Ballast caught fire!!! Help!

I just looked and one of my Hydrofarm 1000 watt ballasts was black, and the cord that attaches to it was completely melted! I am soooo glad my whole shed didnt burn down!!! The wood ceiling in the shed above the ballast was black too. What could have caused this??? Im freaking out please help me! :-(


Well-Known Member
dude..i dont even wanna think about something like that happening..i have my fans and everything all on one circuit its pretty strong never have anyproblems inless all the house lights are on that are connect to the circuit..prolly take it to a shop or just get a new one..


Well-Known Member
dude, really, ur lucky you werent doin it inside and were asleep when it happend. then you woulda had some serious problems. id take that shit back, u got a warranty?


Active Member
Just sayin the pics would be handy so we can see and add input. does it look black from smoke or did it actually burn the paint? does the plug go into the side or the bottom?
pics if possible!