Banquet Salisburry Steak....


Well-Known Member
Canned meatballs? I didn't know they made those...gross lol
And wow, ramen noodles look so pretty when you line them up like that...hmm...
I'm a tombstone pizza girl myself. 15 minutes. High as a kite. Eat the whole damn thing. And then every time...EV-A-REY TIME...I finish and then about 5 minutes later I cannot for the life of me figure out where my pizza went. And i'm starving. So I bake another one lol.


Well-Known Member
choclate cake in a bowl of vanilla icecream

Or strawberry frozenyoghurt mixed with chocolate icecream.

Sucks that I can't eat icecream anymore :(

P.S. learn to make your own pizza bases, make a bunch and freeze them.
I use wholeweat flower that makes them actualy filling and not just a wind snack that leaves you hungry an hour later.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i love all instant noodle type crap with the exception of those disgusting play dough noodles. the ones that come already moist sealed in a brick back and smell and taste exactly like play dough. fuck those and whoever invented them.

i also enjoy stove top out of the box. crunchy and delicious.

i cannot for the life of me bring myself to eat most frozen salisbury steak/meat loaf/any other sponge meat. the gravy is delightful, though.


Well-Known Member
Ya when I read the title I was already grossed out lol. That's why I opened it!:lol: But I couldn't bring myself to eat TV dinners period. Blech. I think they secretly make all of it out of tofu. Stove Top? Right out of the box? Somebody got the munchies and didn't want to cook lol.


Active Member
I like a fried Spam sandwich once in while. I like potted meat on a cracker too. I even enjoy Liverworst or Bruanschwager but I would never go so far as to eat HeadCheese.


Active Member
Personally I love boiled peanuts but I know people whowho cant stand them. Spicier the better


Well-Known Member
I like a fried Spam sandwich once in while. I like potted meat on a cracker too. I even enjoy Liverworst or Bruanschwager but I would never go so far as to eat HeadCheese.

OK I remembered a really gnarly snack I like lol. IMITATION...crab meat. The "leg style" ones lol. Meaning they're just long sticks of fake crab. I am terrified of finding out what's in them (I mean, how do you even begin making imitation meat?) so please, no one divulge that information to me.


Well-Known Member
I haven't tried Banquet's salisbury steak dinner but I do have one of their cheese smothered somethings in the freezer. I did some shopping for my aunt, who is a huge stoner, and the bulk of her list were banquet tv dinners and only the salisbury steak or cheese smothered dinners. I figured if she loves them that much they must be pretty decent so I picked one up to try.

Someone mentioned spam, love that stuff. Spam sandwiches, spamburgers, etc., as long as the spam is fried. My favorite way to eat spam is a mixture of fried spam, macaroni & cheese, and corn. good stuff.

lately I've been eating frito pie a lot. a can of chili, some fritos, and shredded cheese mixed together in a bowl. so easy and so good.


Well-Known Member
The frito pie sounds appetizing. Could someone please tell me what the f*** spam is supposed to be?? And then explain to me how it differs from cat food?


Ursus marijanus
You cannot fill an emailbox with cat food.

Lol about head cheese! When i was a pup my dad found this awesome deadly German deli in upstate New York. I learned the special joys and agonies of actual german Bratwurst (not the vacu-pac pretenders from the groceries), real blood sausage that falls apart into a sort of carnal streusel in a pan full of smokin' hot butter, rreeaall Leberwurscht that was ambrosial when quick-fried and served on rye bread with broiled Swiss and that strange sweet sirenical East Austrian (Eastrian?) mustard.

And of course head cheese, those strange wondrous multicolored, multitextured, wood-grained cubes of flesh suspended in an ivory-white, water clear aspic that was essentially Wilbur-flavored Jell-O. I adored the stuff with its odd, evocative collections of textures - the meaty toothsome equivalents of water chestnut, corn on the cob, boiled carrot, freezer halvah, coconut and the odd raisinoid. A slice or two of Mystery Bread, a swipe of mayo and Universal Eastrian Condiment, some julienned onion, a still-drenched leaf of lettuce (wash before use, or risk worms!), surrounds enfolds seduces the head cheese into being a complete meal. Serve with Orange Nehi and Marlon Perkins. Aaahhh childhood. cn

addendum: This is God's mustard right here, in the characteristic squeeze tube.



Well-Known Member
I'm surprised it took so long for spam to come into the discussion. My wife has to buy extra pizza lunchables otherwise ill munch em all before the kids get any lol. My real embarrassing one is the frozen chicken cordon bleus I love those things.


Ursus marijanus
Midway between Spam and head cheese lies scrapple. Every summer we drove to the beach for two weeks of summer vacation. Ohh, those were the days. I remember the land flattening, the road margins becoming ever more sandy, and the soft strange smell of the summertime Atlantic sending silent fingers of electric anticipation past the car's air conditioner. Also i remember billboards proudly recommending a brand of scrapple as the ideal breakfast foundation. i asked my momma what scrapple was. She said something along the lines of "everything but the oink", and this in days before hundred-horsepower emulsifiers turned pork hip joints and assorted visceral nuggets into Vienna sausage. So we (pronounced "me") have come full circle.
I never did have the nerve to buy some scrapple of my own and try it. But since breakfast sausage never was one of my preferred a.m. nutrients, I was not driven by insuperable curiosity either. I do make a superb omelet however. cn


Active Member
a great topping for hormel chili...



Well-Known Member
I love making Pho out of ramen noodles. I chop up some thai basil, green onions, regular onions, cilantro, bean sprouts, and a little bit of lemon grass. I add a touch of fish sauce, a huge dollop of sriracha, oyster sauce, and hoisin sauce. I add cinnamon, cloves, garlic, pepper corns, star anise, and ginger and then I top it off with fresh jalapeno and a lime wedge. Yumm.
I think I just fell in love with a gay man...