Best Nutrients


Well-Known Member
im growing in soil and im gonna be using nutes in a couple weeks and was wondering what would be the best nutes. i prefer to buy them in the store but im willing to buy online. post links if you can so i can get some good prices to. if you know some good nutes i can get in the store it would be greatly appreciated. im a very impatient person...thats the main reason i wanna get it from the store. thanx in advance.

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Well-Known Member
well, i can tell u only want to buy 1 decent bottle of nutes like me. well, it depends. i went to local hydro store and he recommended me some Canna nutes.

i bough the terra flores nutes. NPK is 2-2-4, so not too strong but does its job. id just check nutes out on how much u wanna spend and what NPK u want.


Well-Known Member
I love botanicare pureblend, they have a grow and a bloom. Use everytime at rec amounts with no worry of burning or overfertilizing the plants.


Well-Known Member
I love botanicare pureblend, they have a grow and a bloom. Use everytime at rec amounts with no worry of burning or overfertilizing the plants.
pure blend "pro" or "the original"?

how far will 1 liter of sensi grow and sensi bloom go for and any recommended sites or stores for it?
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Active Member
I too use Sensi Grow A&B (BOTH GROW AND BLOOM). Also I like the website, where you can plan out your entire growth schedule. I used to use DNF, but I have lost faith in their products.


Well-Known Member
im considering getting sensi grow and sensi bloom parts a & b for both. the shits expensive though. i read somewhere that you add 2-3ml for every liter of water. is that correct? i want an idea of how much i'll need to buy for 3 plants from 4-5 wks till finish. and i wont need any other nutes when im using both parts for both grow and bloom right? the npk levels seem low but if you say its fine then i'll take your word for it. im also using non nuted soil.


Well-Known Member
this ? is off topic and might be a stupid ? but i was wondering if i could twisty tie a furnace filter to the back of a fan to keep the smell of my plants down. heres a pic of a furnace filter for those of you who dont know what they are.



Well-Known Member
as long as it works. although im not lookin for anything complicated to use either.

in my humble opinion i'd go with organics and you did entitle this thread "best nutrients," i got a recipe from a dude and it will not burn your plants whatsoever. this is the only recipe i use although some people prefer chemically grown herb. let me add that i only grow hydro and i decided on a completely organic recipe because, i got caught up in the myth of hydro herb is less flavorful and i'm glad i did. i use an organic seaponic tea. i use Thalassa mix and Organa add grow and bloom. the results are impeccable. Organa is bat guano and Thalassa mix is a bunch of ocean goodies based around seasalt to put it simply. if you wants some links let me know:peace:


Well-Known Member
yeah im definetly gonna need like a "how to" on them nutes. how many grows have you been using this mixture of stuff for? i guess everything is worth a try and i didnt really wanna spend $60 or so either. if you can write up a how to or sumthin i'll definetly look into it.


Well-Known Member
my first run but, i seen a thread in another forum and a lot of people have made the jump because, of the results. the guy gave me a recipe tailored to my tastes, and my plants look like green hulk bullies. i have the waterfarm 8pack and i can tell the difference as soon as the tea is applied, it's like natural steroids without the side effects. vegging herijuana, killing fields, k.o. kush a little over two weeks. like i said i grow hydro, so, the recipe would have to be tweaked a bit for soil. hold on let me get you some links and a soil recipe.................


Well-Known Member
100% Organic Hydro Feeding Schedule... All OMRI Listed Plant food

Organa Guano

Combine Grow(called "add" on website) 2-0-0 & Bloom 0-2-0

Nitrozime 0 - 4 - 4
(bubble in a phd solution for 3-4 days and filter before adding
to reservoir, never use more then 3/4 strength this stuff its potent)


Never run more then 2000 ppm of Sea Minerals along with these products..

use 500ppm sea mineral
1/4 dose of guano mix/nitrozime mix on seedlings(first 2 weeks of veg)

use 1000ppm sea mineral for grow
1/2 dose of guano mix/nitrozime mix on veggin .. go light on the organa bloom during this period

use 1500-2000ppm sea mineral for flower
1/2-3/5 dose of guano/nitrozime mix on mature flowering plants
also raise the amount of phosphorus/bloom by double in the begining and near the end...

Create a mix of the Grow and Bloom, then add your Nitrozime and Sea Minerals to the mix after it
has been bubbled and then the complete tea can be added to the reservoir.

Also you going to want to flush the plant in phd water(5.5 its going to be hard to keep down check every few hours) every 6 days for around 24 hours to get rid of stored nutes,
or you could just go lighter on the NPK overall, this will help prevent any lockout that can happen...

this is the recipe he gave me if you have any questions holla and good luck:peace:


Well-Known Member
ok that seems complicated. i need nutes in 2 wks now because i have been busy lately and havent gotten much time to do research or anything. i noticed the prices of these are pretty high. im lookin for sumthin like $30-$40 not $60-$80. i was thinkin bio-bizz because its a reasonable price on ebay but isnt that more for hydro-grows? im using soil.


Well-Known Member
ok that seems complicated. i need nutes in 2 wks now because i have been busy lately and havent gotten much time to do research or anything. i noticed the prices of these are pretty high. im lookin for sumthin like $30-$40 not $60-$80. i was thinkin bio-bizz because its a reasonable price on ebay but isnt that more for hydro-grows? im using soil.

i saw some excellent results from a very experienced grower with these. 1 part pretty simple and reasonably priced i'm going to run these after my current grow with thalassa mix added in throughout plus another organic stimulant once i doe some more research. Greenfire Product: SUGAR PEAK HYDROPONIC NUTRIENT