BCNL Producer for free

A 5

Hey guys, I have a friend who has a BC Northern Lights Producer he isn't using and says I can use it if I want. Pretty sweet deal right? My question is, do these things work fairly well as far as stealth goes? Do they stink, jack up your electric bill, produce tons of heat etc?? Also what can I expect as far as yields go if I do clones straight to flowering? I was originally going to do a gorilla tent LED grow but this would be much much cheaper to get going being free and all...


Well-Known Member
any other opinions on this? looking to make a decision in the next day or 2
Well, LOL, sometimes things take a while to get attention...
and sometimes they never do. (this has happened to me)

I have your best answer in any case. I checked on the manufacturer's
website, went to the support page, and found:

The Tech Manual == Setup

The Grow Manual == Usage

Good luck,
