back to veg state from bloom

I have a skywalker og that i had outside and harvested did not ruin the roots and so dug up proper and put in grow bag and placed in happy frog soil and placed under 18hours on and 6hours off metal halide 400w light will it go back to veg for meand grow new branches? need info thanks guru's


Well-Known Member
If you left some healthy green leaves on it to allow for photosynthesis then it will most likely regenerate and start growing foliage soon.
what if there is no foliage only the main trunk and where i trimed. I seen it in a book with the harvested plants cut down and back in hydro pots but i'd think it be the same thing as far as soil but question is without foilage is it posible


Well-Known Member
I would guess no, that would be like growing a seedling without cotyledons. The stem might carry out photosynthesis in some specialized plants, although I doubt cannabis is one of them. For photosynthesis you need stomatas for gas exchange and these are not found in the stem.
has that ever been down do u know? i have dipn grow and know how to clone but never have clone a plant just cuttings ,can i tho if so how? thanks


Well-Known Member
You could resort to grafting (using the top of a foliage rich plant) if you really wanted to retrieve that stem. This will however result in a hybrid of the two plants involved in the process. Grafting is basically taking an upper portion of one plant and connecting it via the stem to the lower portion of the other related plant stem with roots.


Well-Known Member
You could resort to grafting (using the top of a foliage rich plant) if you really wanted to retrieve that stem. This will however result in a hybrid of the two plants involved in the process. Grafting is basically taking an upper portion of one plant and connecting it via the stem to the lower portion of the other related plant stem with roots.
huh sounds like a good idea. just like if you break a branch you can give it a splint and it will heal
wait how, okay i have my stmp in 2 gal grow bag with cut down 4 banches.. I jave other plants this was skywalker og and i have 3-og(triple og kush) how do i graph tho..
You could resort to grafting (using the top of a foliage rich plant) if you really wanted to retrieve that stem. This will however result in a hybrid of the two plants involved in the process. Grafting is basically taking an upper portion of one plant and connecting it via the stem to the lower portion of the other related plant stem with roots.
how do i do that i have my skywalker stump and nice vegging triple og kush how do i graph tho?


Well-Known Member
If you have more plants available that are alive and their stem is of similar diameter to the recipient you shall be able to do the following:
1. Cut the main stem on the harvested plant at an 45 degree angle to expose more surface area for the donor plant's stem
2. Cut the donor plant in half at the point of the stem where the diameter matches the recipient's at the same angle (45 degrees)
3. Use the upper portion of the donor's plant (which holds the foliage) to connect it to the lower portion of the recipient's (that contains the roots) plant and secure the connection with tape and some reinforcement structure (some sticks or rods) to prevent collapsing.