Bad kitty! Clone-able?

My cat snuck in my room while I was watering and ate the leaves and bud off the lowest branches. Its been flowering for 3-4 weeks now and has some small leaves left on the end, im not sure it its leftover of new growth, is it worth tying to clone or should I just cut it off and toss it. I would rather not have the plant wasting energy on this branch so am going to snip it soon. Its a nice female, flowered quicker then its sisters so I wouldn't mind getting a clone off her but will the clone workout or have high chances of being f'd up since it was devoured by a cat.


Well-Known Member
Post pics man if you want an accurate answer. 3-4 weeks into flower is pushing it but it can and has been done


Well-Known Member
You can clone it if it weren't beat to hell, as it is your chances are lower but not impossible


Well-Known Member
Must be a huge room, cat ate your bud While you were watering? Lmao I love these threads... Cloning a flowering plant is not ideal, you have to revert the plants growth cycle... Pro tip for animal owner: always watch your feet when entering your grow room....


ROFL... mine sneaks into my basement and climbs up unfinished framing atop the drop ceiling over my grow rooms.

If we don't catch her in time, she leaves a stinker over the ceiling every time.

It's often heard screamed through my house, "shut the f'n cellar door"!!!


No not to be cloned past week 2 flower if you must even then it's pushing it on some strains that develop quickly.


Well-Known Member
My cat snuck in my room while I was watering and ate the leaves and bud off the lowest branches. Its been flowering for 3-4 weeks now and has some small leaves left on the end, im not sure it its leftover of new growth, is it worth tying to clone or should I just cut it off and toss it. I would rather not have the plant wasting energy on this branch so am going to snip it soon. Its a nice female, flowered quicker then its sisters so I wouldn't mind getting a clone off her but will the clone workout or have high chances of being f'd up since it was devoured by a cat.

Dead Kitty ☠☠☠