make their music sound more imaginative and unique, at least to those who played and listened while under its sensorial influence"]

I've just been looking through my 'Green Music' collection and thought I'd list some and add any snippets of useless info that could come in handy at a quiet smoke-in one arvo. I'll give them some sort of Stupid Information No Stoner Ever reMembers (SINSEM) rating, the five bong rating - bongsmilie to keep with the theme of this thread.
(Bwahaha - All Your Thread Are Belong To Me!!!).

This first song doesn't get a SINSEM rating because it doesn't mention pot, but it does drip with sixties hippy happiness and revolution. But I just made up another rating. It's the 'couchability' rating. Can you get sucked into your lounge while listening to this and not offend your partners in crime or fall asleep?
This will be a yes or no and with or without comments. That depends on whether I want to spend another two hours on this [Note: I updated this rating system just after I finished doing the 311 entry].
It'll be :blsmoke:one of those lil blokes if it's couchable, :sleep:if it's not.

Song - Alice's Restaurant - The FULL version.
Artist - Arlo Guthrie
Year - 1966. Arlo has updated...well, he re-recorded it a few years ago I think.
Album - I have it on 'The Best of Arlo Guthrie', recorded many moons ago. Side Two contains the full 'Alice's Restaurant Massacre'
Length - Too long if you haven't got twenty minutes to devote to your ears, couch and music player (18:31).

Couchability - :blsmoke:See above.

Sample Lyrics

1st 2nd and 3rd verses

This song is called Alice's Restaurant, and it's about Alice, and the
restaurant, but Alice's Restaurant is not the name of the restaurant,
that's just the name of the song, and that's why I called the song Alice's

You can get anything you want at Alice's Restaurant
You can get anything you want at Alice's Restaurant
Walk right in it's around the back
Just a half a mile from the railroad track
You can get anything you want at Alice's Restaurant

Now it all started two Thanksgivings ago, was on - two years ago on
Thanksgiving, when my friend and I went up to visit Alice at the
restaurant, but Alice doesn't live in the restaurant, she lives in the
church nearby the restaurant, in the bell-tower, with her husband Ray and
Fasha the dog. And livin' in the bell tower like that, they got a lot of
room downstairs where the pews used to be in. Havin' all that room,
seein' as how they took out all the pews, they decided that they didn't
have to take out their garbage for a long time.
10th Verse(?)

And that's what we did, sat in the back of the patrol car and drove to the
quote Scene of the Crime unquote. I want tell you about the town of
Stockbridge, Massachusets, where this happened here, they got three stop
signs, two police officers, and one police car, but when we got to the
Scene of the Crime there was five police officers and three police cars,
being the biggest crime of the last fifty years, and everybody wanted to
get in the newspaper story about it. And they was using up all kinds of
cop equipment that they had hanging around the police officer's station.
They was taking plaster tire tracks, foot prints, dog smelling prints, and
they took twenty seven eight-by-ten colour glossy photographs with circles
and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one explaining what each
one was to be used as evidence against us. Took pictures of the approach,
the getaway, the northwest corner the southwest corner and that's not to
mention the aerial photography.
If you can find it, take the time to sit back and take it in.:joint:
The full lyrics of this 19 minute saga are available here. You didn't think I could remember those did you? Sadly, I do remember some off the top of my head, but not that many.

Song - Easy Skanking
Artist - Bob Marley and The Wailers
Year - 1977 (released on Kaya in 1978)
Album - Kaya
Length - varies from version to version.
The first release of the song was 2:55
Couchability - :blsmoke: Listen to more than one song though. Have a reggae afternoon with the Billy (Bong) handy.

SINSEM rating - bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie

It may be a given, but just about any song by Bob Marley and The Wailers (and arguably Peter Tosh) that mentions 'The Herb' will get a 5 Bong SINSEM rating. Easy Skanking and Kaya (the next song to get rated) both epitomise the laid back stony vibe of a good reggae track. However, they also describe in that same vibe, a fight for freedom for victims of an enforced poverty. Ganja For freedom!

Sample Lyrics

Excuse me while I light my spliff
Good GOD I gotta take a lift
From reality I just can't drift
That's why I am staying with this riff

Song - Kaya
Artist - Bob Marley and The Wailers
Year - 1978
Album - Kaya
Length - 3:14
Couchability - :blsmoke:
SINSEM Rating bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie

Kaya is another good Rasta Gospel song.
Sample Lyrics

Wo-o-oh! Yea-ea-ea-eah! I feel so high, I even touch the sky
Above the fallin' rain!
We-e-ell, I feel so good in my neighbourhood
So: here I come again!

I've got to have kaya now!
I've got to have kaya now!
I've got to have kaya now,
For the rain is fallin'!

Song - All Australian Boys Need A Shed
Artist - John Williamson
Year - Mid 80's to 90's I think.
Album - Some best Of John Williamson thing that a mate owns. I borrowed some tracks.
Couchability - :sleep: This is not recommended except for when country music lovin' mixed - aged fans are around. Slip in the 'live' versions amongst some Slim Dusty or Charlie Pride. Or avoid it if you are allergic to C & W music. I have anti-venene.
SINSEM Rating - bongsmiliebongsmilie

I'm giving this a Two Bong Rating mainly because *I'm* not a country music fan. If you like Australian country music, you might give this a three or four bong rating.
But, I should really own up and admit that I just love these lyrics. It is pretty Australian. I once saw a seven feet tall, four feet in diameter Indica of unknown origin that came up under a mate's bathroom/shower window.

Sample Lyrics

Yeah, all Australian boys need a shed
To grow up as he likes, to grow anything under lights
A place to keep his tools, nuts and bolts and drills
To hang a hide, to hide the dry or hang to pay the bills
Well my old shed, she leaks a bit, the roof is caving in
Nothing that a bloke can't fix with a few spare sheets of tin
The beams are old telegraph poles, white ants have eaten them
She creaks and sways on windy days and leans towards the sound
Yeah, all Australian boys need a shed

At the back of the shed where the dogs are fed near last years bails of lucern
Sticky tall green leaves came up from thrown out seeds
All it took was bantam poop, I watered 'em once and they grew some
They should be prime 'bout Easter time if no nosy neighbour steals 'em.

John Williamson is probably best known for his songs 'Old man Emu' and 'Give Me A Home Among The Gumtrees'.

The publicly released version that hit the charts was cleaned up for the mainstream. A live performance releases the true 'greenness' of this song:

"Later on we'll settle down and mull up on the porch,
and watch the Possums play

Two more tracks by JW that indirectly or blatantly reference weed directly are
"Blow Into This Bag..."

"...He found a baldy tread,
He saw my eyes were red...

and this one
Bill A Bong is all about Love...

"Why don't you get out of it with me?
I hope there's nothing wrong in the way I turn on in your company.
I hope you don't mind that I'm off my face about you,
'cause if you turn me away, I don't know what I'd do.

Oh Bill A Bong
Bill A Bong
Plenty bamboo
A little water
Take big deep breath
And away we go
In a big canoe
Up the River

But remember, JW is a country music singer. Don't expect a hundred 'roll me spliff' type songs in his repertoire. (Quick back to more stoner music)

Song - Who's Got The Herb
Artist - 311
Year - 1995 for Hempilation
Album - Hempilation
Couchability - :blsmoke: It's Reggae!

SINSEM Rating - bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie

Enough Ganja references to write a weed dictionary. Dripping with stoned Reggae Sleaze, then topped off at the end with a screaming heavy metal rap finale.

A note about these lyrics. I started to transcribe this from my track while I listened to it. Then I got lazy and Googled the full lyrics here.

Full Lyrics

Two for One
Five for Four
Half Ounces
Quarter Pounds
LB's and Kilos

What are we looking for?
What are we hoping for?
What are we hoping for?

Who's got the herb?
That's what the young boys ask me.
Who's got the herb?
And Then the elders tell me.
Who's got the herb?
Is what the young girls ask me.
Who's got the herb?
Natty dreadlocks.

Skunk bud Indica
Sativa Mareeva
Ma ah reeva
Skunk, bud, indica
Sativa, my reefer, la arriba
Skunk, bud, indica
Sativa, my reefer, la arriba
When we roll a big one
it feels so right
When we smoke it in our bong

(I gave up here and Googled the rest).

it feels so nice
Whos' got the herb is what the young boys ask me
Who's got the herb and then the elders tell me
Who's got the herb is what the young girls ask me
Who's get the herb not thee dread-locks
Who's got the herb
Who's got the herb
Who's got the herb
Who's got the herb What I'm talkin' 'bout
Cramacaca cayaca die shocka fryaca
From a coppa yes I'm tellin' you
Cramacaca cayaca die shocka fryaca
From a coppa
What are we looking for
Sin semilla
What are we hoping for
Sin semilla
Here we go!
Skunk, bud, indica
Sativa, my reefer, my reefer
Who's got it Who's got the herb
Who's got it Who's got the herb
311 whoa Who's got the herb

[The heavy metal rap kicks in here]

311's got the herb and you can't avoid that
and ya do want your hands with a fat blunt sack
chill with indica and guiness, steer clear of white powder
kick it you sing it in a space, go out to play it louder

Plague my brain with no cocaine
I don't wanna, I don't wanna go insane

Roll up the bones if you can affix a word to smoke it
except for you're doomed in the morning if you bake the hills
Oh and I get up to the sun and then I smoke out
It's begining to smell like Mota and I'm down with no doubt, sing

Plague my brain with no cocaine
I don't wanna, I don't wanna go insane

If you want to harm the
world then you can stop the
herb and you can use the
serve and use the warrant.

- Champagne and Reefer
Artist - Ian Moore
Year - Re-release for Hempilation 1995
Album - Hempilation
Couchability - :blsmoke: But you'll want to get up with this track.
SINSEM Rating - bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie and a half.
Champagne and Reefer should really get Five Bongs, but I can't give all brilliant tracks 5 (or can I - I mean fcuk, it's my post. My fcukin' rating system...settle now man, you're getting paranoid...have a cone...).

Ian Moore's rendition of this Muddy Waters Blues Classic is good hard blues with some Skynyrd style boogie thrown in. This is kind of a mix of the original Muddy Waters recording and Ian Moore works his way in from the background. The original would get five bongs.

Yeah bring me champagne when I'm thirsty.
Bring me reefer when I want to get high.
Yeah bring me champagne when I'm thirsty.
Bring me reefer when I want to get high.
Well you know when I'm lonely
Bring my woman set her right down here by my side.
Well you know there should be no law
on people that want to smoke a little dope.
Well you know there should be no law
on people that want to smoke a little dope.
Well you know it's good for your head
And it relax your body don't you know.

Everytime I get high
I lay my head down on my baby's breast.
Well you know I lay down be quiet
Tryin' to take my rest.
Well you know she done hug and kiss me
Says Muddy your one man that I love the best.

I'm gonna get high
Gonna get high just as sure as you know my name.
Y'know I'm gonna get so high this morning
It's going to be a cryin' shame.
Well you know I'm gonna stick with my reefer
Ain't gonna be messin' round with no cocaine.

I'm gonna stick with my reefer,
Ain't go'n be messin' 'round with no cocaine.


That's enough for now. I'll maybe do another post later. I need to choof up a bit. I hope you enjoy.
Dr. Green Thumb, I started this about an hour after my last post. It's all good when you enjoy music and music trivia and you've got enough medicine to motivate you :mrgreen:. Thanks for starting the thread.

Before I go, I'll list a mix of music that I sometimes listen to. Some are directly related to the herb, while others are just good music to listen to when you're stoned:

01 - Cheech and Chong - Up in Smoke.
02 - 311 - Who's Got The Herb.
03 - John Williamson - Bill A Bong.
04 - Because I Got High.
05 - Bob Dylan - Subterranean Homesick Blues.
06 - Dr Hook - I Got Stoned And I Missed It.
07 - The Black Crows - Rainy Day Women 12 and 35.
08 - Widespread Panic - And It Stoned Me.
09 - Eric Clapton - Cocaine.
10 - Ian Moore - Champagne And Reefer.
11 - Jackson Browne - Cocaine.
12 - Sublime - Legalize It.
13 - Gus - Homegrown.
14 - Sacred Reich - Sweet Leaf.
15 - Jimi Hendrix - Purple Haze.
16 - The Stranglers - Golden Brown.
17 - Drivin And Cryin - The Rolling Stoned.
18 - Bob Marley and the Wailers - Kaya.
19 - Canned Heat - Going Up The Country.
20 - Australian Crawl - The Boys Light Up.
21 - B52s - Rock Lobster.
22 - Blues Traveller - I Want To Take You Higher.
23 - The Screamin Cheetah Wheelies - High Time We Went.
24 - Cypress Hill - I Wanna Get High.
25 - Raging Slab - Pot Head Pixies.
26 - The Angels - Am I Ever Gonna See Your Face Again.
27 - High Fidelity - Smokin Cheeba Cheeba.
28 - Canned Heat - Amphetamine Annie.
29 - John Williamson - Give Me a Home Among The Gum Trees.
30 - Ziggy Marley And The Melody Makers - In The Flow.
31 - Canned Heat - On The Road Again.
31 - John Williamson - All Australian Boys Need a Shed.
32 - Cypress Hill - Hits From the Bong.
33 - Lynyrd Skynyrd - Sweet Home Alabama.
34 - Govt Mule - Don't Step On The Grass Sam.
35 - Hater - Convicted.
36 - Dave Peel And The 360s - I Like Marijuana.
37 - Bob Marley and the Wailers - Easy Skanking.
38 - Cheech and Chong - Up in Smoke Reprise.
39 - Pink Floyd - Comfortably Numb.
40 - Arlo Guthrie - Alice's Restaurant.
41 - Harvest cover.jpg
42 - marijuana man.
43 - save the roach for me.
44 - smokin reefer.
45 - sweet marijuana.
46 - texas tea.
47 - weed.
48 - when I get low.


Well-Known Member
Good tea is my weakness,
I know it's bad,
It sends me gate,
And I can't wait,
I'm viper mad.
"Viper Mad"
Sidney Bechet,with Noble Sissle's Swingers
Stash Records


Well-Known Member
I almost forgot that they existed, but I just started listening to Wolfmother again ... No one song necessarily, their whole debut album is amazing


Well-Known Member
Time by pink floyd!
Achilles last stand by Led zeppelin
Dazed and confused off the song remains the same by Led zeppelin.. Basically classical or psychadelic rock.


Well-Known Member
rest of my life by kotton mouth kings....totally gets me in that weed token mood even tho i always wanna smoke up