Berkeley's Liberal Intolerance is about to bite them in the ass.


Well-Known Member
Your tolerance levels have gone down dramatically. You used to be able to go 9+ minutes, easily.

He essentially summed up how the BM symbol has arisen through the 'powers of /pol/' to dupe the media and social-justice activists into legitimately thinking it is a 'secret code' for members of a club that have disdain for certain genetic expressions in the human species.

Frogwash...that's all it is. If you believe it, count yourself in the column of 'fools'.
holy shit, he ended that waste of time with the threat of doing it all over again the next day.

Yep, I'm intolerant of intolerance. I don't even know what that means but that's where this era of Trump and right wing propaganda has gotten me to. I'm intolerant of people who have fallen into hate with their intolerance. Right or left.

Nobody. NOOOOOOOBODDY outside of a small group cares about that shit other than the right who get themselves into a tizzy over tropes concerning stupid things liberals do. Again, I have little tolerance for him but Limbaugh does it all the time. Just like the ditz in that video, Rush picks up on one thing somebody said and broadcasts to his right wing idiot listeners how the liberals have gone ga-ga about some insignificant statement that as you said causes "social-justice activists into legitimately thinking it is" whatever Rush wants his audience to think. Of course it is as you say, frogwash. But the frogwash is what was said on that video. It's all made up to enrage the easily fooled.

Rather than get worked up about them. I simply have stopped listening to them. Rush gets no more than five seconds too.

Out of respect for you, I went back and listened to more than five seconds.
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Well-Known Member
if you're trying to claim that neo-nazis haven't tried to appropriate the common 'OK' sign, then i have some video evidence that proves you wrong.

remember when you said obama was only days away from going to jail, twopump?
Now, isn't that hand sign business a bit overblown? I guess a white power coward could flash that in a selfie at the Washington Monument then post it and get a bunch of hits, maybe some outrage. Any reaction other than "meh" seems overblown to me.

That bot @Green_Wolverine was programmed to post the picture. For the same reason.


Well-Known Member
Now, isn't that hand sign business a bit overblown? I guess a white power coward could flash that in a selfie at the Washington Monument then post it and get a bunch of hits, maybe some outrage. Any reaction other than "meh" seems overblown to me.

That bot @Green_Wolverine was programmed to post the picture. For the same reason.
it's their version of "cleverness". they found a very commonly used hand signal so that they can point to anyone else using it and claim it's not a white power signal.

it's about as clever as them trying to claim that the steele MI-6 dossier was actually just an elaborate 4chan prank.

we're not dealing with the best and the brightest here.


Well-Known Member
it's their version of "cleverness". they found a very commonly used hand signal so that they can point to anyone else using it and claim it's not a white power signal.

We're not dealing with the best and the brightest here.
True that.

REAL Patriots lend a helping hand to their countrymen, whether they know them or not. Skin color, investment account balance or social standing has nothing whatever to do with it.